It’s taken a few days to get out of “vacation” mode and back into real life mode. I’m already back to work (boo), but I’m still trying to work myself back into my weird midnight shift sleeping schedule. Stepping back into pre-vacation routine in a sexual way has been both easy and tough.
ML had me locked back into the JB for the last two nights at work. Wearing the cage after two weeks of off time isn’t as uncomfortable as I thought it might be. I actually miss the feeling of the steel squeezing my cock as it tries to get hard. It brings an intense sensation that nothing else could do. So far my skin hasn’t had any chafing issues or anything like that, although I do need to remember to lube up to prevent the cage from getting “sticky” during longer lockups. Shaving will also help with that, as I am very shaggy and in dire need of some nether grooming at the moment.
As far as denial goes, that’s another thing I’m eager to get back into. Jan. 31st was my last orgasm, and will be my last for quite a while (ML wants to push me deep into summer with a six month-ish denial). I’m already feeling the hornies creeping up, where just about every movement of my body translates to the surge of tension in my cock. It’s wonderful. 🙂
The D/s relationship between ML and I is taking a little bit longer to jump start, as we kinda expected. We talked about the possible need for an intense session to get her feet wet (and pussy, presumably) and get her mind oriented in the right direction. I’m sure once we both feel the experience – me being controlled, ML feeling the dominance over me – it’ll be a lot easier to get things back on track.
I know how you feel CM I have also been given a six month term by Maam.