
All posts tagged cat

My Lady and I figured it was time, so we went out and got us some new pussy in the house.

Meet our new little kittens, Pepper & Coriander!


We could only go so long after we lost our good old kitty before we felt the need to have pets in our house again, so ML and I took a trip to the local shelter with the kids in tow. It didn’t take long for us to find these little guys. They are two brothers in a litter, so they spend about 70% of the day wrestling with each other. They are so much fun to watch!

They’ve only been in the house for two days, and they already feel like part of the family.

Yeah, I know… not any sex talk in this post, but I just wanted to share how freaking cute these kittens are! Plus, I couldn’t resist making the “new pussy” joke. 🙂