3 comments on “Bad to the Boner

  1. Monkey- there is a bit of a mental difference in being locked in a cage that you *won’t* [try to] get out of, versus a cage that you *can’t* get out of. It’s a matter of ‘choice’. Choosing to resist the temptation to escape/cheat/whatever you want to call it involves willpower and free will, while a cage from which escape is impossible removes the element of ‘free will’. Some of us find the element of the removal of free will desirable, we get off on the idea/reality of not having a ‘choice’, that once ‘locked in’ we will remain that way [i]whether we ‘want’ to or not[/i] until such time as someone else chooses to release us.

    For you, willing submission may be acceptable and desirable. Others, however, want to experience a greater sense of loss of control and risk. Consider an [imperfect] analogy of free-fall sky-diving: You can *choose* whether to jump out of the plane, or not, but once you have stepped out you have no longer have any ‘choice’- you are *committed* and [i]you *cannot* get back on that plane[/i] no matter how much you might want to. Your ‘chute will [i]probably[/i] open…but it might not, there is a risk, however small, that you could go *splat*. Another analogy might be a roller-coaster ride: You can choose to get on the ride, but once it starts, the operator is not going to stop the ride and let you out no matter how much you scream that you’ve changed your mind and want to get off- *that* is [at least part of] the thrill for us.

  2. I hate to contradict you but I actually have had a device fall off! I was walking up the stairs when I felt a gut wrenching pain and dropped to my knees. I pulled down my pants and my chrome chastity device had slid down over my penis shaft and then one of my testicles popped through as well. As the support of my pants was removed the other testicle followed suit, luckily with less pain.

    I was absolutely gutted. Luckily my Wife trusts me implicitly as we were in different countries at the time. I had an emergency key with me but we both decided that the device was hopelessly too big. That was my first device but only the first of three that were mistakes!

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