
All posts tagged release

My Lady and I don’t use a specific “release date” like some people do, because we feel it takes some control away from her. What if, for example, my release date comes and ML wants to keep me in chastity juuuuuuust a little bit longer? Is she obligated to give me an orgasm? Or, what if it’s not release day yet, and she just REALLY needs to have her cock?

Such was the situation last night. 🙂

My Lady and I had semi-date night at home – it was one of the rare nights I was actually at home and we had nothing to do. So we laid down with each other on the couch, had a few drinks, and got a bit touchy-feely with each other. I pleased her with my oral skills for quite a while, but she still needed more. Describing her pussy, in her own words, “she [was] frisky!”

After ten full days of constant lock up, My Lady needed to feel her cock inside her. So she unlocked me and allowed me to enter her. I’m pretty sure she enjoyed it very much.  🙂   I held off as long as I could until she gave me permission to cum inside her… and I wasted no time in doing that!!! It was so wonderful and intense. I nearly collapsed on top of her afterwards. We both seemed spent, although shortly after we were right back at it again!

I’m locked back up this morning, in the Birdcage this time – we will be sending the JB back for a size adjustment. Although every day is a possible release day in this house apparently, my next official “Maybe Day” is Christmas. I’ll certainly be dreaming of a white Christmas for the next 25 days!