
All posts tagged stockade

So, just a quick post because I’m really not in the mood to do anything more (you’ll understand why in a moment).

Today was my elbow surgery… or i should say i was scheduled to have elbow surgery. That’s an important distinction, because I ended up not having the surgery after my blood pressure went nuts. For a more detailed description of what happened, check out this TIFU post I wrote on Reddit.

So yeah… I’m pissed off, annoyed, disappointed… Just about any negative emotion you can mention, I’m feeling it right now. Today was supposed to be the first step in being pain free for the first time in over ten years. Instead, now I’m looking forward to more time gutting though elbow pain at work, inability to play certain bondage games with ML because of my arm strength limitations (forget hearing about how it feels to be locked in the stockade for quite some time)… oh, and bye bye to that month off of work that I was looking forward to spending time with my wife and family.

I’ll admit, I’ve been a little bit obsessed over our new fucking machine toy. There are just so many possibilities with this thing, my mind is flooded with possibilities! The idea of being slowly tortured by a machine that will never get tired, never feel bad for me, and I’m just forced to take what it gives me.

My Lady already touched on some of these fantasies in her previous post, such as being restrained and forced to watch her get fucked good and hard by the machine. I’m also very interested in how it will feel being slowly and deliberately pegged while locked in the stockade. Even the thought of being pegged by ML while the machine takes my mouth is really hot.

But, without a doubt, my strongest fantasy involves being slowly stroked by the machine for a long, LONG time. I’ve watched the video from ML’s last post quite a few times, and it really gets me going.

I imagine ML locking me in the stockade nice and tight, the waist pad set high enough so I can’t move my hips even the slightest inch. She then sets up the machine to stroke my cock at a maddeningly slow pace, enough to keep me hovering right near my orgasm but never enough to push me over; constant, unyielding teasing that i cannot escape from. My body tries to get the friction and speed it so badly needs to cum by thrusting forward, but the stockade prevents any movement at all. I have no way of getting what I need. I can only wait as the machine slowly breaks me.

As I slowly and inevitably lose my mind from sexual torture, ML goes about her day, often stopping by to rub my face in her pussy or to simply masturbate to orgasm right in front of me, tempting me with the pleasure that is dangling right out of reach.

Keeping me well lubed, My Lady uses the machine to torture me for hours and hours, perhaps even giving herself a nice good cum before drifting off to sleep. The machine doesn’t let me rest for a moment, continuously stroking me as ML sleeps soundly in the bed above me. How long would it take me to completely break down, sobbing and crying in desperate need for the torment to end one way or another? And how much longer would I be forced to endure it?

This fantasy sounds like it could end up feeling like pure hell by the end of it, yet it is something I know that I must experience. I need to feel what it’s like to be in that situation – completely powerless to stop the sexual torture that is being done to me. I wonder if ML has any plans to make this a reality for me.