
All posts tagged  titanium 

ML and I have been trying out some different piercings for my nipples – mainly because I’ve had to take them out for my back MRIs, but also because we’ve been trying to see if we like the look of anything different there. We’ve tried different types of bars with different colored/sizes balls, and even recently tried rings.

A secondary goal of trying the new piercings was to try to reduce the amount of scar tissue on my nipples. Because the original bars I had in were so short, the balls had pulled up against my skin and made little “nubs” on my nipples.

It seemed to be working for a while, and I was even liking the look of the new piercings. But then I started to notice some issues with them – I was starting to have reactions to them (itchy, not healing properly, etc.).

I first noticed the reactions to bars that were titanium… or, at least, the Amazon seller claimed they were titanium. Then I had a problem with the rings that were supposedly surgical steel – seriously, wtf? I didn’t have a problem with other steel bars, why such issues with the rings?

ML and I are working under the assumption that the stuff she bought online wasn’t necessarily titanium or steel, that they were maybe something less inert and I reacted to it. From now on, we are only going to get our stuff from shops that can vouch for their materials. We haven’t given up on the rings completely, we just need to be less trusting of the internet, lol.

At the moment, I have plastic placeholders in my nipples (since I have an MRI Monday morning anyway). Hopefully these will give my nipples a chance to chill out a little and relax.