We have been fully moved in our new Midwest USA Apartment now for about a week. I’ve been working hard this week getting things unpacked and finding them places to be in the new place. We needed a few things to be taken care of by the maintenance staff before we could actually get our bed fully put up. Who knew there was a ceiling fan in our room? Crazy!
Anyway, there is obviously still more unpacking to do but tonight I’m taking off from all of that and I’m going to give my urges the attention they need. This evening I am taking the kids swimming and leaving cagedmonkey here to take care of a few tasks I have for him. He will be finding a few toys and getting our room ready for play. I want the kids good and tired out tonight after dinner so they sleep deep tonight.
I’ve got some incredibly strong urges for bondage and a good spanking and tonight, I’m giving in to those urges! I’m sure you will ‘ve hearing about it soon!
I’m wondering what states you consider the Midwest? I currently live in Kansas. I wouldnt know why anyone would want to move here given our Educational Funding issues and the Idiot Governor!
I guess I consider anything in the more top middle of the US as Midwest… Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky 🙂