
All posts tagged kinky

Admittedly, it’s super hard lately to keep ourselves in the kink frame of mind… especially with everything that’s been going on lately. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’m horny just about every single day. After all, going 5+ months without an orgasm will do that to you. It’s just that it’s not that easy to keep sex, orgasm denial, and chastity on the forefront of your mind with all of the things out there to be worried about.

But we’re trying.

ML is still keeping me locked up as much as possible (as much as my recovery from back surgery will allow), and is teasing me as often as she can (tough to get a good groove going when the kids go to bed so late with no school the next day). She’s still amazingly good at ruining my orgasms, and of course she still has her beautiful tits and sexy ass.

So that’s all good news.

More good news is that we’ve actually been working on making time for special things – not only for us personally, but also for this blog. We’ve got a couple of new toy reviews that will be coming up soon, and some new sexy outfits for ML to do some photo shoots with. Annnnnnnnd…. we are also putting together a VERY special surprise for our podcast fans this summer, so stay tuned for a can’t-miss episode!

In these uncertain times (God, I HATE that phrase), it’s important to hold onto the things that are normal when you can. And we’ll be doing our best to get back to normal here at Monkey In A Cage, as soon as we can!

I was driving to the store today, and a couple of blocks away from my house I noticed a woman getting mail from her mailbox. The main reason I noticed her was because she has a full head of purple hair… or maybe it was blue, I’m actually colorblind.


Now it’s not like anyone with colored hair is automatically a kinky type of person, but it got me thinking about the neighborhood that we live in.

When we moved into this house a few months ago, there was no way to tell that the neighborhood was any more or less special than any other place to live. But it turns out that some of people in our subdivision are members of the local fetish community. It’s actually very cool to be able to have an unscheduled get-together (with or without sexy time), and not have to worry about transportation other than walking a few streets away… or, even right next door.

It would be one thing if we had planned it this way, but it was a complete accident ending up in this situation. What are the odds that we would end up finding people like this in the neighborhood we moved into after we moved here?

Then again… maybe the odds are better than I think? Here’s what I mean: kinks seem to be a little bit more regular in my generation as compared to those before it. With me and my generation now becoming adults and homeowners, perhaps it was only a matter of time before the population of an entire town ended up more kinky than not.

Vanilla, Kinky, Marriage, Kids – It’s a balancing act. As you know we recently started going to some munches and getting together with new friends in our kinky world, not to mention we bought a new house and our kids activities all week after school and on weekends. Life has felt much like a whirlwind and slightly like trying to balance spinning plates on poles – I’ll have to admit I’m not that great at balancing. In the one who troops and falls UP the stairs lol. I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the little behind the scenes things that need to happen in life to make things go smoothly. 

It’s really awesome having friends and we love getting together with them and going to munches but for a bit there I really felt like so much of my time was looking for ways to get rid of the kids for the night so we could go to munches or other kinky events. I started to feel like I was missing and losing out on the family time with my husband and kids that is so very important while they are this age. It felt like every weekend we were constantly running and doing something or going somewhere. 

In the midst of kids and life and going out and getting involved in all these new fun things our kinky play together has gotten lost… again balance! It’s been extremely hard to find time for family time, kinky time, vanilla hubby/wife time, friend time… all of it. I get feelings of inadequacy when I can’t make time for it all, when I can’t find the necessary balance to fit it all in. I’m sure people have noticed that I’ve pulled back a bit, I’m not as active as I was, I’m not as chatty as I was. I’m still struggling to find what I need to make it all work and, right now, I’m trying to focus on my family, my kids, buying this house and all the little things that come along with that and getting back my kinky time with cagedmonkey. I miss it… I miss the intense tease and denial and the playtime we would have. I miss being crazy horny for each other all the time. There are things I miss that we would do more consistently. We keep trying to get in rope trial time and just the different things we enjoy about our kink. It just feels like it is constantly getting set aside because there is something else that needs to come first… Like sleep, work, kids, whatever.

Anyway, just letting you all in to where I am and how I’ve been feeling. I’m working to pull those things together and find that balance and I know I will I just feel like I suck at it right now and I’m letting every one down. 

I have to admit, my sex life is pretty damn great at the moment. Not only are My Lady and I having the time of our lives with each other, we’ve been enjoying the opportunity to share this side of our lives with some “like minded” people that we have met recently. It’s been crazy and fun and exciting all at the same time.

But then, sometimes, I just wanna tell real life to go screw itself.

I understand that ML and I are more than just kinky bloggers on the internet – we are people, parents, family members. We have situations that come up that are more important than finding a new way for ML to torture me sexually. I know this, and I accept this… but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

It has been a little while since ML and I have enjoyed some serious play time together. Since we moved, we have been able to take advantage of Grandma’s babysitting services; this allowed us to have some time with no kids in the house (so we could be as loud as we wanted, wink wink) and we also found time to go to a couple of fetish meet-ups in our area (more on that later). It was something that was difficult to set up in the past, thanks to living so far away from our families and the somewhat special needs of our daughter requiring more than your garden variety babysitter. So, as you can imagine, it was a relief to not have to worry about having the kids in the house when, for instance, ML wanted to lock me in the stockade and abuse my ass with the fucking machine.

So, as you can also imagine, it was kind of a letdown when plans fell through to leave the kids at Grandma’s for Thanksgiving weekend. I’ll admit I have an issue with expectations, although I’m much better than I used to be. But when it’s been a while since My Lady and I have had time to play, and we are looking forward to a weekend of the house to ourselves… it’s hard not to feel like I’m being screwed (and not in any of the ways I was hoping for).

It just seems like whenever ML and I want to get some time in for some fun, we never quite get around to it. Our podcast is a great example: we’ve had tons of fun recording our podcast episodes, and we are so happy that they’ve become so popular with our followers. We’ve wanted to do an episode on the fetish meet-up that we went to for weeks now, but various distractions keep popping up (work schedule, kids schedule, appointments, etc.). It’s frustrating, to say the least.

Like I said, I’ve been doing a lot better with this type of thing lately… but I can’t help it when those feelings of “when again?” start to materialize. I know that I can just be patient, that we have plenty of time together – the other day, ML and I were talking about anniversary plans for years ahead, and ML said, “I think, when we hit our 20th anniversary, I’m just going to be totally wet all the time” (how great is that???) – but I don’t want to be patient. I want more of the good stuff. 🙂

So I’ve been craving something “scene-y” for the past couple of days; not really anything crazy or new, but just something intense. Acknowledging the craving is okay, because I know it’s not something I will go without for long. I’m just trying to stop myself from asking that all-too-familiar question of mine: “When?”

Yes, that’s right. I’m doing one of those holiday posts with a stupid holiday theme.

Obligatory turkey picture.

Okay, so my post isn’t going to be THAT bad. The reason I usually hate holiday posts is because it always seems so forced. But, honestly, I was thinking about writing something like this last weekend… why not wait until it actually makes sense? 🙂

It’s hard to write a “Things I’m Thankful For” list without having it sound like bragging, but fuck it. I’ll give it a try.

Cagedmonkey’s Thanksgiving Thankful List

1) I’m thankful that I got to cum in 2016. It may seem like a shallow thing to be thankful for, but I dare you to  say that after you’ve given up on the idea of having an orgasm for an entire year. I was ready to go the for all of 2016 without cumming, mainly because I knew that ML would hold me to it if it was her desire to go that long. Thankfully, she changed her mind after just under 10 months of denial.  I’ve been allowed a few orgasms since then, but ML has been denying me for about a week or two. Ironically, I’m more horny now than I’ve been all year…

2) I’m thankful to have a partner who shares my kinks and sexual desires. After being exposed to so many people in the kink scene over the past month (exposed meaning both “meeting” and “standing in front of while wearing nothing but my chastity cage”), I’ve come to realize that my situation is actually extremely unique. I managed to find a woman who perfectly matches my sexual needs and shares my fantasies… and luckiest of all, I happened to be married to her! The discoveries that My Lady and I have made (and continue to make) about ourselves and our relationship show us just how perfect we are for each other. On top of all that, she’s fucking sexy as hell and her pussy feels great on my cock… I couldn’t ask for more! Not everyone gets to experience this type of thing, and I’m very grateful for sharing my life with her.

3) I’m thankful for where I am in my life. Yeah, the real life emotional crap. For a while, there was a lot of uncertainty in my life. Things were going well, but it always seemed like there was something out of place that was preventing everything from clicking. But now, over the past few months, it seems like that’s changing. I have a loving wife, a wonderful family, a job I truly enjoy, and a community that I feel I fit in with. With all of the uncertainty that the future now brings with it, it feels good to have a sense of balance and know that my family and I can make it through anything life throws at us.

4) I’m thankful for these.

Obligatory huge tits pic.

You didn’t think I’d leave you without a pic of ML’s beautiful big titties, did you?

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have been fully moved in our new Midwest USA Apartment now for about a week. I’ve been working hard this week getting things unpacked and finding them places to be in the new place. We needed a few things to be taken care of by the maintenance staff before we could actually get our bed fully put up. Who knew there was a ceiling fan in our room? Crazy!

Anyway, there is obviously still more unpacking to do but tonight I’m taking off from all of that and I’m going to give my urges the attention they need. This evening I am taking the kids swimming and leaving cagedmonkey here to take care of a few tasks I have for him. He will be finding a few toys and getting our room ready for play. I want the kids good and tired out tonight after dinner so they sleep deep tonight.

I’ve got some incredibly strong urges for bondage and a good spanking and tonight, I’m giving in to those urges! I’m sure you will ‘ve hearing about it soon!

Recently, cagedmonkey and I ended up with some extremely rare alone time and we got in some playtime. We’ve needed this time together for awhile since we moved and it just happened to work out that we got it. We both wanted to take a few minutes to explain why this time is important to us as a kinky couple as well as for each of us emotionally. It actually might help others understand why the like to do some of the things they like to do sexually. A lot of times it comes down to healing from our past. Please understand we are not professionals, we have never claimed to be, we simply have worked hard on ourselves and our relationship over the years and have learned a lot. We love to share our thoughts and views on things in hopes that it might help someone out on their journey!

In therapy there is something called “Act it Out” exercises. We have never actively done this kind of therapy but we have read about it in the past couple years and discussed it’s benefits with our therapist. Cagedmonkey and I have realized how helpful this kind of therapy can be for people who have had childhood trauma and/or abuse in whatever form. There are so many ways a kid can be screwed up by things, whether it’s physical or emotional. Most of the time, abuse survivors will hold back, hide, fear expressing their feelings or being themselves and sometimes even end up losing relationships in their lives that are important because they don’t know how to show who they really are. There are therapists out there who incorporate acting exercises into therapy sessions to help abuse survivors to come out from behind the curtain and face their fears and their feelings. That’s the simple version of it because I don’t want to turn this post into a REALLY long post on psychology. As always, if you want to know more about “Act it Out” exercises please do some googling! 🙂

I’m sure you can imagine how the whole “Act it Out” thing comes in handy in a kinky relationship. It addresses all those sexual feelings we may feel embarrassed by or afraid to admit, even to ourselves. Having a safe partner to act things out with is crucial. Whether you have a trusted sex therapist to talk to about these things or just awesome communication with your partner – either way gives you the release you may need, to work through some of the bottled up feelings and fears you have hidden away inside.

He Said: Some people might think it’s kind of crazy, how ML and I use our “mental issues” and our traumatizing pasts as part of our sex lives. I wouldn’t suggest just anyone trying it; ML and I wouldn’t go this deep without having really strong communication between us, otherwise the potential for hurting each other would be too great.

My Lady can explain to you how I fit her needs better than I can, but I’ll just say that I take great pleasure in being what she needs. As for my needs being filled, ML represents a way for me to make up for past mistakes.

To give enough background for this without getting too deep or wordy, I’ll start by saying that I spent a good part of my childhood getting away with things. I was a “mama’s boy” and the youngest in my family, which basically meant I was able to do whatever I wanted without worrying about the consequences. It’s a good thing I wasn’t too much out of control, otherwise I could have ended up in some real bad situations.

Anyway, the kink that ML and I share gives me a chance to make up for the discipline I missed. She is the firm, demanding, “mother-like” figure I needed as a child, only now she uses her control in a sexual manner.

It sounds totally fucked up… and maybe it is. Maybe it’s crazy for ML to take her anger against men out on me, or for me to look to her to make me pay for mistakes I made years ago. But we both know that it is a safe way for us to work through our issues and heal old wounds and have some damn good sex at the same time. The mental/emotional connection that we have during it makes everything so intense and amazing.


She Said: I’ll take a minute to get a little personal with you all to help you understand why this Domme/sub relationship we have and the things we do are so incredibly helpful for me. When I was a kid I was always put down, told I was not good enough and that I would never have anything good because I didn’t act a certain way or look a certain way. On top of that I was sexually abused as a young child so I’m sure you can imagine the demons I have hiding inside of me. I have found during this journey with my wonderful, amazing husband that I need the man that he is. I need a man who is a MAN, who can show me how he loves me for who I am and how I am and how I look. I also need a man who is willing to submit to me and let me control, at times, even the little things. I was made to feel so worthless and pointless as a kid and teenager, not to mention completely helpless by an older man. Now I get to face the fear that those things are really true about me and I get to use the kink that I enjoy to help me dig through the baggage I carry from childhood.

When I am dominating my hubby and controlling him I feel like I am being listened to. When I tell him (politely yet demanding) to do something and he says “Yes, ma’am,” I feel important and worthwhile. I feel like I have something to give, like what I say and do means something. When I control him, even the little things, it makes me feel more powerful than that little girl who sat there being told she would never amount to anything because she wasn’t pretty enough or thin enough. I feel more powerful than the child who was beaten because she “couldn’t do anything right,” because she “didn’t clean that right,” and would never get a husband because she’s “too fat.” Yes, seriously I was told those things and so many other horrible things you may wonder why in the fuck I even still talk to my mother. After the welts she left on my back from not doing things just the way she wanted them done.

This is sexual side of things makes me feel even more powerful. After feeling so completely helpless as a child by this older man in my life, you can only imagine the feelings I have and the emotions inside that come from dominating a man sexually. How it feels to force HIM to do things he maybe doesn’t want to do, to force HIM to take what I give him and make HIM feel completely helpless because of me. I get off so very much on feeling that power, of making him take things from me and causing that reaction in him. Those moans, those whimpers and the begging and pleading with me, the one who is controlling his pain or his pleasure. It’s ME who’s got this big strong man where I want him forcing him to endure whatever I want because in that moment, I’m the stronger one. I’m the more powerful one. Perhaps not physically stronger but mentally and emotionally, I’m the one with all the power. I say what happens and when it stops. It fuels me and gives me back what was ripped from away from me as a child. My identity, my life, taken away when I was so small. In those few moments when I’m grabbing my husbands throat and making him do what I want, or making him feel what I want him to feel, it gives me back the power of myself.


I hope by both of us writing this out for you guys helps you get to know us a little bit better and helps you when you worry about some of the things you may like sexually. It’s ok to like them and it’s perfectly fine to Act it Out with someone safe!

The stars aligned the other day, and I happened to get a day off of work during the week. This gave My Lady and I some time together with absolutely no kids in the house. She took advantage of this time by making me scream and cry with a rough pegging. What a way to spend your day off, huh?

ML cuffed my hands to the bed above my head, then she used the Easy Access Thigh Restraint Sling to position me with my knees up to my chest and my legs spread. I felt very slutty right then, wide open and vulnerable. I couldn’t close my legs even if I wanted to.


She began to rub the tip of her strapon against my asshole, and my cock quickly began to stiffen. “Ooooh, you like being my little slut, don’t you,” ML teased me as she began to stroke me. “I bet your cock will even harder when I start sliding my big fake cock in your ass.” She slowly pushed the strapon inside me, and we found out she was absolutely right.


ML stroked my cock and quickly brought me to the edge, and I whimpered and squirmed as she teased me. I wanted my hands free badly; after a month-plus of teasing and denial, I was desperate to touch myself and cum, whether or not there was a big rubber dildo in my ass or not.

ML kept me teetering on the edge, using my cock as a handle as she fucked me with the strapon. I could see ML was enjoying taking me on my back, being able to look into my eyes as she penetrated me, but I could also tell something was missing for her. She couldn’t fuck me with the force she wanted to. After not getting any chances to peg me for so long, she wanted to take me roughly. She wanted to hurt me.

ML took the thigh restraints off me and told me to turn over on the bed. With my hands still cuffed to the bed, I was defenseless. She had me where she needed me in order to take me as she wanted.

ML was not gentle with me. After not having much ass play for the past few months, I probably needed some time to get accustomed to the size of her strapon… time that My Lady was not willing to give. She pushed the strapon deep into my ass, filling me almost completely after only a few strokes. I kicked my legs against the mattress to try to deal with the pain, since it was my only option. She continued to abuse my ass, giving me no time to gather myself, until I was sobbing and begging her to stop. I was glad that there were no kids in the house, because I couldn’t have kept my volume down even if I needed to.

When ML had her fill of me (pun intended), she thrusted deep into my ass one last time. With the strapon still in my ass, she unhooked the waistband from herself, reversed it, and hooked it around my waist, effectively strapping the dildo firmly into my ass.

ML then laid down next to me and reached for her wand. It was ML’s turn to take advantage of the kids not being around.

ML started by using the wand through her panties, getting them even more soaked than they already were from pegging me. Once they were good and wet, she took them off and shoved them in my mouth, letting me taste her while I watched her please herself. She then used the wand to bring herself to a massive, screaming orgasm, which lasted a good half minute before she started to come down. But even after that, she still wasn’t satisfied.

My Lady uncuffed me and told me to get up and fuck her. I nearly lept off the mattress, until I realized the dildo was still strapped inside my ass. She wanted me to fuck her with the strapon still in my ass! She knew exactly what I was thinking, and said, “Yes, be a good boy and fuck my pussy with your cock while mine fucks your ass.”

Her pussy was as wet as it had ever been as my cock slid easily inside her. I was close to cumming after only a few thrusts, but I managed to hold off. I nearly had a handle on the situation when ML wrapped her legs around my waist and used her feet to push the dildo deeper into my ass. I jumped forward reflexively, shoving myself balls deep into ML’s pussy and triggering another screaming orgasm from her. Her pussy grabbed and squeezed my cock as she came hard and loud, and my body wanted to cum with her so badly. I somehow managed to hold off… maybe the big rubber cock in my ass distracted me just enough.

ML’s timing was perfect – we had just a few minutes for aftercare before she had to go pick up my daughter from school. Back to real life we went, where we are parents instead of kinky fuckers we truly are inside. I couldn’t forget the morning, though… not with my poor asshole twitching and throbbing all day long, and definitely not with ML looking at me and giving me that knowing smile all day long.

If you’ve been following along, you know I’ve had some Dommy confidence issues. I’ve been trying to get myself back into the organized, always have a plan, Domme that I am. After taking almost two weeks off to enjoy some beautiful Caribbean weather, it has been quite the task getting back organized.

Thanks to locking hubby up, talking about an intense D/s session with him, chatting all sexy with friends in email, text and Twitter and getting back to reading sexy blogs, I’m feeling much better about my kinky state. I will admit I was a bit worried that I lost my kinky but I think it just came down to not being in a kinky environment. I’m definitely a chameleon and have always been when it comes to social situations. I can fit in anywhere and be what I need to be to fit in – always continuing to be myself in the process but censoring what needs to be censored out of respect for the rest of the world. So I feel like spending 2 weeks in the “vanilla” world and not thinking or really even talking kinky set me back. It’s coming back all kinds of lovely now. 🙂

The past few days, as I’ve said, I’ve had some chats with people and read some stuff that has gotten my creative fantasy juices flowing, not to mention other juices. I thought I’d come here and write them down. This way you all get to enjoy my kinky fantasy thoughts and I get to get all turned on thinking about you enjoying them. And what you might be doing with yourself while enjoying them – if you are lucky enough not to be locked in a cage that is. 🙂

I’ve had some amazing thoughts going on, from spanking to sensory deprivation, from simple bondage to full on Doggystyle Stockade with an attached fucking machine.

I was looking through pics on my phone and found one of cagedmonkey’s gorgeous ass, nice and red after I spanked him over my knee bare handed. Good God is it a beautiful thing to look at and remember how it feels to spank him as he squirms and whimpers in my lap. I started to think about how much enjoyment I get when using my paddle too. When I have him bound spread eagle, face down on the bed spanking his ass, thighs and even spreading those cheeks and giving his tight little asshole a swat.
I also recently read, over at Chastity Forums I think, about a guy who’s wife made him wear rubber gloves as a way to diminish his sensation when touching her, or something like that… so that got me thinking a lot about sensory deprivation. I’ve often tried to think of a way that I could deprive cagedmonkey of some of his senses, including touch, but still get what I need from him – like his touch! So this whole rubber glove thing got me going. If I’ve got cagedmonkey restrained, in the hood, ear buds in with something playing on his S5 or iPod, caged but having the RodeoH and my favorite dildo attached and rubber gloves on him there is quite a bit of possibility there. I just think there is an awful lot of frustration to be had while I’m able to please myself and he can feel absolutely nothing.

My thoughts have also gone deeper, rather quickly, as my need to dominate my husband sexually has increased. I’ve started thinking a lot about the Doggystle stockade we’ve mentioned in the past wanting to get. We’ve had all kinds of mindfuck sessions thinking about the things we could do with a piece of furniture like this. Even more recently we’ve gotten even more intense with our fantasies and added in thoughts of the attached fucking machine (which led us to the site linked above).

So many fantastic, naughty things could happen with this set up. Not only could we do some of the things mentioned in previous posts, while hubby is being excruciatingly slowly violated by the fucking machine but we could also use it as a torture device. The site we’ve been looking at also has Fleshlight attachments for the fucking machine which could be used to force fuck cagedmonkey for, potentially, hours at whatever pace a please. Perhaps juuuuuuuuust slow enough that he can’t cum but not too slow that he could lose his erection. Or, perhaps, it could be used to continue stroking him post orgasm for some torture. So many ideas ranging from forced anal violation to forced orgasms but isn’t that why I’m in control? I get to decide when and what sexual pleasure or torture he will have to endure and for how long.

The other thing I’ve been fantasizing about with having this machine, since we aren’t into the actual physical side of cuckolding, is the potential to kind of cuckold cagedmonkey. I could fuck myself with the machine in every way I like over and over, having him tied in the stackade portion, forced to watch me cum. Forced to see the pleasure I get while he is locked there wishing he was the one pleasing me. Watching as a machine takes his place and fucks his wife inches from his face where he can smell my sex and is aching and dripping, wanting to taste me… feel me… touch me.

As you can see my naughty, kinky thoughts are coming back just fine. I am loving being back home because I’m getting that, ever so intense, growly, hungry, animalistic, horny growing inside me and I need to take it out on cagedmonkey.

As ML was riding my cock the other day, I couldn’t help but think: GOD, I WANNA CUM SO BAD.

No, that wasn’t it. Well, it was, but that wasn’t all of it. There’s a point to this post, other than the fact that I’m desperate for an orgasm.

ML was riding me in this special way, where we both say she does it “like a guy.” My legs end up spread and her legs are together between mine, and she grinds herself down on my cock. It’s one of her favorite ways to ride me, and she’s done it that way ever since the first time we were together.

As she rubbed her pussy up and down my throbbing cock, I started to think back on our relationship.

ML and I were always horny as fuck for each other from the very start. There was this one time where I spent literally all day eating her pussy in order to see how many orgasms I could give her in a day (the answer, by the way, was 37). That was part of an entire weekend we spent in a room together, pretty much fucking in some sense for every moment possible, making the whole room smell like sex in the process.

We were no strangers to kink. We dabbled in some bondage as well as some tease and denial. And through it all, ML was always the dominant one. It was natural, it was fun, and it was good. We had damn good fucking sex.

Now, our sex life has evolved into where we are today. Chastity wasn’t just a natural extension of our kinkiness, it was almost inevitable. ML was always the aggressive one, she was the one in control. I was always submissive, the one willing to serve. Chastity just makes our roles that much more defined. Orgasm denial makes our experience that much more intense.