
All posts tagged back

Things are in an interesting place in the MinaC household. On the one hand, both ML and I are anticipating another try for a full year of orgasm denial – while I know I will eventually be horribly desperate to cum by the end of it, we both miss the intensity and the crazy horniness that it brings to both of us. My Lady is particularly excited about incorporating more ruined orgasms into the mix, which will hopefully somewhat fulfill her desire to see me cum without giving me the pleasure of a full orgasm. It’ll also most likely drive my frustration even stronger (another positive in ML’s eyes).

On the other hand, certain “situations” have developed that have put some limits on my ability to wear my chastity cage, specifically overnight. I’ve been experiencing some pretty severe back pain over the past few months, which was confirmed as a herniated disc by MRI.

Wearing the cage at night often leads to middle-of-the-night erections that cause such bad pain that I can’t sleep. Now, before y’all start in with the “OMG chastity caused your herniated disc!” BS —

— I’m almost 100% sure I injured it during our recent move. Just because it hurts now because of it, doesn’t mean it originally caused it. If you break your ankle skiing, it’s gonna hurt if you walk on it; you didn’t break your ankle by walking on it.

It’s kind of a bummer to not be able to wear the cage indefinitely at this time; I feel like I’m taking away ML’s choice in how long I wear the cage (to be fair, it was ML’s decision to allow me to sleep cageless for now). I would really like to wear the cage for days or even weeks at a time if she desires – my desperation for just a simple erection can get very intense – but it’s just not doable right now.

The weird thing is that when I get sexually aroused in the cage, it doesn’t lead to the pain that the mid-sleep ones do. It’s almost as if it’s a different type of erection that occurs. This is good – at least My Lady gets to see my cock struggling in its cage while she teases me. That’s one of her favorite things about keeping me in chastity!

So, depending on how we decide to address my back pain issue (surgery is a definite possibility in the near future), things may get better quickly or maybe not-so-quickly. I’m just hoping for some improvement in the future. I want ML to be able to keep me in the cage for as long as she wants, not as long as I can manage.