
All posts tagged frustrated

Literal answer to rhetorical question alert!

the state or practice of refraining sexual intercourse.

As I was putting my cage on after shaving yesterday, I started thinking about exactly what this is that ML and I are doing. It’s easy to call it “chastity” but is it really that?

As you can see from the definition above (thank you, Google), chastity usually involves less (or perhaps even no) sex. Since ML began locking my cock in a cage, we’ve been have more – and BETTER – sex than ever. That’s like the opposite of chastity!

My Lady is in complete control of when and how much sex we have. And keeping my cock locked up all to herself gets her pretty damn horny, so we end up having sex pretty often. The cage doesn’t even stop her from having my cock when she wants it – she will have sex with even even while I’m caged, and she loves every minute of torturing me like that.


You cannot imagine how frustrating it is to feel her warm wet pussy on my cock, yet I’m still unable to get hard. My cock certainly tries, but always fails. ML has has many orgasms on my caged cock as I throb helplessly against the steel. It often feels like I could cum, but it’s only wishful thinking. I’m left as frustrated as ever, often with a painfully full cage as ML drifts off into blissful post-orgasmic sleep.

So, we will continue to call it “chastity,” even though it’s something different at the heart if it. It’s not about refraining from sex; if anything, it drives us to want it more. For us, it’s about control. ML controls me sexually, not just my orgasms but even my erections. She will have sex with me when she wants, whether she allows me to have a erection or not.