Kinky and we have kids

All posts tagged Kinky and we have kids

Things here with Kid1 have been very stressful. For those who haven’t read the What’s This All About page or follow us on Twitter, our oldest child is on the Autism Spectrum. She also has some other medical issues but that is neither here nor there, that’s just something that can add to the stress sometimes. She’s been on medication since she was about 4 years old for her inability to control her emotions and that she can even get violent. Anyway recently we have tried to switch her to a new medication and it has been an extremely horrible experience. I just made an urgent call to her Behavioral Pediatrician today about it.
My point in telling you all that is because we have been finding it very hard to find time to connect. That’s not to say we haven’t had a few little sexy moments or little teases here or there. Even through all this we manage days like the other day, where I tease and torment cagedmonkey all day. The problem is the in between times where the horny is completely lost due to a child having a complete breakdown and my ulcer flaring up and being totally worn down by the whole thing. That small connection we were able to make, physically or emotionally, was now severed by a screaming, yelling, flailing around 10 year old girl.

Like I said, we actually HAVE been connecting but it doesn’t feel that way, especially at night when I’m so exhausted. I’ve usually spent all day handling the girl child and then both of the kids when kid2 gets home. I end up falling asleep earlier than normal and missing out on texting hubby while he’s at work. I’m missing him terribly by the next morning when he finally gets home… But then he’s off to bed so I’m still not seeing him for 6 or 7 hours.

Life and marriage with kids is hard and this is one thing that can really put a damper on a sex life. Even cagedmonkey tried for like two days to write his last post but dealing with kid issues and busyness at work dragged it out. I’m just glad we are able to communicate these things with each other. That we are able to say we aren’t feeling as good of a connection as we need, emotionally. It really keeps our relationship healthy when we can help each other out by giving more of what we need to feel a greater connection.