
All posts tagged neighbors

I was driving to the store today, and a couple of blocks away from my house I noticed a woman getting mail from her mailbox. The main reason I noticed her was because she has a full head of purple hair… or maybe it was blue, I’m actually colorblind.


Now it’s not like anyone with colored hair is automatically a kinky type of person, but it got me thinking about the neighborhood that we live in.

When we moved into this house a few months ago, there was no way to tell that the neighborhood was any more or less special than any other place to live. But it turns out that some of people in our subdivision are members of the local fetish community. It’s actually very cool to be able to have an unscheduled get-together (with or without sexy time), and not have to worry about transportation other than walking a few streets away… or, even right next door.

It would be one thing if we had planned it this way, but it was a complete accident ending up in this situation. What are the odds that we would end up finding people like this in the neighborhood we moved into after we moved here?

Then again… maybe the odds are better than I think? Here’s what I mean: kinks seem to be a little bit more regular in my generation as compared to those before it. With me and my generation now becoming adults and homeowners, perhaps it was only a matter of time before the population of an entire town ended up more kinky than not.