
All posts tagged normalcy

Admittedly, it’s super hard lately to keep ourselves in the kink frame of mind… especially with everything that’s been going on lately. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’m horny just about every single day. After all, going 5+ months without an orgasm will do that to you. It’s just that it’s not that easy to keep sex, orgasm denial, and chastity on the forefront of your mind with all of the things out there to be worried about.

But we’re trying.

ML is still keeping me locked up as much as possible (as much as my recovery from back surgery will allow), and is teasing me as often as she can (tough to get a good groove going when the kids go to bed so late with no school the next day). She’s still amazingly good at ruining my orgasms, and of course she still has her beautiful tits and sexy ass.

So that’s all good news.

More good news is that we’ve actually been working on making time for special things – not only for us personally, but also for this blog. We’ve got a couple of new toy reviews that will be coming up soon, and some new sexy outfits for ML to do some photo shoots with. Annnnnnnnd…. we are also putting together a VERY special surprise for our podcast fans this summer, so stay tuned for a can’t-miss episode!

In these uncertain times (God, I HATE that phrase), it’s important to hold onto the things that are normal when you can. And we’ll be doing our best to get back to normal here at Monkey In A Cage, as soon as we can!