orgasm headache

All posts tagged orgasm headache

My brain is smiling at you!

I thought I would write a quick post about my ct scan results. We’ve had a lot of people ask and rather than having to keep answering individually, I’ll do it here! So, the answer is, NOTHING! No, really, there are no masses or anything significant, physically, wrong with my brain. Which is good news in itself but annoying that now the doctor is sending me to a neurologist to do some more investigation. I, unfortunately, can’t get in to see the neurologist until late January but if they felt something was really wrong then I assume they’d be rushing an appointment. I’m just glad it wasn’t something big and it seems like it’s more than likely one of the many things wrong with me that no one can explain haha. 

Now, as for the whole doctor ordered denial thing… Well, screw that! haha I do not handle denial well, however, I am being extra careful not to have those mega intense orgasms with the wand. I’m also taking a more aware approach and really paying attention if I’m holding my breath during orgasm and making sure that I breathe! Thanks to Mrs. Fever for her comment and letting me know I’m not alone in many of the things I’m experiencing in my life. It was actually nice to hear someone else deals with pain on a regular basis, yet still does what they can to function in their kink! 

Also, a big thank you so much to everyone who has written and checked in on me! I appreciate you all so much! 

No, seriously, the doctor said I’m not allowed to orgasm until we figure out what’s going on.

And yes, I really do have a medical diagnosis code G44.82 for my sex headaches. The doctor is looking into them by doing a CT scan of my head, to start. This will at least give us something to look at and see if there is anything that obvious going on. A CT scan of the head is able to show if there is swelling, fluid in the cranial area, or any masses or abnormalities of the soft tissues. I would be getting a ct scan with contrast off the bat but I am extremely allergic to the iodine contrast dye  used so they are starting off with a plain scan. I have my appointment for that this coming Wednesday, December 7th. This really is something she is taking seriously because I do not have a history of migraines, none of my medications have changed in over 10 years, I don’t have trouble with my sinuses and this is a very new thing.  She showed a little concern as well well I mentioned a few other tid bits and said we would wait to see what the ct scan showed. 

The doctor has prescribed me some prescription strength ibuprofen and no orgasms until we get the CT scan done, radiologist reads it and we find out if there is anything going on. I’m not exactly excited about the fact that I don’t get to have orgasms but it’s not terrible timing as I just started monthly cycle anyway so at least part of the time without orgasms is tolerable. I guess I’ll just have to find fun ways to torture and tease cagedmonkey while I am unable to have my own orgasms. And don’t think I’m going to be generously handing out orgasms to any of the boys I have in chastity right now… If I can’t orgasm, no one gets to orgasm!

Anyway, just keeping you all in the loop about what’s going on and how things are progressing along. I welcome any and all prayers during this. It’s actually been quite an awful week for me emotionally. Even though I can rationally tell myself it’s gotta be nothing, I can’t help but have my crazy anxiety brain flying off the deep end wondering “what if…” 

As if things haven’t been more fun with my health, I recently had an onset of pretty damn severe “sex headaches.” This is extremely hard for me to handle since I enjoy my intense orgasms so very much. I know you’re thinking the whole “Not tonight, honey, I have a headache” type headache but that’s actually not it at all. These headaches are actually so fucking painful… more so than the 5 kidney stones I’ve passed, the 2 children I’ve birthed and even the back pain that leaves me nonfunctional for days. I seriously will be right on the edge of orgasm like, “Ohh, Ohh, Yeah, God, Oh yeah, Ohhhhhhhh….. MOTHER FUCKER WHAT THE HELL IS THAT FUCKING PAIN STABBING THROUGH MY FUCKING SKULL!?!?!?!?!” It is totally a mood killer and a horrible fucking way to have a severely painful ruined orgasm. I HATE to have ruined orgasms so this is not only painful physically but it is painful emotionally. It’s one thing to happily and playfully ruin someones orgasm but having that orgasm get ruined by an extremely painful knife-like stabbing through the entire left side of your skull from forehead to the back of your neck is the opposite of how that should feel… it’s also extremely scary. It has freaked me out more than once and last night I was paranoid that something in my head might burst.

Just for a little more information – I thought I would post a few things so you realize just how serious these can be. If headaches are something regular for you, ie: migraines, then these can be very benign and medication may help. Sometimes they go away right away but can also last for 2-3 days. The thing to worry about is if you experience sudden onset – it might be something you want to check out because it can be an indicator of an underlying condition. Which is why I am currently scheduling myself a doctor’s appointment.

What Is a Sexual Headache? It’s a headache that happens before or during sex, at the time of orgasm, or just after sex. Most of the time it is a pain in the back of the head, or it can be on one side like a migraine, or all over. It can be a dull ache or a severe stabbing pain.

There is actually an International Headache Society that classifies these headaches with sexual activity (HSAs): Type I HSAs are pre-orgasmic, feel like a pressure that builds in the head with sexual excitement and are usually felt across the head. Type II HSAs occur with or close to an orgasm and are sudden and explosive. Which are the kind I am currently experiencing. Usually these headaches are not caused by another medical condition. There are also other names to describe them such as coital cephalgia, orgasmic cephalgia, orgasmic thunderclap, orgasmic migraine, coital headaches, or just “sex headaches”.

Who Gets Sex Headaches? Both men and women get sexual headaches. Some experience headaches on a regular basis, while others only encounter sexual headaches on rare occasions. It’s funny that, in my reading, this us actually something many more men experience than women!

Am I at Risk for a Sex Headache? A person is more likely to get sex headaches if they have had migraine headaches, tension headaches, or exertional headaches. Some medications can also increase the risk such as marijuana, birth-control pills, meds used to treat irregular heartbeat, meds for erectile dysfunction and pseudoephedrine (for nasal congestion).

What Are the Dangers of Headaches With Sex? The headache may be an indication of a more serious underlying condition. This is what scares me because this is something that just suddenly started happening. Some possibilities include:

– A widening or bubble in the wall of an artery inside your head (intracranial aneurysm)
– An abnormal connection between arteries and veins in the brain (arteriovenous
malformation) that bleeds into the spinal fluid-filled space in and around the brain
– Bleeding into the wall of an artery leading to the brain (dissection)
– Stroke
– Coronary artery disease
– Inflammation from certain infections

Can Sex headaches be prevented? Yes, they can! Some medications like Beta-blockers, migraine medications and NSAIDS can be helpful in treating and preventing these headaches.

Some may never experience these, some may experience them once and never again and some may experience them a LOT. If you feel like you need more information about this please look it up or check with your doctor. Especially if it is your first Sex Headache and you say “this is the worst fucking headache pain I have ever felt” or if they occur with other symptoms such as loss of consciousness, vomiting, stiff neck, other neurological symptoms and severe pain lasting more than 24 hours. I have this issue, my pain lasts about 2-3 days. These headaches have happened multiple times now and at first I was like, “Oh wow that’s a bad fucking headache!” I didn’t really put two and two together until last night when I swear I thought something really bad was going to happen. I hardly slept thinking I might die in my sleep. Yeah, my brain goes there sometimes, it’s no fun. That is when I did some reading and had to share what I found.