traditional anniversary gift

All posts tagged traditional anniversary gift

If you’ve been reading our blog awhile you know that this weekend is our wedding anniversary. Cagedmonkey and I met over 14 years ago playing a game online. We met in person on January 18th, 2000 and we’re married 3 years later on the same date.

Well each year that we celebrate our anniversary I like to take a peek at the traditional wedding anniversary gifts and see if I can manage to do something to fit it. Like last year the traditional gift is something made from tin. Since we don’t have lots of money, I have to be creative when it comes to these things. I took a piece of tin foil, shaped it into a heart and gave it to cagedmonkey for our anniversary. 🙂


This year was no different, yesterday I was looking to see what the traditional 11th wedding anniversary gift was. I found out the most ironic thing and also got that "God is damn good!" feeling when I saw that the gift is STEEL!

Isn't that the most awesome thing at the current point of our relationship? Plus it's a bonus that I just ordered the new custom Steelworxx Revenge chastity device. It's just so fitting for an 11th anniversary! :)~