unlocked cock

All posts tagged unlocked cock

We are driving back home right now so I thought I’d take a sec to write. Cagedmonkey’s mom’s service was really wonderful. A very long day driving down and being at the funeral home all day and night but still a great time to remember a wonderful woman. We really will miss her. She was such a loving mother and grandma.

Anyway, we had to drive all morning and be at the funeral home in dressy up clothes all day yesterday so I let go of my “no look, no touch” thing slightly. I allowed cagedmonkey to unlock in the morning yesterday and be comfortable and cageless for the day. There certainly was no sexy happenings though with how tired we were, unfortunately.

Now that we will be back home and not traveling for a couple weeks we will get back to the “no look, no touch.” Not that cagedmonkey was all touching himself or even had a hint of a boner but it will still be nice to have him back in his trusty armor! 🙂