
When cagedmonkey and I first met, he knew from that moment I was a dominant person. I mean, how could he not know when he started talking to a chick with “Aggressive” as part of her screenname. From the very beginning of our relationship I’ve always been pretty much in control of everything. I’m talking everything from ordering in drive-thru to handling the finances and the household. No, when we were younger and got together and eventually married we had no clue what a Female Led Relationship or Wife Led Marriage was. Heck we’d never even heard of it until a few months ago when started really getting into Male Chastity.

You see, I’m the kind of person who researches the shit out of a subject that I’m interested in. So in my research about Male Chastity I found a book called How to set up an FLR by Mistress Ivey. Once I read through it I realized that all this time we’d had been living an FLR informally. It just naturally went that way. I, personally, think God is a pretty cool dude, he knows what he’s doing when he connects two souls! When looking back and thinking about things from the beginning, we worked so well because hubby was young and, in a way still needed to be taken care of. I was quite the person who needed to control everything and was a very “mothering” type person. We just went together and worked.

When they say opposites attract I fully agree! Hubby’s a very shy person, I’m a very outgoing person, hubby needs direction and guidance, I love to provide it. Like I said, it totally just worked. I’ve worked very hard over the past 14 years to build cagedmonkey’s confidence and life skills and he’s really become a wonderful man. Nobody’s perfect or ever can be but he’s totally grown into a strong, capable, supportive man and father.

No two Wife Led Marriages will ever look the same. Ours just is the way it is naturally, we didn’t force it or plan it or make it happen. The only difference now is that we finally understand it and recognize it for what it is. We are embracing the fact that these are our natural roles in our marriage and its where we are most comfortable.

No, I do not have a pet or slave who does not or can not think for himself. No, I’m not sitting on the couch eating Bon Bons barking orders at him and forcing him to serve me. It’s totally not like that at all. Our FLR or WLM is mostly wife led. Yes I handle the household, am a stay at home mom, homeschool one of our kids, handle finances, make appointments and pretty much all of the day to day running of the relationship. When it comes to big decisions we make those together and even some of the smaller ones sometimes. The way I describe it is that it’s not a monarchy, I am not a Queen (Off with their heads!) but usually cagedmonkey defers to me and/or I have the final say. 🙂 I like to think it’s because he trusts me and my experience in life to make the best decisions for our family.

I love that we’ve come to this place after all these years. It’s been quite a roller coaster of a journey getting here, but here we are. Sometimes I say, “if only we’d gotten here sooner…” or “if only that didn’t happen…” but then I realize, had this happened sooner or this or that not have happened we would never be where we are. This wouldn’t be a good place. We HAD to go through everything we’ve been through in our relationship to appreciate what we have now and what can become of it.

This post really has nothing (ok maybe a bit!) to do with chastity or Wife Led Marriage or orgasm denial. I just wanted to take a minute and say how amazing my wonderful man is. I had a full day of Doctor appointments yesterday and couldn’t be home to take care of our daughter, homeschool, pick up our son from the bus stop, clean the house, do laundry and get dinner done. I just love that I can be away most of the day and come home to everything done and done well.

Cagedmonkey is a super cook too and I came home to a wonderful, yummy dinner waiting for me, house clean, kids fed and everything. I really am a blessed wife to have such an amazing, helpful, capable and, of course, willing husband. I love that he chooses to be present and active in our marriage and with our children.

I’m not sure if all that he did yesterday really turned me on but by this morning I was ready to jump him! Especially after he came in the kitchen, while I was making my coffee, got on his knees and made me cum 5 times. I ended up unlocking him, climbed up on his lap and rode him to a marvelous orgasm deep in my pussy. 🙂 A little while later I called him in to the kitchen, yanked his big cock out of his pants and made him fuck me again to orgasm standing up in the kitchen. I just love that! What a yummy day today has been. He is back to work tonight so I’ve been letting him catch up on sleep this afternoon and evening. 🙂

He’ll spend the night pleasing me before work.

When cagedmonkey and I started out on this journey we came up with an agreement, typed it up, printed, signed and dated it. In our agreement we set up guidelines for discipline. I’m not going to get into what they all are here but they’re pretty simple. Follow the rules or two things may happen, you may receive a “Correction” for minor offenses (ie: getting sassy with me, being lazy etc) or a “Punishment” for major infractions such as breaking any part of the agreement.

Again, these are things we agreed on, not something I decided that he had no say in. It’s not like I was all “I’m going to spank you with a paddle if you are a bad boy and there is nothing you can say about it.” We thought these things through and its what we feel is best for our relationship.

I was chatting with a like minded friend and his wife recently and we talked about how hubby’s and wives often times get irritated with each other and out of fear of their spouses reaction they don’t say anything. Those feelings tend to hang around and grow and fester and resentment builds. I know this from a lot of experience.

Cagedmonkey and I are both guilty of doing this for quite awhile in our own marriage. The great thing about adding discipline into our marriage is that those things that irritate me/us can be talked about, let go of and resolved within a short period of time and no need for any resentment.

On to why I’m writing with this post. You see, I’m not some cold hearted bitch who is into beating my hubby into submission. Rather I’d like to never have to discipline him! I don’t like it and I don’t want to have to do it. With that said, I signed that agreement too that said I would hold up my end of the agreement. If a “rule” is broken I must provide a correction for the behavior or a punishment.

Up until now I’ve only had to give one punishment for having an orgasm without permission. Whew! That was an easy one! Hubby got one week not being allowed something he really enjoys, which meant he was not allowed to look at or touch my breasts. He’s obsessed with them so this was a difficult punishment for him. 😉

I’m finding that it is much more difficult to give a correction than a punishment! Tonight hubby will be receiving a correction for being lazy and more specifically for not following through on something that was asked of him. I’ve chosen to give him a good spanking for it. Plus, well I’ve been craving spanking his sexy ass so well it’s a good choice. Yum!

My point is, it’s not always easy for the wives in a Wife Led Marriage. We have responsibilities to keep our boys in line and on the right path and behaving properly.

I know some couples in FLR/WLM are a bit deeper into the discipline and have regular (weekly) maintenance spankings to help solidify their roles in the relationship and they also keep a log of offenses which are weighted and take care of them all in one punishment session at the end of the week. I’ve been researching again as to why this would be and I don’t have a specific answer for that but I have discovered that there is a kink(?) out there called F/m Domestic Discipline. That’s a whole different post on its own.

For now, I’m off to warm up my hand in preparation of giving cagedmonkey some nice red rosy cheeks later. I know it won’t end up being that harsh of a correction since I’m right handed and I have a pretty significant tear in my rotator cuff that is heading for surgery.

Ok maybe I’ll post a picture later of the results! 😉

cagedmonkey: We’ve found out so much about this lifestyle in such a short time. It really is amazing!!

Lady: It’s been a whirlwind that’s for sure… but I’ve realized some things since our last go at your orgasm denial.

cm: What things, exactly?

Lady: Well, after this last time having you completely locked and even denying myself I kinda feel like I’ve tested out all that I need in this. I really just want to get on with it. I don’t want to set dates of when you will be locked or unlocked trying to reach some imaginary goal. I’m not going to worry about “oh I shouldn’t unlock him because I said 10 days in!” I’m going to do what I want, when I want, how I want but you will not orgasm… you will please me and I will use you to please myself but you will wait until you have permission to cum. I will see my cock hard & play with it when I want though. All other times you will be locked in your device.

cm: I was actually thinking the exact same thing! We’ve proven that I can safely wear the cage pretty much indefinitely without problems – indefinitely meaning however long you want, not forever (I hope!!!). We have also seen that I’m able to be trusted not to cum when I’m out of the cage, even when giving you the penetration that you crave. The only thing that I’m concerned about is the strength of your resolve. Will you be able to deny me even when I’m seriously trying my hardest to convince you to let me cum?

Lady: I’m pretty sure the denial part will be a piece of cake! The hardest part for me was feeling like I had to keep you locked up to enforce the denial. That’s not true so it should be easy enough, when I’m getting what I need and want, to keep you all crazy. You know I absolutely love when you’ve been reduced to a heaping, begging, desperate mess! Oh boy, it turns me on so much! Are you here with me in my desire to take more control over how I want to use the cage? This starting out thing has been not only about me but lots of worrying about you and what you feel or think and some caving to what I think you want. I’m ready for that to be over.

cm: I’m ready, too. I want it all to be you decision. If you want to tease me until I’m crying out for you to stop every night for a week, then so be it. If you want to keep me locked up constantly for three or even four weeks straight (or more!!!), then please do it. There will be times where I want it to end, where I just want out, or I just want to FUCKING CUM GOD DAMMIT. But what I truly want is to cum only when I’m allowed by you, my Keyholder.

Lady: Awww now that’s the perfect answer from my perfect boy! <3

Sorry to all you other guys, but it’s true. My wife is the absolute BEST keyholder in the world.

For me, at least.  🙂

It takes a certain kind of relationship to make this chastity thing work. My wife and I have been through a lot, but nothing would have been able to prepare us for this if we didn’t fully trust each other. When we are fully open and honest with each other, we often find that we are not only on the same page or even paragraph – we are on the same freaking word!

I think back to when we were writing out our chastity agreement. Even though I was giving My Lady complete control over sexual abilities (including the ability to orgasm or even simply getting a hardon), I knew there were some neighborhoods and areas I’d rather not explore. I was struggling with how to explain this oxymoron of a situation – “I want you to do whatever you want, but not if what you want is one of these things” – I was kind of worried it wouldn’t come out right. What a pleasant surprise it was when I found out that ML was not interested in those same things! Writing up our agreement went so much easier than I expected, and we were both more than happy to sign it.

My keyholder knows just how to play me. She knows where all of my buttons are and she presses them often. She knows that a subtle change in posture can flip the switch in my brain and instantly have me wanting to kiss and lick her body all over. And when my brain is stuck on sex, she knows how to push me and push me until my chest is tight and I can’t breathe. And when she gets me alone…. well, from her previous post, it’s obvious she can turn me into a quivering, whimpering puddle of frustration and need pretty much any time she wants.

And that’s what I need. I need a keyholder who will use me for her pleasure and amusement. A keyholder who won’t take my requests or pleads into account when deciding what she does. A keyholder who expects me to worship her mind and body every moment of every day.

Nobody else could do this for me but My Lady.

The last few days have been very busy with regular old life stuff. It seems like we’ve been on the go since Sunday morning with Baton Competition, School stuff, meetings, doctor appointments and work. I noticed last night that I am starting to feel a sort of disconnect. I’m not all crazy horny, not feeling all that sexy teasy and really not feeling all that wanted.

I realized this morning when cagedmonkey got home from work that I really miss him. I miss being in the same room, teasing him and flirting with him. I miss being the center of his attention. We’ve been so busy that our time alone together has been very little to none. We usually get at least an hour and a half together alone at night to cuddle or get in some foot, leg, body or pussy worship. It usually depends what I’m in the mood for. What hit me this morning was, after getting the kids set up with breakfast, cagedmonkey came in the kitchen, got on his knees and gave my pussy a little lick & kiss. At first I almost told him to stop but then I took a breath, relaxed my muscles and just exhaled with a little moan. At that moment the tingles went through me and I realized “holy crap I miss this!”

That got me thinking about what I’m really missing over the last couple weeks. What it comes down to is me longing for the attention, the touches, the kisses. For a couple living the Chastity Lifestyle these things are now the foreplay. For a regular vanilla couple, the touches and kisses can be far less getting to the oral which is the foreplay. In the Chastity Lifestyle the oral has become the sex and the touches, kisses and licks, the foreplay.

I figured, as a KeyHolder and wife in charge, I would write a little description of what I’d like from cagedmonkey to make up for what I’m missing:

I will direct him to get naked and get on his knees in front of me. I will tell him to remove my shirt which will expose my naked breasts. One thing he loves is to do in this position is to lick and suck my breasts but, for now, I will not give him permission for that. I will tell him to take down my pants, leaving my lacy panties in place. I’ll instruct him to get the body lotion while I lay down on my stomach on the couch. He will kneel down beside me and begin giving me a body massage with my shoulders, down my back slowly making sure his fingers touch every part of my shoulders and back. Since I’m still wearing those ever so sexy lace panties he will skip massaging my beautiful round ass. He will only be able to look at it and want to touch it, kiss it and lick it. Instead he will move to the tops of my smooth thighs and massage his way down to my ankles, taking care that his fingertips are touching every single part of me. At this point, I will turn over to lay on my back and rather than making him massage my feet with his hands, I will tell him to worship my feet. He will lick, suck and kiss my toes and feet and massage them with his tongue. He will then continue to massage back up my legs, once again skipping over my pelvic area to my stomach and chest. I will allow him to massage all of the places around my breasts but not actually touch them. These things will not only feel amazing to me but they will be torturing him because he loves my breasts, my ass and my pussy, all of which I’m not yet allowing him to have. I really want him to learn that in this lifestyle the foreplay is just as important as the oral pleasure. These are the some of the things that cause the super wet, dripping, sloppy wet pussy he loves to slurp up.

Now that we’ve gotten a good lesson in foreplay I will allow him access to the parts he loves, one by one starting with my breasts. When I feel he has done a sufficient job at worshipping them, I will give him permission to worship another area that gives me pleasure. He will continue worshipping the areas I give him permission to before he will be allowed anywhere near the sweet spot. I know all this time he will be dying to make me cum. Getting so aroused by the fact that I am in control of everything he is doing and allowed to do. I will tell him what to do and how long to do it, I’ll even correct him and tell him how to do it if necessary. I know he will be straining against the bars of his cage, wishing he could feel my pussy, touch it, taste it. Desperately wanting to see and feel my body respond to what he is doing. To feel my muscles tense up and my pussy tighten as my breath gets shorter and faster. Hearing my inability to hold back my moans while he is bringing me to the edge, pushing me past and ultimately feeling the huge squirt of my warm pussy juice filling up his mouth forcing him to swallow a few times to drink it all down.

Yup, that is what I’m missing… I wonder what my night will be like tonight! :)~


When cagedmonkey and I got into this lifestyle we knew right away it was perfect for us. After a bit we realized the perfect way to solidify the lifestyle and make sure we remembered our roles was to get a tattoo. It is something we both wanted so call it a commitment tattoo or a chastity tattoo, whatever, it is a symbol of our life together with me keeping him locked 24/7 in his chastity device.

Since our marriage is a mostly WLM, cm deferred to me to choose what, where and when he would get his tattoo. Since it was my tattoo I contacted our tattoo artist and gave him my ideas and he designed a fantastic padlock design with etching-like drawings on it. One of my favorite spots on hubby are his hips so it was only natural that I’d have him get it tattooed there.

I’m sharing the picture here because I’m pretty proud of it and it’s extremely sexy. I will also be getting another tattoo just as soon as I design a matching key.