chastity device

All posts tagged chastity device

What do you do when that custom chastity device isn’t just right? Well you send it in and have those little tweeks taken care of so it fits absolutely perfect. Mature Metal is wonderful about talking about what seems to be wrong and will work out any issues with length, ring size and gap adjustment. It’s as simple as sending an email and then if there is a cost (ex. ring sizing is $10) you can request an invoice, pay it and mail your device to MM for adjustment. Be sure include a note in the box explaining what adjustments are needed. Once MM receives your device back it usually takes about a week for the adjustment and then another 2-3 days back in the mail (in the US). Very simple, very quick and stupendous customer service! I couldn’t be happier with William and Mistress MM, they both work so very hard to make sure their customers are extremely happy with their device!

This is the second time we are sending our device back for adjustment. The first time we sent it back we merely had William shorten the length of the tube itself. When we first ordered our device we made the mistake of ordering the tube exactly the length of hubby flaccid. When in reality, you should order at least a half an inch shorter. We chose to go about an inch or so shorter since he’s got length to begin with.

This time we’ve sent the Jail Bird back for other reasons. We were having some issues with the device twisting and think that the gap may not have been as small on top as it should have been or something. Whatever the reason we sent it back to Mature Metal so William could investigate the issue. We also made a few changes since the device would be there. We are having them add the security screw option so that we no longer have to deal with the pad lock jingling our scratching his legs or mine! The other thing we’re adjusting is the base ring. At first cagedmonkey was fine in the 1.75″ ring but for some reason winter and fridged temperatures came along and he could barely pop a testicle through! It was actually becoming painful to get the ring on. So to solve this we have asked that Mature Metal stretch his base ring to 1 7/8″ just to give that little bit more room for his testicles and to allow a little more blood flow from the base of his penis. My hope is that this will ease some of the major discomfort from attempted erections. I mean some discomfort is desirable but pain isn’t all that sexy!

So now that our device has been received by MM we just have to wait. I’m dying to get it back because our back up (the Bird Cage) is really started to show it’s wear. I hate that I’m stuck putting him in it while we’re wait for our Jail Birds return.

My Lady recently posted on a common dilema that keyholders face: do they want their sub to be so desperate that he will disobey his domme? It’s a very interesting take, and I completely understand where she is coming from.  Speaking for myself, I’m not the type to go against my keyholder. I absolutely LOVE being subjected to her desires, servicing her needs, and partaking in her pleasure. Nothing turns me on more than pleasing My Lady. I would probably need some sort of signal from her to indicate her mood, otherwise I would most likely obey her to the ends of the earth. After all, isn’t that what I got into this for?

I don’t mean to offend anyone, but I never really understood the purpose of an “anti-pullout” feature on a chastity device. I get the idea of increased security leading to a more complete chastity experience, but an anti-pullout device really shouldn’t be necessary. First of all, if you need to be prevented from pulling out that badly, you’re going to find another way to get out of your cage. Even the best designed anti-pullout can be defeated with a little determination… and a fair bit of pain, I would assume! Second of all, if you need to be prevented from pulling out that badly, it probably means that you aren’t ready for the realities of giving over complete control in a chastity situation. Nobody out there has “accidentally” slipped out of their cage; it’s a deliberate action to disobey your keyholder.

Why would a man in chastity want to purposefully disobey his keyholder? In my opinion, these are guys who are still trying to cling to some sense of control over their situation – “topping from the bottom,” as it were. These are the guys who tell their keyholder what they want to have done to them, and throw a tantrum when they don’t get it. These are the guys who lock themselves in a device without the request of their keyholder.  They aren’t ready to hand over full and complete control to their keyholder.

And you know what? It’s okay! It’s okay if you are one of those guys. Nobody should enter a full, indefinite chastity lifestyle (like the one My Lady and I live) without considering their true feelings about being powerless. Communication between the sub and keyholder about these feelings is important so both can find common ground to start on. If you don’t start off on the same page, resentment can build in the relationship. And resentment is a total turnoff.

Time again for another round of “Mail Chastity” where we tackle the topics that are on your mind. As always, these are real questions from real readers. Feel free to email us with any questions you may have; your question just may be featured in our next Mail Chastity post!

Click on the contact page in the top left corner for email info, or simply just to see a great pic of My Lady’s beautiful breasts perfectly framing the key to my chastity cage.  😉

Q: Are there any medical concerns involved with being locked up so frequently?

Hmmmm….. good question. There are some medical issues that should be addressed when considering long term and/or frequent wearing of a chastity device. Most of these issues are not very severe if tended to.

The most common occurrence would be skin irritation where the cage sits, either around the scrotum or on the shaft of the penis. This can be avoided by using a properly fitting cage and proper lubrication to allow movement of the cage while walking. Skin irritation, if left unchecked, can lead to blisters and skin ulcers which risk being infected. You don’t want that.

Another common condition that is often seen with open-style devices (Birdcage/Jailbird/etc.) is edema, or localized swelling due to fluid buildup. This happens when the penile tissue expands into the open spaces of the cage. This isn’t the “hardon bulge” I’m talking about… that is completely normal, especially when your keyholder is deliberately turning you into a sex-crazed lunatic. Edema occurs when your erection goes away, but the swelling and fluid remain. This can be fixed by rubbing and massaging the area to promote circulation… just be careful not to enjoy it TOO much and piss off your keyholder! Edema, when not dealt with in time, can cause tissue damage and possible erectile dysfunction if it becomes serious enough.

The issues I have described in the linked posts were not related directly to wearing the chastity device. There were… ahem… other factors involved.

Q: How does chastity effect the day-to-day basis of your life?

To be honest, not all that much. The main difference is that I get crazy horny as time goes on. Duh. Other than that, the cage doesn’t get in the way much. I can play with my children without incident – I try to avoid having them sit on my lap, but they are old enough now where that’s not a big worry. Work is not a problem, even though my job requires frequent walks around the room, as well as sitting and standing. Other than the fact that I’m goddamn-motherfucking-all-batshit-flames-of-hell horny all the time, my life proceeds pretty much in a normal fashion.

Q: How do you decide what to post? Is it a joint effort?

My Lady does most of the posting on the blog, for two reasons. First, she is a major control freak… which she will freely admit, hence the FLR lifestyle. Second, she usually has the most time to post, given that she is a stay-at-home mom with a Galaxy Note 2 surgically attached to her hand. However, we both collaborate on what themes and ideas to post about. Very often, we will be discussing a particular aspect of our lifestyle, and either of us will say, “We should totally write a blog post about this.” She usually just beats me to the punch. We do really enjoy doing the “He Said, She Said” and “Conversations” posts… they are lots of fun, and they give our readers great insight on the types of conversations we have and that we consider necessary in order make this lifestyle run smoothly.

Just a short note to say that I placed an order to Steelworxx for the Revenge. We want a second device with less access so this one looks good for us.

He is based in Germany but his website says turn around time is 4 weeks… hopefully the device is done within the 4 weeks and then shipping doesn’t take too long!

So I ordered it on Saturday and got an email that the order was sent & received by the system. Dietmar (the owner) then contacted me by email today (usually within one business day) once he got the order and agreed that he can make our custom device. He then sent me an invoice for either a bank transfer or PayPal payment. I sent ours through PayPal. It was pretty simple, when sending the money I just chose EUR so he was paid in Euros.

The Revenge was actually cheaper, including shipping, than the Mature Metal Jail Bird. I just hope the quality is the same or better.

Well, I’ll keep you posted once we get the device! 🙂 Should be very interesting!

When My Lady and I decided to give male chastity a try, I was very excited. I wanted to jump in right away. Neither of us really knew what to expect and which details were going to be important. Only when ML and I chose to get a device did I realize how big of a change this was going to be.

“I’m going to have to buy a whole new wardrobe,” I thought.

When we were looking through device styles, I couldn’t figure out how I was supposed to wear one of those things without everybody I walk by noticing a humongous bulge in my pants. The pictures of the devices made it look like they stuck out quite prominently. And, not to brag or anything, but my size would require us getting a pretty big cage. I knew for sure it would be visible in my current comfortable fitting pants.

Then we got the Birdcage. I tried it on, put on my clothes, and….

“Where the fuck did it go?” There was a slight bulge in the crotch of my pants, but it was only visible to me because I was looking for it.

I was amazed. I hadn’t thought of the fact that these cages were designed to be worn discreetly, and were made specifically to not obnoxiously stick out for public viewing. Even when I tried to get hard in the cage, there was no appreciable bulge. I was in better shape than going sans-cage!

I was also relieved. I wanted chastity, but I didn’t want to have to go buy a ton of clothes for it. And I didn’t want to half ass my chastity, wearing it around the house but not in public. So it was a great relief to find out that neither of those measures were necessary.

And now my custom Jailbird hides even better! Here is a pic of me in undies (SHIELD YOUR EYES!!!!):

You can make out the bars if you look closely, but that’s only one layer of clothing. Plus, who is going to be looking at my crotch trying to find a bulge? As ML put it once, they may think to themselves, “damn, that guy is packing a huge cock” and go along with their day.   🙂

Since this revelation, I’ve learned to go with the flow concerning the male chastity lifestyle. ML and I are fully committed to making this work, and we will find a way to tackle any problems that may arise.

I admit, I do not have extensive experience with chastity devices. The only device I’ve ever worn besides the one I am currently wearing was an “off the shelf” Birdcage. I did want to give my impressions on my newest device, a custom made Jailbird from Mature Metal. Most of my comparisons will be against the Birdcage, but some of my comments will just be what they are, not a comparison to anything.

For starters, the device is very cool looking. After My Lady and I initially settled on the Birdcage, we really started to enjoy the look of a steel cage. The Jailbird is very stylish and also very sturdy. The cage is well put together, with no spurs or pinch points that I have found so far. There have been a few occasions where pubic hair has gotten caught in various places, but I think that’s more of a result of me needing a trim than the device itself. The device is slightly wider than the Birdcage. It feels like it should be heavier as well, but it is actually lighter due to the material it is made out of (surgical steel vs. chrome plated steel).

I was surprised by how freaking comfortable this thing is! The Birdcage was very comfortable, but this Jailbird is seriously amazing. It might have to do with the fact that we ordered the oval base ring. I happen to be blessed (cursed?) with rather large testicles, and the oval ring gives them more room to breathe without allowing them to slip backwards. I think the better fitting oval ring also prevents the cage from pushing upwards when the cock attempts an erection. This was a MAJOR issue with the Birdcage, to the point where it would cause near- debilitating pain. Sure, the Jailbird is not exactly comfortable when it squeezes my balls upward as the cock tries in vain to get hard, but it’s not nearly as bad as the Birdcage.

Speaking of trying to get hard… the bars of the Jailbird are just a tiny bit thicker than the bars of the Birdcage. It’s almost hard to tell – ML insisted that I was wrong, but trust me, I’m the one wearing it and I can tell.  🙂  This comes into play when the cock gets hard and tries to press through the cage. The bars of the Birdcage sometimes felt as though they could dig into my skin. They didn’t, but I swear sometimes I got so hard in the cage it felt like it was possible! This is not a problem with the Jailbird. The bars are wide enough to distribute the and reduce the pressure. The bars are also wider apart which reduces the amount of protrusion that happens when the cock presses against the cage (when the cock would bulge out between the bars and rub on my clothing, it would cause an oversensitive pain-ish sensation… not good). The wider arrangement of the bars also allows ML better access to torture her desperate prisoner.

Overall, the comfort of the custom measurements is just one feature that makes the Jailbird a great chastity device. My cage needs to be tweaked just a bit; ML and I have decided that her cock has too much room in the cage and we must shorten the length of the shaft by about an inch. This adjustment will cost a little bit, but it is important to invest in quality when using a device for extended periods of time. For anyone participating in prolonged 24/7 chastity and are looking at this style of device (steel, open shaft), I would highly recommend the Jailbird. Even with a price tag upwards of $300, it is definitely worth the cost.

On October 25th I placed my order to Mature Metal for my cagedmonkey’s (cm) custom chastity device. I decided on the Jail Bird style because it is very similar to what we have now and I really love seeing how the penis squishes through the bars!

I will tell you that it took a few days to a week of measuring several times at several times of day to make sure what we were measuring was correct. I even snuck in while cm was sleeping and measured him then! Hehe 🙂 when measuring it is important to get the true flaccid length and its best to order the sizing rings from Mature Metal. For $20 it’s well worth it if you want to order the correct size for your device. The sizing rings are usually sent out very quickly (ours were sent out the next business day). The sizes you need to know when ordering are flaccid length, circumference or more importantly the diameter of the penis shaft for the cage and diameter of the base ring.

***edited to add: I wanted to come and make sure to note that since receiving the JB and having cagedmonkey wearing it I notice that the curved length of his flaccid penis is not quite the same as the straight length. I’ll suggest using a piece of string to measure it with a bit of a curve (at least for someone with a longer flaccid penis) or quite simply you could measure straight hanging down but subtract a half an inch at least. That might save you the need to have an adjustment made.

Today our Jail Bird got delivered! It is usually a 6-8 week wait for William at Mature Metal to custom make your device and get it sent out. I was pleasantly surprised to find out last Friday from Mistress MM that our device was being mailed out already! So very exciting! When our package arrived it was in a USPS Priority Mail box which meant it had a tracking number. So fantastic when you’re a bit addicted to the postal mail as I am! I just love getting mail! Once I opened the box I was very pleased to see such care taken in packaging & shipping. The cage itself comes in a pretty red velvet bag and the ring along side in a little plastic zipper bag. It’s padded in the box by some sexy black tissue paper too.
The cage itself seems to be an amazing piece of work! At first inspection it looks to be extremely well constructed, free from any metal dust and feels smooth to the touch with no sharp or uneven edges.


Of course once my cagedmonkey is locked in it he will have to review the whole wearing part of this device. This order process and wait time have been nothing short of awesome. I look forward to doing business with Mistress MM and William in the future. I already know, for variety, we plan to order another type of device. I’m not sure which I’ll choose but I’ll be sure to let you all know when I do!

I’m so excited right now and can’t wait for hubby too wake up so I can switch him out of the Bird Cage and get him in his custom cage. There he will be staying until at least Christmas! 😀

It’s one thing to be interested in Male Chastity and its quite another to buy a device and start wearing it.

Back in June cagedmonkey introduced the idea of male chastity (that’s for another post!). I looked it up for a few months and got info before I had really made any decisions. Then in September I started to actually research (I’m one of those ladies that goes full on into research when I’m interested in something) different chastity devices. The three main types are Silicone, Plastic and, of course Steel. By the beginning of October I had decided there was no way I could see hubby in anything other than silicone because plastic was just hard and, ewwwww, steel? Who the hell wears steel on their cock?

Haha lmao, yes, I laugh now! Mainly because I went through things the hard way but it was necessary to realize 1. What we needed for hubby’s specific size and 2. What I really did like!


The first device we ordered was a CB6000s style in silicone and we very soon found out that this size was in no way a size that would fit hubby. He couldn’t even get into it and when we did manage to squeeze him kinda in (it was not pretty) once he even began to get an erection he completely pulled the entire device apart lol. This led me to do more research!

I really wish I had found thumpers blog before all this and his post with device reviews! I think it might have helped a bit in getting some real world experience with the different devices.

After pushing apart the silicone device I realized I needed to do some extra research on device fit and how to measure. I managed to get some rough measurements on hubby and found that there were only two types of off-the-shelf devices that came in a size that would fit him. One was a plastic device called The Curve and the other was a steel device called a Bird Cage. This is where my dilemma came to be. I was not ready for a steel device because I still thought penises looked so damn ugly locked up in steel. In reading about the plastic and hearing about injury due to them breaking, I couldn’t help but lean towards a steel device. Especially after watching hubby’s strength and what happened to the silicone one. I just had trouble justifying the cost if he ended up breaking it!


So I broke down and ordered the Bird Cage and figured if I hated it we would deal with it. It only took a couple of days for it to be delivered and we were so excited to finally get the monkey boy locked up and start this journey properly. Once the Bird Cage was out of the box we started with the largest base ring and got the cage on and the lock clicked.

Something happened in me that I never expected! I immediately saw how incredibly sexy MY boy looked in his steel device. It was a beautiful sight and I got extremely aroused at seeing him locked up for me in his device. He put on a steel cage and clicked that lock for me. It was a very emotional moment and the butterflies in my stomach were outrageous. Once I saw his penis through the cage I knew we made an awesome decision. The other thing I find outstanding is when little man in the cage does try to get an erection he presses and squishes against the bars so hard. I love seeing it and knowing that he’s so turned on by me and that he’s dying to get out. After seeing how strong he is to push through the steel bars, there is no doubt in my mind that steel was the way to go for us.

It was October 12th the first time cagedmonkey was locked up and it was not long after that he was wearing it for much longer periods. At this point he was still holding the keys and I did not officially become the Keyholder.

Currently, cagedmonkey is still locked in the steel Bird Cage.