
All posts tagged life

Getting adjusted to my new schedule is taking some effort. It’s not bad, don’t get me wrong. It’s actually really nice to be able to spend nights at home with ML; she has unlocked me for sex quite often over the past few days, and even allowed me to have an orgasm Monday night (she needed to be fucked hard, and I gladly obliged). Work is just very… different from what I’m used to.

I’m still in the middle of being trained… sort of. I’m also helping out with some supervisory paperwork… kinda. At the moment, I’m here and there; I’m not quite sure where I’m working or what I’m doing specifically yet. I thought maybe I’d get an office which would allow me some semi-privacy and a chance to text/talk with ML. If I’m getting one, I haven’t gotten it yet. In fact, I’ve had less chance to connect with her at work than ever before.

So yeah, it’s an adjustment. Just like living in this new place is. We got ourselves a bed frame to replace the one that got trashed by the movers, and some sexy sheets to boot. Our toys are still packed away, though, which has kept us from getting into any kinky games. Add to the fact that our bedroom door doesn’t really lock (the door can be pulled open, even when it’s locked), and the kids’ bedrooms being on the same floor as ours with no real buffer… any bondage or domination scenes are pretty much out of the question.

The one thing we do have to go on is our chastity play – it’s the one thing we can still hold on to right now. I’ve been meaning to talk to My Lady about what her immediate and longer term plans are for my chastity/denial, but honestly I’m just glad to have this.

I have been very stressed out with all of this moving stuff and trying to pack while still taking care of the kids and the house and functioning in this living space. Not to mention the kid with the medical issues having bigger issues this past week. Then the “normal” kid is having behavior issues, likely because of the move. I have a lot on me and my patience wears thin very quickly these days.

Yesterday, by the afternoon, I had lost all patience and was getting more and more irritable with things. As I said, the medical stuff was crazy and I just started to lose it. Cagedmonkey heard me starting to get very frustrated while he was trying to sleep in the bedroom and asked if I needed him to wake up. Normally, I would say no but I’m trying to change my “I don’t need help” way about myself and actually admit that there are times I need help. So I told him yes, I did want him to get up, even if it was just to take on some of the craziness with the kids.

Just before coming out of the bedroom, I was texting him telling him how frustrated I was and he texted me back and said, “Would you like to come here and take some of that out on my butt before I get up?”


I love how he knows just what I need! I didn’t even text back, I ran down the hallway with a big smile on my face, went in the bedroom and spanked his sexy little ass for each of my frustrations.

My subby hubby is so amazing and this whole D/s and FLM thing is great because I get to take back my power and control with the help of my wonderful hubby when I feel like it’s been stripped away by the craziness of everyday life.

We don’t often spill our actual happenings in life on our blog unless, of course, they are of a sexual nature but sometimes life isn’t all about sex and the kinky bits. We’ve often written about how real life can trump any sexual playtime or thoughts.

I know most of you know of the trials we went through in April with cagedmonkey and the blood pressure fiasco. That was just one of the things we’ve been dealing with. Over the past couple months there have been deaths in our family, health problems, a niece mauled by a dog and a few other things. Then there’s the mom stuff.

Over the past month hubby’s mom has been through more than any human should really need to be in any amount of time. She’s been in and out of the hospital (mostly in), she’s had quite a few surgeries, a leg amputated and a couple of heart attacks in just that short time. This is actually what led to our quick trip out of town last week. We did get to visit with her in the Critical Care Unit and she was able to talk a bit, even if she’s mentally in and out.

When we left she was stable and improving so now we wait for her to heal again from the last surgery. Hopefully she will not backside again and she can be moved to the rehab nursing home and begin some physical therapy.

I’m sure I speak for all of your readers and the rest of the interwebs when I say, MISS YOU GUYS!!

Trust us, we miss writing lots and lots about all of our sexual adventures. Heck, I miss all the sexual adventure, not just writing about it lol. I hope we get a chance to change that. All of this stuff happening in life has, at times, put a damper on the sexual side of things. We are still pretty horny though which is mighty fantastic. We do manage to get in some little sexual things here or there and it is working to keep just enough sexual energy between us. Neither one of us wants our intimacy to fall back into that rut we spent a couple years in.

We love where we are with our marriage and where were are with our sexual intimacy. I think both of us would work extra hard so it doesn’t change!

Today was supposed to be cagedmonkey’s surgery, for the second time. If you’ve been reading you know how that turned out. A lot has happened this week, actually a lot has happened to us in the past two weeks, some good, some bad. We’ve actually managed to get in a little play and sexy teasy time even though, emotionally, things have been up and down.

It all started with finding out cagedmonkey had ridiculously high blood pressure and him ending up in the emergency room. Since that time we’ve cancelled and rescheduled and cancelled his surgery again. We’ve had him at the cardiologist, started him on two meds and scheduled him for loads of testing to try to find out the cause of his high blood pressure. Wish us luck there, the doctors are semi confused!

We’ve had to put our almost 15 year old cat to sleep. She was an amazing girl. CM found her when she was 3 weeks old, half dead, behind his work. He brought her home to me and when we took her to the vet we were told, “don’t get too attached, there’s no way she’s going to make it!” I nursed her back to health and Ha! She proved them wrong and lived a long healthy 15 years. Nah nah! She was our first “baby,” together so it’s been pretty hard on both of us. I’m so happy that cagedmonkey got to hold her and tell her we loved her as she drifted off to heaven.
Now, not only did we experience disappointment and heartache, we did get some happy moments! We got to take care of hubby’s blood pressure so he didn’t have a stroke on the operating table. He started meds which seem to really be helping his blood pressure and his numbers are looking way better! We also got to celebrate our little guy’s 7th birthday yesterday. It turned out to be an awesome day for all of us. We had fun birthday shopping, having dinner and some frozen yogurt. After such a long day the kids even decided to hold off on birthday cake until today so we still get a little more celebration tonight!

I’ve written before about the “roller coaster of life” and this is just more on that bumpy road. Life has ups and downs, sometimes for us, those all cram themselves into a very short time but we survive and come out stronger on the other side. And now this weekend (our weekend is Sunday/Monday) cagedmonkey and I hope to get in some playtime. I must say I’m absolutely loving how touchy-feely, crazy-for-me, horny hubby is. I’m walking around with super wet panties because he can’t keep his hands off of me. I love hearing how horny he is, how bad he needs and wants to cum, how he wishes he could drop to his knees and please me! Mmm, deliciousness!

I just want to thank the “Chastity Gods” that found a way to bring this into our lives because without it, I think, we both would fall into a depression, our intimacy would suffer and ultimately our lacking sex life would cause huge amounts of resentment in our relationship – oh wait, been there and done that! Yeah… I’m so glad we found this amazing way to keep things fresh and hot, even during these emotional roller coaster rides that we certainly did not get in line for!

My Lady and I are both hot and sweaty, sore and completely worn out, totally soaked and dripping wet.

Of course, it had to rain on moving day. 😉

Apologies for the lack of posts lately, but we’ve been busy packing up the house and getting our stuff ready to move. But, thanks to the help of some of our good (very vanilla… we had to make sure to hide the sex toys before they came over, lol!) friends, we got everything moved in today! ML and I are both physically exhausted, but we are very excited to christen our new bed with our sexy humpings! 🙂


Woohoo, our new bed!

Time again for another round of “Mail Chastity” where we tackle the topics that are on your mind. As always, these are real questions from real readers. Feel free to email us with any questions you may have; your question just may be featured in our next Mail Chastity post!

Click on the contact page in the top left corner for email info, or simply just to see a great pic of My Lady’s beautiful breasts perfectly framing the key to my chastity cage.  😉

Q: Are there any medical concerns involved with being locked up so frequently?

Hmmmm….. good question. There are some medical issues that should be addressed when considering long term and/or frequent wearing of a chastity device. Most of these issues are not very severe if tended to.

The most common occurrence would be skin irritation where the cage sits, either around the scrotum or on the shaft of the penis. This can be avoided by using a properly fitting cage and proper lubrication to allow movement of the cage while walking. Skin irritation, if left unchecked, can lead to blisters and skin ulcers which risk being infected. You don’t want that.

Another common condition that is often seen with open-style devices (Birdcage/Jailbird/etc.) is edema, or localized swelling due to fluid buildup. This happens when the penile tissue expands into the open spaces of the cage. This isn’t the “hardon bulge” I’m talking about… that is completely normal, especially when your keyholder is deliberately turning you into a sex-crazed lunatic. Edema occurs when your erection goes away, but the swelling and fluid remain. This can be fixed by rubbing and massaging the area to promote circulation… just be careful not to enjoy it TOO much and piss off your keyholder! Edema, when not dealt with in time, can cause tissue damage and possible erectile dysfunction if it becomes serious enough.

The issues I have described in the linked posts were not related directly to wearing the chastity device. There were… ahem… other factors involved.

Q: How does chastity effect the day-to-day basis of your life?

To be honest, not all that much. The main difference is that I get crazy horny as time goes on. Duh. Other than that, the cage doesn’t get in the way much. I can play with my children without incident – I try to avoid having them sit on my lap, but they are old enough now where that’s not a big worry. Work is not a problem, even though my job requires frequent walks around the room, as well as sitting and standing. Other than the fact that I’m goddamn-motherfucking-all-batshit-flames-of-hell horny all the time, my life proceeds pretty much in a normal fashion.

Q: How do you decide what to post? Is it a joint effort?

My Lady does most of the posting on the blog, for two reasons. First, she is a major control freak… which she will freely admit, hence the FLR lifestyle. Second, she usually has the most time to post, given that she is a stay-at-home mom with a Galaxy Note 2 surgically attached to her hand. However, we both collaborate on what themes and ideas to post about. Very often, we will be discussing a particular aspect of our lifestyle, and either of us will say, “We should totally write a blog post about this.” She usually just beats me to the punch. We do really enjoy doing the “He Said, She Said” and “Conversations” posts… they are lots of fun, and they give our readers great insight on the types of conversations we have and that we consider necessary in order make this lifestyle run smoothly.