
All posts tagged piercing

I think it was about a month ago when CM and I were talking with someone about having piercings. I have had some piercings in the past and currently only have my ears and tongue still pierced. I’ve had nipples, eyebrow and nose done as well and CM has never had a piercing. The conversation got us thinking about CM and would I like any piercings on him. I don’t personally like the look or anything of penis piercings so thats not something I’d have him do. We started talking about where he could be pierced and what would be the point, etc. That got us onto his nipples, perhaps those would look nice and they might even help to make his nipples a lot more sensitive. So, if you follow us on Twitter, I had asked our followers to show me their nipple piercings so I could get a feel for how they looked. I could never see hubby with facial piercings – plus working in a hospital thats probably not the best idea. I realized I didnt like the hoops in a guy nipples but I did like the look of small bars horizontally through the nipple. I know, I know… sometimes I think too much but with any kind of body modification I want to make sure it’s something I’m going to like or there is no point in getting it.

So what all this brings us to is that on Wednesday last week, when CM & I were off work and had out “date day” not only did we get in about a hour or so of play time I also took him to get MY nipples pierced.

I say it that way because they are for me… I didnt get them pierced for him, I did it for me, so I have something to play with and to make his nipples more sensitive for me. Plus they really do look hot on him!

It took me a few days to not be like WOW there are bars in your nipples lol because I’ve never seen CM as the type to have piercings, at all. I never saw him as one to have tattoos either and now he’s got a bunch and I love them!! A couple of his tattoos are mine or ours and have so much meaning! These nipple piercings also have a bit of meaning. It’s not something he did on his own for his own reasons. He has them for me. He truly has given himself to me in so many ways… he’s locked in a steel cage for me and now he’s got steel bars through his nipples for me. Once they heal completely I cant wait to play with them and pull on them and figure out all the wonderful things we can do with them!!

I couldn’t help but lick them and rub them since they are so new and sensitive… I’m sure I’m going to have so much fun with them when they are finally healed!