
All posts by cagedmonkey

My Lady and I have been a little lax in updating the blog during our move. Our frequency of playtime has dropped just a bit, although we are still both horny motherfuckers day in day out – that’s not going to change anytime soon. 🙂

Things are starting to settle in; we are nowhere near done unpacking, but we are making good progress. With all of that vanilla updating out of the way, now on to the updates you are really waiting for – the happenings of my cock and ML’s wet pussy:

– we have moved all of our sex toys to the new apartment, and ML plans to have me set up the under-the-mattress restraints over the weekend.
– my last orgasm was yesterday morning, during a very hot session of ML grinding on top of me until I filled her pussy as she came all over my hard cock.
– since that orgasm, ML has been intensely teasing me with the cage on, leading to frequent and somewhat painful strangled erections.

This morning in particular, ML put me in a very rough position. She came into the bedroom, locked the door (YES!!!), and climbed on top of me and planted her wet pussy right on top off my face. After a couple of strong orgasms on my tongue, she laid next to me and rubbed her pussy to another nice cum as she rubbed and squeezed my balls with her other hand. I was whimpering and moaning as my cock pulsed and throbbed against the bars of my cage. It was a full twenty minutes before I was able to calm down enough that I didn’t have to lay in a fetal position to avoid the pain of the steel crushing my cock.


As uncomfortable as it was, it was great to experience that feeling of confinement, of being controlled. It’s been too long since My Lady has used her dominance over me to satisfy her sexual needs. It’s nice to be getting back in the groove. 🙂

My Lady and I are both hot and sweaty, sore and completely worn out, totally soaked and dripping wet.

Of course, it had to rain on moving day. 😉

Apologies for the lack of posts lately, but we’ve been busy packing up the house and getting our stuff ready to move. But, thanks to the help of some of our good (very vanilla… we had to make sure to hide the sex toys before they came over, lol!) friends, we got everything moved in today! ML and I are both physically exhausted, but we are very excited to christen our new bed with our sexy humpings! 🙂


Woohoo, our new bed!

Thanks to the moving preparations and also my current coming-down-with-a-cold-ness, there hasn’t been all that much horny play between My Lady and me during the past week. I mean, sure, I wake up with my cock pressing hard against the bars of my cage, but I haven’t had that “I’ll run through a concrete wall to fuck you” feeling for a couple days now. I guess that’s what getting sick will do to you. Understandably, I’m just not feeling the horniness right now.

But then again, I am. The desire for my wife certainly is there, no doubt about it. In fact, even with my sinuses all stuffy and gross, I still feel a sexual connection with ML that is stronger than even before we started chastity play. We are still touching and squeezing each other whenever we can (when the eyes of children are more upon us), and when we cuddle together we both have the inescapable urge to grind together. I still feel the electricity coming off of her skin when I touch her, and I still have to take a moment and recollect my thoughts when I see that sexy ass of hers.

Could it be that the intensity of my sexual desire has been recalibrated? It seems as though even when I’m at my lowest horny point – sick, distracted, preoccupied – things are still more intense than they ever were before we started this adventure. And now when things get really intense, it’s completely off the charts crazy!

Yup… I could get used to living like this. 🙂

No no no, I didn’t mean it THAT way! Still 100% straight here. Not that there’s anything wrong with people who are into different things, I just don’t want there to be any confusion.

(Ok, maybe I wanted a little confusion so you’d click on the link, but now that you’re here…)

What I mean to say is this: a good portion of guys who get deep into chastity start to say things like “I prefer to be locked than unlocked.” I can understand this feeling totally. I feel wonderful when I’m locked and controlled by My Lady. The cage is comfortable and has become part of my life now. It’s natural to me. In fact, the times (few and far between) than I’ve been able to be out and about in the world without the cage on (like this very moment), sometimes I forget that I’m not wearing the cage; I’m surprised when I go to use the restroom and my uncaged cock springs out of my underwear… “Oh yeah, I forgot!” 🙂

So, yes, I fully enjoy the fact that my cock is locked up and completely at the mercy of My Lady. However, I must admit that I also enjoy the times where I’m allowed to “roam free” as it were. ML has been letting me out quite often during the past week, getting her “fill” of my cock (pun intended) whenever she can. And it’s really hitting me just how much I enjoy having a big cock.

No, this isn’t just a “I’m packing some major dick meat” brag post in disguise. But it’s true – I love having a large penis. And the fact that I don’t get to see it fully hard very often, I find myself appreciating it more. I stepped out of the shower today, and as I toweled off I looked down at my semi-hardness and thought, Damn.

I’ve never “damn”ed myself before! WTF???? But yeah, I really liked how my cock looked. Thankfully, ML shares this opinion. 🙂

It seemed like a good idea. Ok, maybe not a GOOD idea, but definitely and interesting one.

My Lady and I were looking forward to spending the night together, as she has had a craving to give me an intense teasing and I have been craving any and all attention she will give me. But before the festivities began, I need to give myself a little grooming. After I finished, ML looked at me sitting there and instructed me to stroke myself.

It felt so nice to play with my cock, and I got turned on very quickly. It wasn’t long before I was squirming on the edge of orgasm. Then ML had what seemed like a fun idea at the time, something we had talked about before and we were eager to try:

“Why don’t you lube your cock up with some of that Orajel to get yourself numb so I can use that cock?”

(For those who don’t know – and I’m not sure how you wouldn’t know, but just in case – Orajel is a numbing gel used to block the pain of a toothache)

Sounds fun in theory – ML gets to ride my cock and use it in any way she desires, while I’m stuck with a numb cock unable to feel any pleasure. So I grabbed a glove and began to apply the Orajel to the shaft of my cock. After a few minutes of rubbing in the gel, I took a moment to wash it off before ML had her way with me – neither of us wanted her to have a numb pussy!

I decided to be on top in order to test the effectiveness of the Orajel. It only took a few strokes for me to realize that it was working… but only a few strokes more to find out it wasn’t working as well as we’d hoped. I was still on the edge of orgasm within moments. In order to properly please My Lady, I withdrew and licked her pussy to a couple of nice orgasms… after which I noticed my tongue and lips were a little tingly. I guess I didn’t wash off all of the gel!

So ML and I headed to the bedroom for some more fun. She cuffed my wrists to the bed and reached down to play with my cock… my only slightly semi-hard cock.


She was rubbing my cock, tickling and teasing it with her fingertips, and it felt great… but I wasn’t getting hard. WTF? I’m not sure if it was the Orajel, or the result the exhaustion of a very long day of lugging packed boxes around, or a combination of the two… but it just wasn’t happening.

Thankfully, ML doesn’t take it personally anymore when that happens (as rare as it does). But I’m pretty sure we won’t be trying out any “numbing agents” from now on. If My Lady wants a good hard fuck while I’m being denied, we always have the strapon and “Adam” to give her when she needs.

Apologies for the lack of posts recently… don’t worry, I didn’t cum and forget about my posting duties! My Lady and I have been busy working on going through our stuff, tossing and packing appropriately, as we are scheduled to move at the end of the month. ML actually has a post she’s writing started as a draft… stay tuned. 😉 It’s a hectic time, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t had time to get naughty with each other.

So I’m currently locked up once again, with the cum I unloaded into ML’s ass representing my last orgasm of this year. Although, that’s what ML said back in July… that’s why we call it “maybe day” folks. Something tells me that she’s serious this time, though… she may even push me longer, I don’t know for sure.

After our last go around with 24/7 lockup, ML has decided that we most likely won’t be doing that very often – she loves playing with her toy too much! Maybe in the future when it feels right it’ll happen again, but she prefers locking and unlocking me on a whim. This is GREAT news for me! I was going crazy being trapped in that cage so long! I very much prefer nights like tonight, when ML unlocked me and we made love to each other. I worked hard to stay away from the edge, and since I came three days ago I was able to do a pretty good job for her. My Lady didn’t have an orgasm, although she said she really wasn’t liking for one and she just wanted to enjoy the feeling of me inside her. She did cum when I licked her pussy while I was on my knees before I left for work, though.

Ahhhhh, it’s so nice to be back to being used again! 🙂

I am EXTREMELY happy to report that last night My Lady unlocked me for the first time in over two weeks. It was SO WONDERFUL to have my cock free of the steel cage again.

It felt even better when she allowed me to cum. 🙂

Okay, technically it wasn’t “allowed,” but I’ll get to that in a bit.

My Lady and I were spending some kiss and cuddle time together, and she began rubbing my cock though the cage, making me bulge through the bars. She asked me if I really wanted out, and of course I said yes. Then she told me to close my eyes. I obeyed, and I felt her messing around down there. It had crossed my mind that maybe she was… no, she couldn’t possibly be… was she?

She told me to open my eyes, and I saw the security screw in the palm of her hand. My Lady had unlocked the cage!

A moment later, ML was pulling the cage off of my shaft, and my cock sprang to life, reaching it’s full length for the first time in 19 days. I would have been content with just that, but ML had much more in mind for me.

ML stroked me and teased me for a few moments before she asked me, “do you want to fuck me?” “Of course!” I responded immediately. She pulled me on top of her, directing me to enter her tight wet pussy. “Are you ready?” she asked me. Before I could answer, she pulled me deep into her in one stroke.

I almost came immediately, and it took a lot of effort to hold back when she started to shake and tremble simply from feeling my cock inside her. She kept grabbing at my hips and pulling me closer; I could tell she wanted all of me inside her.

Then I did something I’m not extremely proud of, but would totally do again in the exact same situation – I asked her if she would be really angry if I just came inside her. Her answer, interrupted by passionate moans, was, “I’m not sure, I don’t know how to answer that.” So I told her, “ok, I’m going to fuck you and cum right now, and you can punish me any way you want, because I can’t NOT do it!”

And that’s what I did. I grabbed her ass and shoved my cock deep into her pussy and filled her pussy with over a month’s load of cum. It was an incredible orgasm, and ML joined me as we both moaned, groaned, and trembled with orgasmic bliss. There is no other word to explain it but “amazing.”

After that first orgasm, ML demanded a good, deep, hard, doggy style fuck, and I was more than happy to oblige. I pounded her pussy from behind, those wonderful smacks of my hips hitting her ass reverberated through the room. It wasn’t long until ML was cumming on my cock once again, pushing back against me, desperate to pull my cock deeper inside her. And all of a sudden, I was cumming again, only minutes between orgasms after enduring a wait of 49 days.

It was a wonderful night, and I’m still sort of recovering from it. It still doesn’t seem real that it happened, nor does it seem real that ML took my cock into her ass and let me cum in her ass during the night. I know it did happen though, because this morning ML told me she’d have to think about how she’s going to punish me for being a bad boy. I did tell her she could do anything she wanted…  🙂

Today marks the 17th day of uninterrupted cage time for my lonely cock, equaling my previous milestone for longest 24/7 lockup period. I thought it would be a good day to take stock of my current situation. Let’s take a good look at what’s going on with the sexual prisoner:

1) Medical status – so far, everything is looking fine down there. My skin is not having any issues as far as irritations, blisters, or infections related to the constant contact with the cage. I have experienced some skin discomfort after shaving, which My Lady and I both feel is due to the fact that I was shaving too often to try to keep my skin smooth down there. I’ve backed off again to once a week, which seems to be working well. I have to remember to lotion and/or lube more often, but other than that, everything is peachy.

2) Physical horniness – my cock has been EXTREMELY reactive to My Lady’s in-cage teasings. I believe that my cock itself misses getting hard, because it tries its hardest at the slightest provocation. ML has started to enjoy licking my cock through the bars of the JB, and she has gotten very good at finding that sensitive spot on the underside of my cock with her tongue ring. It makes me gasp and moan every single time, which is exactly why she does it! She will squeeze my balls and rub the exposed base of my cock as she does this, and it makes me want to cum so badly. It even feels like I very well could sometimes, if she would continue just a little more… but then she does continue, and the feeling just builds and builds, it never releases. That is when I begin to moan and squirm in frustration. It’s most likely only a matter of time until ML has to restrain me during these teasing moments.

3) Mental horniness – I’m really getting hit hard in this area. I’ve become more and more obsessed with getting this damn cage off of my cock. What’s been making it worse has been the glimpses of weakness in ML’s resolve, which have got me thinking of my possible release. I am fighting as hard as I can not to count the days until the cage comes off. But even without counting, it’s apparently clear that August has not even ended yet. Thinking about my orgasm is even worse, it is still incredible for me to think about having to wait another four months or so until my next orgasm. I’ve begun to truly miss it – the feeling of my orgasm washing through my body, my cock throbbing and spasming, the cum shooting from the head of my cock and landing on My Lady’s ass/tits/other various body parts. She sent me a text message earlier in the week of her sticking her tongue out at me, the angle of the pic was from slightly above her face. The first thing I thought was: Damn, I’d love to cum in her mouth and all over her chin while she was on her knees in front of me. And right then, I wanted it so bad, it hurt. But I couldn’t have it, and I won’t have it for a long time.

4) Other details – I feel as though I’m constantly leaking precum. Every night, after serving My Lady in some sexual way by either licking her pussy or sucking on her titties, I feel my cock gushing precum into my underwear as I drive to work. It makes me shudder and, of course, gets me even hornier as I remember exactly what caused it. ML has also begun to externally rub my prostate, which makes the pressure so much worse. My balls also feel extremely sensitive and swollen, the skin around them feeling as though it cannot get any tighter. I’m sure that’s not true, as there is plenty of time for ML to make them fuller and build up the cum that is trapped inside my body.

Every day from here on out (until ML unlocks me) is new territory to explore. I’m sure I’ll find more interesting tidbits to report on. Until then, this is your incredibly fucking needy and horny, desperate for just a hardon, dying for an orgasm correspondent cagedmonkey, saying “God I fucking need to cum.”   🙂

It’s getting close to two weeks now since I’ve had any time at all with the Jailbird off.

Yes, I want out.

Yes, I want to cum.

No, My Lady won’t allow it yet.

This is the exciting part for me – I genuinely want out of this cock cage and I honestly want to cum nice and hard, preferably deep inside ML’s wet and horny pussy. My requests to be released have slowly gone from the joking “Hey, can I cum tonight? Ha ha, didn’t think so” variety to the “Ok, seriously now, please at least give me a little bit of time out, I REALLY need it” type. The fact that My Lady is still in control of when and how I cum (as well as when my cock will get hard next) is the heart and soul of chastity. It’s happening, whether I want it to or not.

Which is what made this mornings’ events so difficult for me.

My Lady is going through a very “aggressive” phase of her horniness, which seems to be a pretty natural part of her horny cycle. Only this time, the intensity is off the fucking scale, I swear. She is constantly cornering me, all around the house, when I least expect it – pinning me up against a wall and forcing her tongue down my throat, pinching and squeezing my nipples, and rubbing my cage through my pants. I’m extremely reactionary to this treatment; in fact, I can’t help but moan loudly now when she touches my chest because my nipples are so sensitive from so much held back sexual frustration. It’s these moans and reactions, she tells me, that have been driving her desire through the roof.

This morning, when ML visited me before I went to sleep, she straddled me and began kissing me. She began grinding her hips down onto me, and I couldn’t help but thrust back against her. She let out a deep growl and began to squeeze my nipples as she kissed me, and I moaned throughout the kiss. This must have flicked a switch or something in her brain, because next thing I know, her hands are all over my body and she is thrusting harder at me, and she was making all kinds of sexy moans. When I looked into her eyes, though, I saw something I didn’t expect.


Before I had a chance to ask what was wrong, she told me: “I need you. I need to fuck you. I need you inside me!”

Ummmmmm……. OKAY!

What I said instead (stupid, stupid!) was, “Are you sure that’s what you want?” ML stammered and babbled, but the most consistent part of her answer was, “I don’t know.”

The “fucking horny, needing to cum” part of my brain sensed an opening. I’m not proud, but I started trying to talk her into it. I tried everything. I reminded her that if she let me cum, there was still a good four months left in the year to deny me. I told her she could just unlock me and let me inside her pussy… knowing full well that it wouldn’t stop there, but hey, gotta get your foot in the door, right? I begged her just to take the cage off, just so she could play with me and touch my hard cock that she was missing so much. She kissed me deeply and sensually, perhaps mainly to get me to stop talking.

I sensed she was wavering.

Then, she abruptly broke the kiss and leapt off of the bed. Heading for the door, she said over her shoulder, “Okay, I have to leave the room, right now! Or else, I might… I dunno, I might….” and she trailed off as she closed the door.

Fuck, I thought, I missed my opportunity.

Then I got a text message on my phone on the nightstand: I can’t do this baby. I can’t not have you….

I wrote back: If you really REALLY want my help here, I will back off and let you cool off. Is that what you want?

Her response: That’s my problem, I just don’t know….

I texted her back and told her that whatever her decision was, I would be okay with it. That’s why I gave her complete control like this. I’m fine with whatever she chooses, as long as she chooses. I told her that if she needed to, that she should put the key away somewhere out of her reach if she feels she is too tempted to use it. Because if she came upstairs again with the key, I wasn’t going to ask her if she wanted my help resisting again.

Honestly, I couldn’t. I wanted to cum too much. It was real. The need was just too great to resist. Itw as a miracle that I even stepped back as much as I did and gave her room to breathe. I think that if I had pushed harder, I may have gotten her to break. She was THAT much off balance. But, as much as I wanted to be unlocked and to finally feel an orgasm course through my body, to feel that release of cum as my cock gives in to the pleasure… I didn’t want to take her control back.

She didn’t come up to visit me again.

Again… fuck, I missed my opportunity. 🙂

When I came down later, I asked ML how she was feeling. She responded with a kiss and a cage squeeze, but I could feel her energy – much more dominant, much more controlled, extremely stable. My Lady was back. She had a moment of weakness, but she made it… along with help from an surprising source.


So far, the extended 24/7 lockup in the Jailbird has been… well, it is what it is. My cock has been trapped in its cage with no release for five days now. I’ve been filling the cage and straining against the bars multiple times each dayso far, thanks to numerous intense teasings from My Lady. She seems to be enjoying the emotional difficulties I’m having as well as the physical ones as I cope with wearing the cage nonstop for another month, especially when she can tell that the length of the time period is really starting to sink in. I’m dying for release, and I’m not even far enough along to even consider the fraction of time passed as any type of comfort.

My Lady surprised me with something even more shocking today, something that makes my current situation much tougher to bear. She informed me today that she sent out the Revenge for alterations – we had been talking about changing a few things in order to make longer term wear more comfortable. We should get it back in plenty of time before the end of the current JB 24/7 stint. As I found out, this was a necessary part of ML’s plan for keeping my cock in chastity.

My Lady’s plan is the following: she will keep me locked 24/7 until the end of September, at which point she will put me under strict “no look, no touch” rules until Christmas. “How fitting to be able to ‘unwrap’ your cock and see it hard for the first time in months on Christmas morning?” she commented, playfully. Could she seriously be considering this?

Yes, of course she could.

Now my situation is clear – it will now be a full four months until I am able to see my cock get fully hard. I’m certain that she will have the privilege, as she has told me that she won’t be able to keep me locked completely for the entire time. Nor will she want to – she’ll want to tease me as well as feel my hardness inside her many times as the months go by. I’ve even explained a fantasy to her in the past where she ties me up and blindfolds me, takes my cock inside her, and only then unties me… this way, we can both enjoy the feeling of my hands on her body, but her own pussy blocks me from touching or seeing myself. HOT!!!!!!!!!!

I’m also pretty sure that some of our friends may have the privilege of seeing my hardness before I do, as she has hinted that she may send pics of her teasing my cock to friends that we interact with… that may or may not include you readers, as well.

Again, I’m left to wonder…. can I deal with this? I haven’t even gone four months without an orgasm yet, and now I’m supposed to go four months without even seeing my hard cock at all? My biggest fear is the feeling of my loss of manhood. Even through chastity, I’ve been able to stay connected to the sight and feeling of my cock. Now, I will have to completely channel my sexuality through other means, as I will be totally isolated from my cock. From my experience over just the last few days, I can tell it’s going to be one hell of a mindfuck.