The other morning, I got out of bed before Cagedmonkey and he sent me this absolutely sexy picture of him laying there. I just love it, I love the way he looks, his tattoo (such an amazing reminder of our relationship and dynamic) and even the sheets… It’s all so sexy and beautiful and poetic to me.
After coming back from our vacation, (shameless promo link for our Mature Metal podcast!) I’ve been trying to focus more on wearing my cage as much as possible. Over the past few months, it’s been difficult to wear the cage 24/7 due to my back pain. Yes, my back surgery was successful, but (thanks to COVID concerns) I was not able to go through a full rehab-type regimen after surgery. This has made my recovery a little rough at times.
Specifically, it was very difficult for me to wear the cage overnight because I would often wake up to very painful cage-erections. They would really hurt, and not in the good “sexual confinement” way. After an extremely bad night, ML and I decided to have me take the cage off at night until things got better.
To be honest, My Lady was able to enjoy the situation by having easy access to morning sex… and, damn, do we have good morning sex! But I still felt that ML was being deprived of her total control of my cock. So over the past couple of days, we’ve decided to try the 24/7 lock up again and see how i handle it.
Good news report: I’ve been wearing the cage since Friday, and it feels great.
Yes, I’m still getting those “4am wake up” erections in the cage… but I’ve decided that I just need to figure out how to deal with them. So now, I’ll change position to take pressure off of my back or something, which usually works enough so I can get back to sleep. Most of all, I’m realizing how badly I miss being locked up for My Lady. Yes, I’m still crazy horny because I haven’t cum all year, but there’s a different intensity to having my erections denied as well. I already feel it building up over the past couple of days, and I’m glad it’s back.
It might take a little while before I can get start wearing it for weeks at a time, but I’m honestly looking forward to it. I know how much ML enjoys having me wear it according to her desires, and I’m excited about getting back to that.
I recently posted about ML wearing some sexy undies for me, and DAMN did she look good. I also mentioned that we had bought a couple of sexy outfits for her, but they didn’t fit her humongous boobs.
Well, great news! We went shopping again, and we got ML an outfit that fit beautifully… and ML looked absolutely amazing.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get any pictures…..
Just kidding! I’m not that mean.
I’m so glad that ML allowed me to post some full body shots of her in this. She looks SOOOOOOO sexy!
The way this outfit hugs her curves makes me crazy!
Fuck…. her ass is just…. I really have no way to describe what it does to me.
Just like last time, ML really enjoyed watching my reaction to taking these pictures. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her beautiful body, she looked incredible! I also couldn’t help the reaction of my cock getting hard, which ML also liked seeing. She wanted me to fuck her while wearing the lingerie… how could I say no? 🙂
The sex only lasted for a few minutes – ML looked so fucking good in that outfit, I was ready to cum almost within seconds! But I tried hard to last just a little bit longer, and somehow (I have no idea how!) I succeeded… temporarily. I ended up trying to pull out and ended up ruining my orgasm all over the mattress!
If ML had planned to ruin my orgasm, it would have made for a super hot sexy pic to see the cum from ruined orgasm on her tummy while wearing that outfit. But, to be honest, the ruined orgasm was a complete mistake!
I’ve really been enjoying these fashion shows, and I LOVE seeing My Lady wearing these sexy outfits. We are looking at some more things to buy, so hopefully we can pick some new outfits and do some more photo shoots after our upcoming special “mini-vacation.”
Oh, we didn’t tell you about that? Oh yeah, we should really tell you about that…. stay tuned. 🙂
So I had been teasing on Twitter about buying ML some sexy lingerie. One of my three purchases finally came in the mail, but unfortunately didn’t fit very well when she tried it on – when it came down to it, her boobs were just too damn big.
A problem I’m sure many men wish their woman 5had.
There are two other ones I bought that still haven’t been delivered, so I guess we’ll see how those go when they get here. I’m the meantime, I did promise sexy outfit pics…. so ML was nice enough to model some panties for me that she had gotten a while back (before we moved) and she had never tried on.
And DAMN did she look good.
One of the first ones ML tried on for me was this pair of low-riding panties with and interesting pattern of straps in the back:
This one is so nice because it shows so much of her sexy ass!
(By the way, fair warning: there will be a lot of pics of ML’s ass in this post, so if you have a heart condition where seeing that amazingly-shaped butt is going to cause a health problem, you should look away now.)
Next, she tried on a pair of purple lacy panties:
And it wasn’t just her ass that was looking good in them:
I couldn’t help but take a peek.
Then she tried on a pair of burgandy panties that were just beautiful on her:
I swear, the shape of her ass when she bends over like that drives me crazy! At this point, I was way too turned on to only take pics:
I mean, can you really blame me? How could I resist this?
The last outfit ML tried on was this flower patterned baby doll nighty:
I mean, seriously? THIS is my wife? Just…. I don’t know what to say, other than “DAMN, THAT ASS!” And that outfit made everything look good:
I couldn’t help it this time either, I needed to fuck her. ML was so turned on by how excited I was seeing her in these outfits, her pussy was literally soaked:
Out of all of them, I think the burgandy one was my favorite. The nighty looked really nice, with the ruffles framing her ass so well… but the burgandy ones were just hot as fuck!
Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!
ML and I have been trying out some different piercings for my nipples – mainly because I’ve had to take them out for my back MRIs, but also because we’ve been trying to see if we like the look of anything different there. We’ve tried different types of bars with different colored/sizes balls, and even recently tried rings.
A secondary goal of trying the new piercings was to try to reduce the amount of scar tissue on my nipples. Because the original bars I had in were so short, the balls had pulled up against my skin and made little “nubs” on my nipples.
It seemed to be working for a while, and I was even liking the look of the new piercings. But then I started to notice some issues with them – I was starting to have reactions to them (itchy, not healing properly, etc.).
I first noticed the reactions to bars that were titanium… or, at least, the Amazon seller claimed they were titanium. Then I had a problem with the rings that were supposedly surgical steel – seriously, wtf? I didn’t have a problem with other steel bars, why such issues with the rings?
ML and I are working under the assumption that the stuff she bought online wasn’t necessarily titanium or steel, that they were maybe something less inert and I reacted to it. From now on, we are only going to get our stuff from shops that can vouch for their materials. We haven’t given up on the rings completely, we just need to be less trusting of the internet, lol.
At the moment, I have plastic placeholders in my nipples (since I have an MRI Monday morning anyway). Hopefully these will give my nipples a chance to chill out a little and relax.
My last denial stint was a little unexpected, both in its beginning and its length. ML was letting me cum on a fairly regular basis, which for me meant that I had two or three orgasms in the same week. We were moving into our new house, and I figured we would be doing the “let’s fuck in the different rooms of the house to celebrate” thing. I was only partially right, though – while we did have sex in different areas of the house, I only got to cum once in the new house.
That was at the beginning of September. I honestly wasn’t ready for a 3-month-plus denial, but My Lady doesn’t have an obligation to warn me ahead of time when I won’t be cumming for a while. It’s nice to know (so I can savor my last orgasm as much as possible), but not necessary.
My last orgasm was about a week or so ago, and I have a feeling it was sort of unplanned from ML’s standpoint. We had just woken up after sleeping in a little bit on the weekend. I woke up feeling a little horny and a teeny bit slutty, so while ML was getting dressed I kneeled on the bed in front of her and started playing with my nipple piercings.
I must have looked pretty damn good, because ML came over and began to stroke my cock – ML had allowed me to sleep unlocked the night before. She played with my cock as I teased my nipples. I begged her to let me cum; to my surprise, she said yes! It only took a few more strokes for me to cum all over the bed sheets. Only moments later, ML was walking out of the room, smiling over her shoulder as she told me to get the bed sheets in the laundry.
So what’s next?
Well, that’s honestly a tough question to answer. ML and I have both expressed a desire to try for another full year of denial… I know, why do I put myself through this? As far as chastity goes, we should like to do some more longer lock-ups as well. One thing that is making hard to think about things in the near future is that I may have some health-related situations coming up that might get in the way of any horny play.
Don’t get all worried about me: this isn’t like the last time I got everyone panicked, but it’s still something that will require us to think about how we will handle our chastity and orgasm denial during it. I do know that if we need to take a break, it’ll only be temporary; we have way too much fun with all of this to stop any time soon… or at all!
CM: The other day, when I was putting my cage on while getting dressed for work, it occurred to me how lucky I am that I have a wife that enjoys doing this whole chastity thing with me…
LM: Why do you feel you are lucky? When I think about it, I feel like I’m the lucky one. I have a husband who enjoys being locked in chastity for me. 🙂
CM: I don’t know… I mean, we could have ended up being your garden variety vanilla couple; but instead, you keep my cock locked in a steel chastity cage and I love it. Not that being a vanilla couple would be horrible – our sex is absolutely incredible just by itself! But the chastity and orgasm denial add elements to our sex life that make it so much more complex and exciting.
LM: I completely agree… I love our sex life and without chastity it would still be amazing. For me, the chastity adds such an amazing element. I love having you locked all the time because it’s a physical reminder of.. Basically ME, all day long. If w didn’t do this it would still be great but I love the added bonus that chastity is. I just love that it makes you think of me! Do you feel like it’s a reminder, too, of me and my control, all the time?
CM: I do, although I would probably be thinking of you all the time anyway… especially when you send me pics at work like this:
LM: Hehe… yeah, pics of my boobs will do that to you.
CM: Yes, pics like that definitely keep them in my mind. But yeah, I would probably be thinking of you because I’m just that horny for you, anyways. I think what makes the chastity and orgasm denial special from my standpoint is the fact that YOU choose to have this cage on me. I wear the chastity cage for you – when you want me to wear it, which one I wear – these are all decisions that YOU make. And the fact that you are making these decisions show me that you are consciously thinking about me and my cock, and it shows that these things are important to you.
LM: They are definitely important to me. If someone were to ask me why I have you in a cage or what I get out of it, I think it seriously comes down to the fact that I’m through and through a cocktease… and I mean that lovingly! It’s the best way I can describe it. I love that you are always thinking about and wanting me, thinking about and wanting my control and just physical FEELING something that reminds you of that is awesome. For someone else that could simply be a wedding ring… And for us that is part of it. I would be uncomfortable without my wedding ring… The chastity cage, for me, is an extension of our connection with each other… It’s just a connection to the sexual side, I guess. I love that I’m the one that chooses if, when and how you wear it. I choose if you feel that tightness when getting hard if I tease you either in person or by pics when we are apart. It’s just… Awesome! 🙂
CM: And I need to know that you are choosing to be sexual with me in this way – I know that when you tease me when I’m locked up, it’s because you want me to be so frustrated and want you so badly. And I know that when you unlock me, it’s because you want my cock out so you can play with it and tease it. I need that attention from you, and the chastity puts a spotlight on just how much attention you are giving me. I think I’d hate it if you just locked me and didn’t give me any attention; I need to know that you want me and desire me for your sexual pleasure.
LM: I definitely do, and that’s why I unlock you when I do – because I want to play with you!
Cagedmonkey and I had a little chat, before bed the other night, about my plans for his denial and chastity. As he mentioned, in the last post, life things have been exceptionally busy and play time has been extremely rare. I definitely miss it and want to try to get, at least, something in to spice things up a bit. I miss him being so super hair trigger horny from constant teasing. I love it when he desperately wants me and needs to feel me and aches to feel my pussy.
My plan is to keep him denied of orgasm for the next couple months. We will be going on vacation at the beginning of July. During that time we will see one of our kinky couple friends and being in that environment will certainly help to intensify the horny and his denial. It’s always nice when you’re with sexy people and can have a nice, normal, flowing kinky conversation. I haven’t decided if I’m going to let him cum that weekend or save it for another special day… We will see when he will actually get some release.
As for chastity, that’ll just stay the same for now. He’s locked every day, unless it’s a day that I want to use the cock I control. It really is a large amazing cock and it’s very hard for me to keep locked away… there are times I need it and I am not one to deny myself what I desire. Denial isn’t something I’m necessarily into for myself. 😀
In the mean time, I plan to send him more pics of my big beautiful boobs and my big round ass while he’s at work. Things like these…
I plan to give him some tasks, when possible, to help keep him teased for me. I love having him unlock on the way home, if I know I plan to use him that evening, and make him stroke and edge and keep himself hard on the way home. Sometimes, I’ll have him run an errand on the way home and he’ll have to do it while hiding a hard cock hehe! I do miss all the fun little things we used to do to keep things interesting and build his crazy horny… So I want that back. I just need to work out fitting it in to the craziness that life has become!
Last night was so amazing, I stood at the side of the bed, above him, while he sat on the edge. I put my hands to his cheeks (I love his sexy beard I made him grow!) and held his face and kissed him deep. He ran his hands all over my body and God it felt good! I stood there as he sucked my nipples and squeezed and fondled my big boobs in his hands. I loved feeling his want for me, his hands all over every part of me he could touch. Such an awesome feeling!
I look forward to increasing his desire and frustration 🙂
It’s been a week since ML locked my penis in the Revenge, hiding it away from being touched or even seen in any meaningful capacity. Although I’m not 100% on this, I’m pretty sure that this is the longest I’ve been locked 24/7 in the Revenge – we have tried before, but hygiene issues have led to me being let out at smaller intervals. This time, though, I’m being extremely diligent about keeping the inside of the cage clean as much as possible; I’m scrubbing the inside as best as I can each day with soap and water (and making myself extremely horny in the process).
My penis is in there, somewhere… I assume…
Things have been… okay, I’d say. I mean, it should go without saying that I’m extremely desperate for some sort of sexual attention…. preferably with my unlocked penis, but I’ll take anything right now. It’s not about me, though, it’s about My Lady’s satisfaction… and she seems more than satisfied at this point in time.
Take last night for example: after a little bit of kissing in bed, ML directed me to fuck her pussy… only with the Revenge still on. I will say that fucking ML with the Revenge on is different from using the Jailbird. With the JB, I can feel her wet, warm pussy all over my cock but I can’t get hard to fully enjoy it. When the Revenge is involved, it’s a different kind of frustration because I can’t feel anything at all except the steel around me. I still get hard in the cage when I see how much ML is enjoying herself, but I don’t get any of the other great feelings from being inside her.
After a little bit of cage fucking, ML needed to cum, so she used the wand in combination of my fingers to get a nice good orgasm or two. Before we went to sleep, though, she made sure to tell me that the reason she got so turned on and needed to cum was because she kept reminding herself that I couldn’t feel anything while I was fucking her. Frustration for me equals satisfaction for her.
I am hoping that she soon realizes that I can’t feasibly stay as long in the Revenge as I would in the Jailbird (if she thinks I’m making it three weeks straight in this thing, she’s nuts). Even if she lets me out, I won’t be able to touch or see my cock, as we are planning on doing a “no look, no touch” game for the next little while. I just wonder when the first time we get to try it out will be. For now, I am left wondering when ML will decide to take my cock out of this cage… and how she plans to tease and torment it when she does.
My Lady hasn’t really been working with a specific denial plan over the past few weeks, she has been just going by what she feels like doing at the moment. I’ll spend a few days locked up in my cage 24/7, then she’ll let me cum a couple nights in a row. Then, the next night, she’ll edge me for a good twenty minutes before we go to sleep. It always is her decision what happens with my cock in the end – even when we are trying for a long denial or lock up, she always has the right to say “fuck it” and do what she wants – but lately, her desires seem to be set to “extra random.”
Which is perfectly fine for me! I actually like having orgasms, because duh (I just like ML controlling my orgasms better). Trust me, I’m not complaining because My Lady is allowing me to cum more often than usual.
This past week, though, ML seems to be getting back into the “CM doesn’t need to cum” groove, as my last orgasm was last Sunday night. And for the past couple of days, I’ve been extremely fucking horny. Like REAL bad.
It always seems like there is a period after my last orgasm is when I hit a horny peak, where my cock gets very sensitive and easy to edge. I also end up dripping lots of precum. I started thinking: are there other specific time periods that I reach these horny peaks during my denials?
Me being the nerd that I am, I suggested doing a “scientific study” to ML during my next denial:
Ignore the typo, lol.
Who knows? Maybe this will lead to some scientific breakthrough… or maybe just giving ML even more information that she can use to drive be insane.