
Apologies for the lack of posts recently… don’t worry, I didn’t cum and forget about my posting duties! My Lady and I have been busy working on going through our stuff, tossing and packing appropriately, as we are scheduled to move at the end of the month. ML actually has a post she’s writing started as a draft… stay tuned. ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s a hectic time, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t had time to get naughty with each other.

So I’m currently locked up once again, with the cum I unloaded into ML’s ass representing my last orgasm of this year. Although, that’s what ML said back in July… that’s why we call it “maybe day” folks. Something tells me that she’s serious this time, though… she may even push me longer, I don’t know for sure.

After our last go around with 24/7 lockup, ML has decided that we most likely won’t be doing that very often – she loves playing with her toy too much! Maybe in the future when it feels right it’ll happen again, but she prefers locking and unlocking me on a whim. This is GREAT news for me! I was going crazy being trapped in that cage so long! I very much prefer nights like tonight, when ML unlocked me and we made love to each other. I worked hard to stay away from the edge, and since I came three days ago I was able to do a pretty good job for her. My Lady didn’t have an orgasm, although she said she really wasn’t liking for one and she just wanted to enjoy the feeling of me inside her. She did cum when I licked her pussy while I was on my knees before I left for work, though.

Ahhhhh, it’s so nice to be back to being used again! ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s getting close to two weeks now since I’ve had any time at all with the Jailbird off.

Yes, I want out.

Yes, I want to cum.

No, My Lady won’t allow it yet.

This is the exciting part for me – I genuinely want out of this cock cage and I honestly want to cum nice and hard, preferably deep inside ML’s wet and horny pussy. My requests to be released have slowly gone from the joking “Hey, can I cum tonight? Ha ha, didn’t think so” variety to the “Ok, seriously now, please at least give me a little bit of time out, I REALLY need it” type. The fact that My Lady is still in control of when and how I cum (as well as when my cock will get hard next) is the heart and soul of chastity. It’s happening, whether I want it to or not.

Which is what made this mornings’ events so difficult for me.

My Lady is going through a very “aggressive” phase of her horniness, which seems to be a pretty natural part of her horny cycle. Only this time, the intensity is off the fucking scale, I swear. She is constantly cornering me, all around the house, when I least expect it – pinning me up against a wall and forcing her tongue down my throat, pinching and squeezing my nipples, and rubbing my cage through my pants. I’m extremely reactionary to this treatment; in fact, I can’t help but moan loudly now when she touches my chest because my nipples are so sensitive from so much held back sexual frustration. It’s these moans and reactions, she tells me, that have been driving her desire through the roof.

This morning, when ML visited me before I went to sleep, she straddled me and began kissing me. She began grinding her hips down onto me, and I couldn’t help but thrust back against her. She let out a deep growl and began to squeeze my nipples as she kissed me, and I moaned throughout the kiss. This must have flicked a switch or something in her brain, because next thing I know, her hands are all over my body and she is thrusting harder at me, and she was making all kinds of sexy moans.ย When I looked into her eyes, though, I saw something I didn’t expect.


Before I had a chance to ask what was wrong, she told me: “I need you. I need to fuck you. I need you inside me!”

Ummmmmm……. OKAY!

What I said instead (stupid, stupid!) was, “Are you sure that’s what you want?” ML stammered and babbled, but the most consistent part of her answer was, “I don’t know.”

The “fucking horny, needing to cum” part of my brain sensed an opening. I’m not proud, but I started trying to talk her into it. I tried everything. I reminded her that if she let me cum, there was still a good four months left in the year to deny me. I told her she could just unlock me and let me inside her pussy… knowing full well that it wouldn’t stop there, but hey, gotta get your foot in the door, right? I begged her just to take the cage off, just so she could play with me and touch my hard cock that she was missing so much. She kissed me deeply and sensually, perhaps mainly to get me to stop talking.

I sensed she was wavering.

Then, she abruptly broke the kiss and leapt off of the bed. Heading for the door, she said over her shoulder, “Okay, I have to leave the room, right now! Or else, I might… I dunno, I might….” and she trailed off as she closed the door.

Fuck, I thought, I missed my opportunity.

Then I got a text message on my phone on the nightstand: I can’t do this baby. I can’t not have you….

I wrote back: If you really REALLY want my help here, I will back off and let you cool off. Is that what you want?

Her response: That’s my problem, I just don’t know….

I texted her back and told her that whatever her decision was, I would be okay with it. That’s why I gave her complete control like this. I’m fine with whatever she chooses, as long as she chooses. I told her that if she needed to, that she should put the key away somewhere out of her reach if she feels she is too tempted to use it. Because if she came upstairs again with the key, I wasn’t going to ask her if she wanted my help resisting again.

Honestly, I couldn’t. I wanted to cum too much. It was real. The need was just too great to resist. Itw as a miracle that I even stepped back as much as I did and gave her room to breathe. I think that if I had pushed harder, I may have gotten her to break. She was THAT much off balance. But, as much as I wanted to be unlocked and to finally feel an orgasm course through my body, to feel that release of cum as my cock gives in to the pleasure… I didn’t want to take her control back.

She didn’t come up to visit me again.

Again… fuck, I missed my opportunity. ๐Ÿ™‚

When I came down later, I asked ML how she was feeling. She responded with a kiss and a cage squeeze, but I could feel her energy – much more dominant, much more controlled, extremely stable. My Lady was back. She had a moment of weakness, but she made it… along with help from anย surprising source.


Cagedmonkey and I had quite a night of playtime last night. We decided, since we hadn’t played cards in awhile, to play some poker. Yes, I said POKER not Poke HER! ๐Ÿ™‚ Though… You know that happened haha

Anyway, during our little poker game I made some rules. I’m not really in to strip poker – since I was only wearing a tank top anyway – so I told my sexy subby hubby that if I won a pot of 300 or more that I would make him eat my pussy. I also told him if he won a pot over 600 that I would tease and lick his cock through the bars of his cage. Hehe Aren’t I the sweetest wife and keyholder? ๐Ÿ™‚


Let’s just say I climbed up on the couch to shove my pussy in his face a lot more since the two of us rarely had a big pot between us. He did get some very good teasing in his cage though, I must say.


Of course, after all the pussy eating and teasing and everything he was certainly bulging out of his cage. Mmm I just love to see that cock attempting to get hard bulging through the steel bars of his Jail Bird. I also love giving his balls a good squeeze.


Of course he wasn’t the only one turned on like crazy after our little game of poker and it was my turn to get some poking. Though it wasn’t cagedmonkey’s cock doing the poking since he’s not getting out of that little cage for another 6 weeks. I took my horny ass hubby upstairs and had him put on the RodeoH and give me a good fucking with it. I came very nice and hard feeling filled up by the strap-ons big thickness.


That’s right baby, hold that big cock in your hand since you won’t be holding yours for quite a while. We ended our night with a few big wonderful cums for me with the RodeoH and the wand and some very frustrating denial for hubby. It really was a fun night and I’m happy we have another night together tonight. I’m not sure what our night has in store but just being with my love is a gift in itself.

Wooohooooo! Got permission from our married couple friend to show off the gorgeous boobies I have been fantasizing about. So many thoughts go through my head when I see her gorgeousness. I mean how could you not want to squeeze and fondle and lick these?


Not only does she have these fantastic tits but she’s a cutie pie too. Could you imagine what cagedmonkey is thinking when I tell him all the hot sexy fantasies I’m having about this girl… about this couple? I think the four of us could have some real fun in the same room. I’ve really been having some awfully naughty thoughts the past few days. I’m sure they are coming about because I decided to tell her I was having some of these fantasies.

Just yummy yummy yumtastic!

Thank you, my sexy girlfriend (& her hubby) for allowing me to show how beautiful you are! ๐Ÿ™‚

Lately I’ve been having some fantastic fantasies about this friend of mine. Cagedmonkey and I share pics with another very sexy married couple. I would consider them a vanilla couple and sending us naughty pics of their intimate time together is about as far this side of kinky as they get. That’s ok though, I enjoy them just how they are.

Anyway, as I said, I’ve been having these fantasies about this friend. She has big beautiful breasts, the kind a girl just wants to squeeze and fondle. She’s a gorgeous girl too so… I mean, yum! Btw, I’m not bisexual but I sure can appreciate another woman, especially when she deserves to be appreciated! ๐Ÿ™‚ As I said, I’ve been having fantasies but not the kind you’re probably thinking. I’m not thinking of her fully for my pleasure haha these thoughts are of doing things with her to tease hubby.

It sure helps that I can tease him with these thoughts too… and he’s seen the pictures and can totally envision all of the hot ass sexy things I’m describing.

One day I hope to meet my girlfriend in real life and maybe one day she and I can tease our husbands while we get some playtime in with each other! ๐Ÿ™‚ mmmmm fantasies!

The kids day camp is over, so yesterday was the last time we had for play time. I won’t bore you with a post full of all the same stuff from the past few days. So instead I’ll just pick a couple parts I thought might be interesting.

Our morning started out with him unlocking and then some snuggling and a little vanilla love making. At one point while we laid there in each other’s arms I thought I’d give him something to ponder. I simply and quietly said, “just so you know, I will be restraining you to the bed, putting on the RodeoH and making love to you.” It quickly turned kinky when I rolled him over and got on top of him. Such a powerful position, especially when I reach to the top of the bed and grab the restraints. As I kissed him I cuffed him to the underbed restraints. I stayed up there, straddling his waist, and running my hands all over his beautiful chest. Lightly trailing my fingernails up his sides, across his shoulders and down over his nipples.

I just love pinching, twisting, pulling and rubbing his nipples, it really gets him squirming. I moved myself down to straddle his thighs (which actually restrains him further) and I took his hard cock in my hand, right in front of my warm wet pussy and stroked him and edged him over and over. He was trying so hard to wriggle under me as I teased his cock and got him so close to cumming.

I left him there teased, aching and tied up as I went to get the RodeoH and got “pearl” situated in the o-ring. I stood next to him, making him watch as I lubed up, talking to him, telling him how he loves when I take him and make him mine. I got in between his legs and pushed them up toward his head, I swear his knees were touching his shoulders hehe. I gently slid into him, leaning over top of him, my big breasts laying on his chest. I kissed him deep ass I slid in his ass deeper, i love when he moans in my mouth. The lovey, sweet, gentle pegging was nice but I was getting incredibly wet and turned on. Being in that powerful position, taking him like that made my aggressive side come out. I wanted to fuck him and use him like a little slut. ๐Ÿ™‚

I was having issues getting good positioning how I was, so I sat back on my ass still penetrating him, I laid back on my back, grabbed his thighs and pulled him right up to me. We were both laying on our backs and I pulled him into my harness hard and fast, over and over, pegging him. He was moaning so loud and grunting as I yanked his body back and forth, violating him.
It was such a fantastic position that I found and I look forward to using it again. I don’t peg him often but once in awhile when I’m feeling extra dominant and wanting him in a very submissive spot, I will.

Of course, only a naughty, dirty boy would want to or like getting fucked in the ass by his Lady so he had to be taught a lesson. ๐Ÿ™‚ I bent him over the side of the bed, got my butterfly paddle from the bedside table and gave him a hell of a spanking. I made him tell me what a dirty, naughty, slutty boy he was for wanting me to fuck his ass. I made him tell me what an ass slut I made him by violating his tight asshole while he was tied down. Our playtime ended with a lovely red, stinging, quivering, used ass.
I very much enjoyed our week together without the kids. We were really able to let loose. ๐Ÿ™‚

My ideas for going forward are still keeping him teased, tormented and orgasm denied until January, when we renew vows. This Monday I believe I will have him in 24/7 lockdown until the end of September. Once we get the Revenge back from getting some adjustments we will do a No Look, No Touch for a bit this fall when the weather is cooler.

Lots of fun to come through the end of the year and I look forward to sharing plenty of it with you all. ๐Ÿ™‚

I dropped the kids off to day camp this morning, stopped at McDonalds for a coffee on the way home and the whole way back thought about how wonderful it was going to be to crawl back in bed with cagedmonkey and nap in each other’s arms. Yeah that happened for a little while, but it wasn’t too long before he woke up to the sounds of my Magic wand humming on my clit.

He watched me, enjoying the vibrations for a bit, taking in each of my breathy moans. He was begging me to enjoy every bit of it, not to cum right away but to take it all in. He asked me to feel it deep before I let it drive me into a massive orgasm. I arched my back as the sensations were sent through my body. He whispered, “may I take over?” And I handed him the wand. I let him hold it there stimulating my clit relentlessly bringing me to that first orgasm. I moaned loud, taking full advantage of the fact that we were alone in the house. Screaming out things like, “oh God, yes, yes, fuck” and plenty of other things I’m sure.

He didn’t stop, didn’t turn off the wand, didn’t take it off my clit… I didn’t want him to. I wanted him to keep going, to keep pushing me into orgasm after orgasm. My body shaking, trembling and shuddering through each and every one. The next stronger than the last. Over and over, screaming, moaning, yelping, twisting, arching, squeezing, tensing up. It was a flow of orgasm after sweet orgasm. I had cum so much I began begging him to fuck me, I wanted… no, NEEDED to feel him inside me while the wand stimulated me. I needed to feel the thick length of his shaft sliding in and out of my pussy. I didn’t want it fast or hard nor slow but rather perfectly paced and he got it! Though that second I was about to go over he couldn’t stay in or he would have instantly cum with me. He grabbed “Adam” and got into my favorite scissor position and paced it perfectly while I held the wand in place on my clit. The orgasm that came from that position was unbelievable. I can’t even begin to explain how it was other than it was so strong my entire body tensed up and lifted me off the bed straight and stiff like a board. It was so crazy… absolutely amazing!

Wow! Cagedmonkey did think quick, because the orgasm was so long and intense, to grab his phone for some audio – perhaps he’ll work out getting that posted here! Keep an eye… err ear out! ๐Ÿ™‚

I just wanted to share one last thing. Later this afternoon I was heading over to get the kids from camp and I had a feeling come over me, that I’m sure some other keyholders may understand. I felt almost this feeling of guilt. I’ve been getting these massive, intense, hardcore orgasms and hubby has gotten none. I got this feeling like I owed him one for giving me such outstanding ones. Like I felt bad… I quickly talked myself out of it, lol, but I found it interesting that I had those feelings since I haven’t had that except maybe way in the beginning of our chastity play.

This morning, after sending the little ones off to camp once again, My Lady and I spent a few minutes in bed cuddling naked with each other. It’s such a nice thing to be able to do that during this week. After a few moments, I let my hands roam all over ML’s sexy body. I began kissing her shoulders and her back, and soon I was moving down between her legs, my tongue searching out her wet horny pussy.

I missed My Lady’s taste so much over the past couple of days. It seemed as though she missed the touch of my lips on her pussy, also, because she was moaning within seconds. She sounded so sexy, letting the noise out as loud as she wanted to.ย I rubbed my face all over her pussy lips, covering my face in her pussy juice. She always loves it when I do that. So do I.

After a quick cum, My Lady grabbed her wand and said she wanted to cum on a nice thick cock. I was happy to oblige, sliding myself into her tight wetness as she vibrated her clit. The wand did it’s magic rather quickly, as ML came pretty hard pretty fast. I felt her pussy grip and squeeze my cock as I struggled to control my soaring pleasure. After her orgasm, ML continued to play with the wand. I told her that I couldn’t hold off much longer. “Well, get Adam,” she instructed me, “I’m not finished cumming with a thick cock inside me yet.”

I did as I was told, easily sliding Adam’s thick shaft into her juicy pussy. She moaned louder as the fake cock stretched her pussy wide and the wand tickled her clit incessantly. Her moans turned to screams as I fucked her harder and deeper with the dildo. Her orgasm hit with incredible intensity; her entire body curled up and she screamed over and over as each wave of pleasure hit her. I could resistance from her spasming pussy as I pushed Adam inside her, her pussy eventually giving way to the hard fucking dildo. After ML (eventually) came down from her huge orgasm, it was time to head downstairs for breakfast… or so I thought. ML had other plans for me. It was finally her turn to torture her toy.

ML restrained me to the bed, cuffing my hands together behind my head and my feet together at the bottom of the bed. I couldn’t move at all, I couldn’t even spread my legs. ML then grabbed the “peppermint” lube from the nightstand and began to apply a generous amount to my cock. She began stroking me gently at first, allowing the tingly nature of the peppermint lube to settle in. Once she noticed me squirming from the sensation, she took the wand and pushed it between my legs and under my balls. A flick of the switch, and I was instantly moaning as my balls were powerfully vibrated.

My Lady stroked my cock, alternating between aย fast and slow pace, sometimes switching to “up only” motions she has described beforeย – keep that window open and handy, she uses more of those techinques later! Anyways… after a minute or so, she started quickly stroking me, pushing me towards the edge of orgasm very quickly. I moaned and whimpered, not only because I was fucking desperate for an orgasm but also because I knew what was going to happen next. At just the right moment, ML released my cock, letting it fall onto my stomach with a thump. My body tried it’s best to cum, but it was no use. She’s become an expert at edging me, and she can take me to the very tipping point basically at will now. She edges me a couple of more times, and brought me up one more time. This time, she pushed me just about as far as she possibly could without making me cum. I hung on the edge, my body NEEDING to cum so bad but unable to… then ML adjusted the wand underneath my balls. And oh God, I was going to cum! And with the wand vibrating it might actually feel good!

A millisecond before my cock began to spasm, My Lady switched the wand off.ย FUCK, NO!!!! I screamed in my head. Out loud, I only managed a desperate moan as my cock twitched in futility. I felt the cum creeping up the inside of my cock as my orgasm was slowly ruined. Her technique of ruining my orgasmย was so damn effective, I didn’t even leak out any cum… at first. After my cock finished it’s failure at cumming, she grabbed my shaft and rubbed the palm of her hand on the sensitive head of my cock.

My body lurched off of the bed! OMG FUCK was it intense! She was giving me post orgasm torture, but without even the pleasure of giving me a true orgasm first – post ruined orgasm torture, or PROCT (apparently ML invented this, lol). My body rolled around as she continued her assault on my poor cock head. I was moaning and grunting, wishing she would stop but knowing she wouldn’t until she was finished with me. The cum from my ruined orgasm seeped out and only served to supply My Lady with more lube for her palm. When that dried, she used more peppermint lube, giving me even more terrible sensation to suffer through.

Honestly, it sucked. It was horrible – I couldn’t stay still. Every muscle in my body was firing, trying to fight off the sensory overload that my brain could only interpret as pain. I had to remind myself to breathe, but each time I did I let out a loud moan, straining my vocal cords. My neck arched back; by the time she was finished with me, my shoulder blades had lifted completely off the bed andย top of my head was pressing into the mattress. At one point – I have no idea how long this went on, because I was being sexually tortured at the time – she began stroking my cock as if to make me cum. But even this was too much for me to handle, because to my dismay I couldn’t cum no matter how bad I tried. ML had overloaded my orgasm circuits, first with the ruined o and then with the post-o torture. She was telling me to cum, stroking me as if to make me, I was trying as hard as I could… and I could feel it, sooooooo close…. it was RIGHT FUCKING THERE….. but I couldn’t! FUUUUUUUCK!

My Lady finally had mercy on me, releasing her grip on my cock. But my break was short lived; ML was climbing up on top of me, straddling me facing the other way, preparing to ride me and put the cock that couldn’t cum to good use. She shoved it into her pussy and ground her hips down onto mine, taking me as deep as she could. Little did I know that she was only lubing my cock up, getting it ready for what she really craved. She pulled off me and slid the head of my cock back a little bit, lining me up with her tight asshole. She popped the head of my cock into her ass, and somehow she shoved her hips down once again, taking my cock deep and fast all the way in her ass! Her ass was pressing me into the mattress, desperate to take my entire length. It was then that I felt the vibrations again – My Lady was using the wand on her clit as she fucked her ass with my cock!

Her screams were of pure pleasure, loud and uninhibited. Her ass bounced up and down as I felt my cock being buried deep in her ass. She rode me hard and fast; the quick pace, her tight ass gripping my cock, and the vibrations of the wand through her body would have definitely brought me off had it not been for the shutdown of my ability to cum. Then her whole body began to tremble and I felt her ass spasming around my cock as her orgasm hit her. She screamed even louder, letting out all of the tension and excitement that had built up while watching me suffer at her hand. Her orgasm was massive, her body shaking and her legs flexing in and out, pushing my cock in and out of her just the littlest bit. When she had finished cumming, she was woozy as she stood up, nearly having to hold herself up against the wall just to stand up straight. That woman can cum hard!

Last night when cagedmonkey got home from his meeting, the kids were already showered and in bed. I had him unlock a bit earlier because I knew I wanted to use him for some teasing. It was time for our little at home date night. I got myself a glass of my favorite wine and hubby made himself his favorite kahlua and chocolate milk.

Of course, it was Sunday night and that means Food Network shows! ๐Ÿ™‚ We had a few drinks while watching the shows. By the time we got to the middle of Food Network Star I was feeling a bit frisky. At first I just sat back and instructed my sexy, naked, cagedmonkey to stroke himself as I watched. I had him go faster, slower, stop and let go right at the last second (I can even edge him now when HE is doing the stroking!). I get myself so worked up imagining myself riding his cock while he is doing that. So I crawled over on my hands and knees and knelt next to him. I grabbed his cock in my hand and stroked him and edged him time and time again, letting go at the last possible second and enjoying every bit of his whimpering.

That’s when I began sucking his cock and edging him and feeling his frustration grow and grow. What happened next will really have to be it’s own post so look forward to that coming soon! Sorry guys! ๐Ÿ˜€

I realized I was so super wet and gooey in my crotch and, at this particular time of the month, I don’t exactly like hubby down there cleaning it up so I went to the bathroom. I got that feeling while in there… that “God I want to fuck him feeling,” So I called out from the bathroom and told him, “you’d better keep that cock hard” to which he responded, “yes ma’am.” I came into the living room wearing only my tank top, walked right over to him where he was keeping his cock good and hard for me. I didn’t say I word but looked him straight in the eye all the way to him, straddled him on the couch and slid that beautiful big fat cock deep in my pussy. We moaned together on that one. Fuck, it was a beautiful thing.

I rode his cock as best I could without pushing him over. Not easy when he was already so sensitive from me edging him so much before that. I leaned forward on top of him, my big breasts pushing into his chest, and reached behind me and started to tickle my own asshole. Fantasizing that I was about to be filled up in both holes. I had hubby reach behind me with his hands and start fingering my ass. Mmmmm it felt so damn good and got me wanting my ass fucked. I lifted myself off of his cock and moved it slightly back positioned at my tight asshole. I gently sat down and inserted just the head of his cock and back out again, kinda teasing myself with his cock. I pushed down further and the up again. He was moaning and whimpering with each gentle thrust. Deeper in I slid him and back out and finally say all the way down on his lap thrusting his cock deep into my ass. I slowly fucked my ass with his big cock, sliding it in and out, lifting myself up and down on him. Stroking him tight with my asshole.

Cagedmonkey reached between my legs and started to rub my clit. This flipped a switch in me and got me even more turned on. I leaned back and put one hand on the couch behind me, with his cock in my ass, so that he could finger my pussy while I fucked myself in the ass. I demanded, “make that fucking pussy cum like a good boy.” He replied enthusiastically, “YES ma’am!” And He fingered my sloppy pussy faster and faster as I bounced hard up and down on his lap until I felt my body tighten, my thighs began to quiver and shake and I began cumming so insanely hard. I squeezed his cock in my ass so tight and gushed from my pussy all over his hand and his “mound.” I could feel the sweat building in my back, forehead and chest as I pounded down on his lap harder, fucking my ass deep and hard.

I could feel myself getting lost in it all. I felt myself building and that’s when I leaned forward and grabbed cagedmonkey by the throat. I held him down into the couch by his throat while I slammed my ass so hard and fucked his cock over and over so hard until I basically wore myself out. I let go of his throat, laid on his chest, told him I loved him and kissed his cheek. I had this huge feeling of pride come over me because my amazing boy had held off orgasm during all of that, knowing he did not have permission to cum. He’s awesome!! I love my boy so much for all the pleasure he gives me and for giving me the control over the pleasure he gets.

I was so sweaty and beat that it was time to climb off, slide him out of my ass and get cleaned up. What a fucking amazing night! And ahead of us we have a week of opportunities because the kids start their day camp tomorrow. Four days of 6 hours kid free… whatever will we get up to in that amount of time?!?! ๐Ÿ™‚ hehe

***Update to my previous post: I just went upstairs, took Pearl, lubed it up and woke cagedmonkey with it pressing against his tight, uninviting asshole. He moaned so incredibly loud as I pushed passed his clenched, tight ass. He definitely was not ready for it! My pussy was literally dripping down my thighs because I was enjoying the amount of control I had over him. I went to the toy box and got my new strapless strap on, I figured it was a great time to try it out. I slid it up into my sloppy wet pussy and lubed up the other end and positioned myself behind cagedmonkey. Laying on his stomach, arms restrained above his head and his cage pressing into the mattress I swirled my hips into him… or so I tried… the strapless strap on does NOT stay in hands-free. Not one single bit. I held it with my hand and gave him a good pegging. He was moaning so loud and good and his reactions just caused my pussy to get wetter and hornier! Finally I needed to cum so I climbed up and straddled hubby’s ass and used his little sexy round butt to rub my pussy. I came all over his ass, covering him in my pussy juices.

I wasn’t quite done yet so I grabbed my wand, laid next to him on the bed and let the wand take me to orgasm heaven. Once I came with the wand I wanted it again and again but it made me want to feel him while using the wand. That’s just not possible while locked in a steel cage so I released one of his hands from the restraints and he slid two fingers inside made and pushed me, along with the wand, to an outstanding whole body, wiggling, shaking, writhing and ultimately squirting on the bed, screaming orgasm. My throat hurts!

What an amazing morning!

A bit after I left him laying in the juices I got this text:


Looking for ideas to spice up your play?

So much fun! I wonder what else I’ll get up to today since its only 11am! ๐Ÿ™‚