4 comments on “So, My Lady Was Riding My Cock…

  1. I’ve never went as long as you but I found a trick that helps me through. First, I do a reverse kegal. It can get hard to hold, but makes a big difference. Secondly, I find that if I go through a couple cycles of hard then soft, I last a lot longer. For some reason, I go soft during anal, so she may just give me a few thrusts with a dildo by hand. Lastly, and we haven’t done this in a while, is to pull my foreskin, yeah uncircumcised here, over my head and tape it with medical tape, then a condom over that. It doesn’t allow any friction at all on the head. Those have let me hold off for a little while, a couple weeks is the longest, but if I went as long as you have, I’m not sure I could hold off.

    • ML inadvertently tried the anal trick you mentioned earlier today, using the milking tool on me while she was on top of me… I nearly lost it right away! The foreskin trick is out because, yeah. Condoms are a no go, both ML and I absolutely HATE them with a passion! But the kegels is an interesting idea, I might try that out.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  2. I know where you’re coming from… Like you, barely two strokes in, and I’m fighting the urge. If I can maneuver her into a position where she’s enjoying my cock without a lot of friction/movement, I’m OK, but otherwise I have to pull out frequently.

    One thing we’ve tried with some success, is numbing gel on my cock. However, it does take a bit of time between application and initial penetration. If you can wait, it can help, we’ve found.

  3. These are great ideas, Many of which I am going to try. I have numbing gel and yes, It takes time, but it also is very week. I need something stronger. Now I am able to last much longer than some of you have mentioned. I don’t know how, but depending on the situation, I can last about 30 seconds on a full out banging. but with a low and slow approach, I can go on for quite some time. One thing that I know works and alcohol. Being on the edge of drunk helps you last longer. There are times I have been asked to stop because I ran a marathon. Try it. I know you cant be drunk all the time but on a friday night when the kidos are in bed like mine and ML and you are on the front porch enjoying the nice weather kicking back some suds. Dont get drunk, just get a really good buzz. find the perfect place to make the fucking last longer 😉

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