
All posts tagged needy

There’s really nothing super special about today. Just a regular old Sunday, hanging around the house.

I’m crazy fucking horny.

This is just how my life is now – I’m perpetually in a state of horniness, wanting sex, and needing to cum. Even as I sit here writing this, I can feel my thighs putting pressure on my cock and making it worse. Just the act of sitting is making me sexually crazy.

It seems as though all of this time with extremely reduced orgasm frequency is starting to catch up to me. Even after so long, I’m not getting used to it – it’s actually building and becoming even greater. It’s like I have a certain baseline need for sexual pleasure inside me, and when I’m denied and fail to meet that baseline, it just keeps rolling over. Eventually, I’ll reach a point where no amount of orgasms will ever be able to truly satisfy me, because I’m so deep in the hole already.

Here’s the scary part: all of this is going through my mind at a time when playtime between ML and I has been patchy at best – we haven’t had a truly intense play session for a while. But just our base level of sexual connection is enough to leave me simmering on a lazy Sunday morning.

I’m truly fortunate that ML isn’t bothered by my now-permanent mindlock on sex. I can’t help myself from squeezing her boobs or grabbing her ass for no other reason that she happens to be within arms reach. Although, it is her fault, after all.