
All posts tagged relocating


If you’ve been following along here on our journey you probably recall that cagedmonkey did the whole job hunting thing recently. Since we haven’t taken the time to post about all of the changes going on here, I thought I’d do that now.

A couple months ago now cagedmonkey started looking for a new job. For the past, almost, 4 years he’s been working midnights and furthering his education so that he could advance his career. Unfortunately there wasn’t an opportunity for him to advance at his current place of employment so he had to look elsewhere. Well a few weeks ago he did just that. He accepted a position for a supervisor job making more money and working on a day shift! So amazing! I’m super happy about that because that means I get cagedmonkey back in my bed every night! 🙂 This wasn’t an easy thing for cagedmonkey. He’s been at his job for over 12 years and he loves where he works. This is a positive change and a wonderful opportunity.


What all that means is that we are relocating this whole production from New York to West Virginia! We will be on the east side of WV near the Virginia border. If you’re near there, please let us know, we really do love meeting new friends! First we will be dealing with all of this funeral stuff and then we will be busting some booty to pack up this apartment and move two and a half weeks after that.

As I mentioned yesterday about how we might have less posts coming up soon, I realized that it might be a little longer than that with a lull because of this move. Soon the toys will be packed away – certainly not the Chastity Cage haha – and we will have a lot less time for play but we will do our best to keep you up on the happenings around here. I certainly have no intentions of not teasing the hell out of CM over the course of all this. 🙂