submission rules

All posts tagged submission rules

This weekend cagedmonkey and I have discussed and agreed that it will be a full submission weekend. We’ve had full submission days and weekend before but not to the level I am planning to take this one. I have written a list of rules that he will follow. If he forgets or does not follow one of the rules, he will be earning demerits, so to speak. For each rule that goes unfollowed, at any time, I will mark it down. For every mark he has on Sunday evening he will receive 1 swat with my paddle. Mmmm cannot wait to spank that sexy little ass, even if he has no demerits! 🙂

Starting today, cagedmonkey will do anything I ask him to without question. It may be as simple as getting me a drink to following me in the other room, eating my pussy and giving me and orgasm. I have complied a list of rules that I want followed. Some of these things we already do but not to the extent we are doing them this weekend. It’s not that easy to have these kinds of rules in place everyday with young children in the house. This weekend it is required he find a way to follow each and every rule.

Here is my rule list:
1. No matter what I ask or tell him he must answer with “Yes, ma’am” without question or comment.

2. Every morning, he is to wake me, kiss my lips tell me “Good Morning, Ma’am” and then eat my pussy before we get out of bed.

3. He is required to drink 64oz of water each day – plus anything else I tell him to drink or that he asks to, when I tell him to.

4. He is to only use the bathroom when I allow him to. He may ask to use it but he must ask in a way that is pleasing to me. (Ex. May your loving subby hubby use the bathroom now?)

5. He is to kiss me and then ask anytime he needs or wants to leave a room. (Ex. May I go to the kitchen and….)

6. He is to eat what and when I tell him to eat and if he wants something other than that he must ask appropriately.

7. He will be required to wear the small or large nJoy butt plug any time I tell him to, for however long I tell him to.

8. He will be caged, uncaged, stroked, etc at my discretion and will stop what he is doing immediately and go do what ever I tell him when I tell him.

I’m sure there are a few little things here or there that we already do that I haven’t added to this list. I wrote this list here so we both know what to expect from each other and we know exactly what rules I will be enforcing and keep track of for punishment.

Plus it’s a bonus that I get to share these with all of you. I hope that you guys get a chance sometime to have your own full submission weekend… Or even a day. It’s so lovely to feel so powerful. Like CM mentioned in his last post, it’s not a way we could live constantly everyday because I would feel like I was waaaaaaay too micromanaging but I do love these periodic times we get to explore and enjoy this!

Thank you to everyone commenting, emailing and following along! 2016 sure is going to be an exciting time for all of us! 🙂