
All posts by cagedmonkey

It’s taken a few days to get out of “vacation” mode and back into real life mode. I’m already back to work (boo), but I’m still trying to work myself back into my weird midnight shift sleeping schedule. Stepping back into pre-vacation routine in a sexual way has been both easy and tough.

ML had me locked back into the JB for the last two nights at work. Wearing the cage after two weeks of off time isn’t as uncomfortable as I thought it might be. I actually miss the feeling of the steel squeezing my cock as it tries to get hard. It brings an intense sensation that nothing else could do. So far my skin hasn’t had any chafing issues or anything like that, although I do need to remember to lube up to prevent the cage from getting “sticky” during longer lockups. Shaving will also help with that, as I am very shaggy and in dire need of some nether grooming at the moment.

As far as denial goes, that’s another thing I’m eager to get back into. Jan. 31st was my last orgasm, and will be my last for quite a while (ML wants to push me deep into summer with a six month-ish denial). I’m already feeling the hornies creeping up, where just about every movement of my body translates to the surge of tension in my cock. It’s wonderful. 🙂

The D/s relationship between ML and I is taking a little bit longer to jump start, as we kinda expected. We talked about the possible need for an intense session to get her feet wet (and pussy, presumably) and get her mind oriented in the right direction. I’m sure once we both feel the experience – me being controlled, ML feeling the dominance over me – it’ll be a lot easier to get things back on track.

Last night, ML and I enjoyed our first night in bed naked together in quite a while (sharing a room on a cruise ship with two children under 10 tends to limit your naked time). It felt wonderful cuddling together, and eventually it led to us making love. We both shared an orgasm together, both reaching our climax at almost the exact same moment.

Although I’m sure My Lady will be enjoying plenty of orgasms in the near future, last night was my last cum for quite a while.

Although we haven’t set a specific Maybe Day, we were tossing around the idea of a 6 month-plus denial period, which would push things to well past my birthday in June.

Honestly? I’m perfectly fine with that. It was nice to have a couple of weeks of freedom, having sex with ML and not worrying about holding back my orgasm, just letting loose whenever it felt right… but I do miss the feeling of being controlled by ML. I miss the feeling of not being required to please My Lady first. I also miss the franticness of being crazy horny and needing an orgasm every moment of the day, the need getting worse and worse as time goes on.

I also miss the effect that denying me has on ML. I’ve only been locked up for a handful of hours today, and I already sense a change in ML’s demeanor. There’s an intensity that wasn’t there before, and I can feel her arousal in the air around us. Lots of people talk about how denial affects the submissive male, but I can say from experience that the dominant female is also affected in a similar way. I’m glad for that change, and I can’t wait to watch as ML gets deeper into her dominance as my denial goes on.

In the midst of getting ready for our anniversary cruise, it’s been hard to find time to post and what not. But I figured this was important enough to squeeze in a post as best as I can.

I got my long awaited orgasm last night, after 3 months and over 100 days of going without!

It was amazing! My Lady couldn’t decide whether she wanted to see how big my load was or not, but after feeling my cock inside her pussy for the first time in a couple of weeks (locked up in the Revenge 24/7 during that time), she couldn’t wait and needed me to cum inside her. I wasn’t in a position to argue, considering I was right close to the edge as she was deliberating anyway.

My orgasm came quick and was very powerful. It hit me in strong waves, my body lurching and spasming as I tried to keep some sort of composure (and failing). I moaned loudly, unable to keep it in, worried about the kids hearing but also not giving a crap at the same time. As my orgasm continued (it felt like the longest one of my life!), I think I began to have a strange unfamiliar emotional reaction, because I couldn’t help but begin laughing during the end part of it. It was so uncommon that ML had to ask if everything was okay, to which I replied “yes” in between my orgasmic shudders and moans.

ML enjoyed watching me experience this so much that she accidentally delayed her own orgasm. She usually cums right along with me (when I’m allowed, of course), but this time she only started at the tail end of my orgasm. Her’s seemed just as intense as mine was, as she gripped my body with both her arms and legs and squeezed me hard. Her hips rolled and humped against me, her pussy gripping my cock and giving me even more post-orgasmic thrills. It was an intense moment, and we shared it with each other kissing fiercely as our orgasms faded.

So yeah… it was well worth the wait! Not only was the orgasm fucking amazing, but the lead up to it with the teasing and denial and chastity was wonderful as well. I am looking forward to the next few weeks of “chastity/denial vacation” during the cruise, and being able to have sex with ML without worrying about holding back my orgasm (we’ve only had a couple more opportunities since last night… damn all of this packing and other things to do!). But I’m sure when we get back, ML and I will be very excited to get back into it!

As our Twitter followers may already know, I’m currently writing this post with the large Njoy butt plug stuffed up my ass.

ML took the kids out for a few errands this afternoon, giving me some much appreciated alone time. She gave me an assignment before she left, though – get the large butt plug and fill my ass up with it. Our first try with the large plug didn’t go so well. This time, with an empty house and with me doing the inserting myself, I was hoping for a better outcome.

After everyone left, I fetched the plug and the lube and got on my knees in the center of the living room. I spread some (extra, EXTRA) lube on the plug and I reached back to slowly begin the process of opening up my ass to the plug. I had to take it slow, pushing the tip in millimeter by widening millimeter. It was somewhat humiliating, being on my knees stuffing my ass with a metal butt plug, bent over with my head down and ass up in order to help my ass accept the plug better, moaning as the steel pushed further into me. When ML texted me to see how it was going, she instructed me to tell her what I was doing and how it felt. Painting the picture for her only added to my humiliation.

Going slow, I was able to get the plug into my ass pretty deep without too much pain. Then, when the head of the plug passed through my asshole, my ass sucked the rest of the plug in. I was not prepared to be completely filled that fast, and I collapsed onto the floor moaning and rolling around as my ass accepted the hunk of metal that had invaded it.

As I sit here, about an hour later, my ass has still not stopped throbbing and twitching. My ass wants this plug out; it keeps trying to push it out, but without success. I’ve been trying to calm my muscles down, but I cannot control them. They are squeezing and quivering on their on accord. It feels strange to have my asshole twitch, not only involuntarily but completely against my will. Even stranger is the fact that no matter how badly my ass wants to push the plug out, that plug is going absolutely nowhere.

Oh yes, one other thing… precum. I am very well aware of the sensation of the plug sitting on my prostate, and every couple of minutes or so I feel my cock gush precum. It’s not just dripping but literally gushing out, almost pooling inside the Revenge before emptying into my underwear.

ML texted me quite a few times to tell me how excited she is that my “slutty ass” was able to take the plug. When I told her I could feel lube leaking in my undies, she texted me the following:

So what… you can be my ass plugged lube leaking slutty bitch 🙂

I’ll be wearing the plug for most of the night. My Lady wants to watch me when I remove the plug. She wants to rub her pussy while I “moan like a little bitch” when the plug comes out.


It’s been about a week straight that I’ve spent locked in the Revenge now. Yes that means 24/7, one whole week of not even being able to see, let alone touch my cock. It’s starting to drive me a little mad, to the point of I have to say “about a week” because I can’t remember the exact day this started because it feels like such a long fucking time.

Making things worse is the timing of ML’s cycle denying me of my other avenue of release of sexual tension – pleasing My Lady’s horny pussy. Oh, don’t get me wrong, she’s had her share of orgasms. She has managed to get along just fine without me touching her pussy, which kinda rubs it in my face even more. It makes me wish I could cum without touching myself, because I really fucking need to right now.

Yesterday, ML spent the whole day incredibly turned on. We were doing what we call an “extra control” day, in which I need to ask her permission for a lot more things than normal. She also has a tendency to either say no or delay giving me what I want for just a little bit, just because she can (hot as fuck). For example, she gave me a stern look when I forgot to ask her if I could play a game on my cell phone, instructing me to do the dishes instead before I was allowed to play. Holding this type of control over me keeps her horny brewing all day long, and she unleashed it on me after the kids went to bed.

The extra control day was the result of me disclosing a couple of switch fantasies I’ve been having lately (that’s a whole other post, altogether). They were some pretty intense thoughts, and ML felt that she needed to keep her “naughty boy and his naughty thoughts” in line.

(Note: I fucking absolutely LOVE My Lady, because she made sure to let me know out-of-role beforehand that I she wasn’t really upset, and she was using the term “naughty” in a playful way. She loves hearing my fantasies, and actually requires that I share them with her. She also knew that I needed to know this in order to avoid a debilitating shame spiral. She really is the fucking best thing ever, I swear!)

After the entire day of controlling me exactly the way she wanted to, she decided she needed to complete my lesson and give her naughty boy a good spanking. She ordered me to lay bare assed over her knee and began spanking me pretty hard. The sting of the smacks built up until I was squirming on her lap after each sway. She continued spanking my ass as she worked the butt plug in and out of my ass at the same time (yes, that too… I am required to ask permission to use the bathroom during extra control days). I was moaning and writhing on the couch as the pain of being spanked mixed with the sensation of being repeatedly penetrated by the plug.

My Lady continued to spank my ass, not even saying a word. Soon, it really began to hurt and I needed her to stop. I asked…. begged her to stop, but she continued. Then I realized what I needed to do.

I apologized. I said I was sorry for being a naughty boy. These were the magic words My Lady was waiting for; she began telling me how naughty I was for fantasizing about her in the ways I did. She spanked me hard as she told me to admit that I’m a dirty little boy with a dirty little mind, and I said so without any hesitation.

Finally, the spankings stopped. She didn’t let me off her lap for just a few more moments, and it occurred to me that she was taking pictures of my nicely reddened ass for her enjoyment later.


She certainly did enjoy them later, as she had three more orgasms as she laid back on the couch and I rubbed her pussy and kissed her, the last of which ended up being a HUGE one triggered by me shoving my finger into her pussy with perfect timing. She came hard, her entire body tensing up as she looked directly into my eyes. Her pleasure was so intense, I could feel it taking her over and flowing right from her eyes into mine. It was an incredible feeling!

We both woke up incredibly horny this morning, which prompted the title of this post being my first thought of the day. I may be getting my wish later today, as I need a shave badly… but ML has told me that I still won’t be able to see or touch my cock until our anniversary. Is she planning a “no look, no touch” grooming session?

So I was completely unaware of this, but all of those times in the past that My Lady has squirted during sex with me she was really just pissing on me.

At least, that’s what the wonderful people over at the clickbait website Vice would have you believe.

A recent article was brought to my attention, titled, “Squirting is Just Peeing, Say Scientists.” I gave it a read, and I have issues with claims that are made in the article. To be honest, I wasn’t surpised at the level of investigative journalism from a site that features a link to an article titled “Brazil Is Grieving Over a Beauty Queen’s Rotting Ass” on its sidebar.

The article at least has the conscience to provide a link to the study abstract. My first question is: who exactly are these scientists? They got a nice gig going on here. “No, we aren’t watching these women orgasm over and over because we’re creeps… this is SCIENCE!!!” You can’t tell me that these pervs didn’t go home every day and jerk off as hard as they possibly could.

With that out of the way, reading through the abstract exposes a lot of problems with the study. They went about observing seven women (also known in the scientific community as an absurdly small sample size) who reported massive fluid release during sex (the article specifically mentions a cupfull of liquid, which, yeah, I would consider massive). So not only do we have a small sample size, but we also have selection bias going on. BAD SCIENCE ALERT!!!

They basically picked women who would give them the best chance to prove their theory (if you’re squirting a cup full of liquid when you cum, there’s a decent chance some of it might be urine, because duh, that’s a lot of goddamn fluid) and stopped when the data supported them.

Let me tell you what I know, from firsthand (and firstcock) knowledge. I’m pretty sure when ML squirts that it isn’t pee. There are a few reasons I believe this. First, ML can feel the difference between when I’m stimulating her in a squirty way and when I’m starting to hit her bladder, and so can I. Second, the fluid that comes out does not look, smell, or taste like pee. It has a very potent musky scent, and it turns me on like fucking crazy. Piss doesn’t do that for me. Third (and this is the best evidence, in my opinion), just about every time ML squirts, she feels the need to go pee after, and she pees A LOT. It’s enough to be like , “okay, if that squirt was piss, where is all this coming from?” The study claims that the women had empty bladders after orgasm; ML’s bladder is anything but.

So why is there such a disagreement? I’m guessing that the women in the study already had some sort of incontinence issue already. I mean, how else are you going to squirt a cup full of fluid? It’s actually not that big of a deal to me. Whether it’s piss or not, I still think it’s fucking sexy when M Lady’s pussy squirts. It’s mindblowing to think that her pussy squirts a lot more often than my cock does. I love it when she squirts all over me, soaks my body in her juices, and even forces me to drink it down. If it’s pee, then so be it. What’s most important is that it makes both ML and me horny, and it certainly does that!


Today marks 3 calendar months since my last orgasm, which – thanks to Pope Gregory XIII – corresponds to a very uneven 92 days. My Lady put it into perspective for me by equating it to 1/4 of a year. Has it really been that long? Yes, it fucking has. I may not have been counting day by day, but I was very aware of my growing frustration and horniness. ML made sure of that. What’s even more amazing to think about is how many orgasms My Lady has had during this time. Considering how she averages at least one cum a day (and very often more than that), it has to be well over one hundred.

So… exactly how long has it been since my last orgasm? What has happened since that morning when I filled My Lady’s pussy with a nice load of cum? Let’s see… since my last orgasm:

I have about two weeks go to until I get to cum; ML has promised me that this is not a “Maybe Day” this time around, it’s a “DEFINIETLY Day!” It’s been a long wait, and I’m not going to lie… I’m really glad it’s almost done. I’m desperate to cum! But that’s how My Lady wants me, and that’s why we do this.

A friend of My Lady – who doesn’t happen to know about this blog – was chatting with her about male chastity. How the subject came up without mention of the blog is a mystery, but she asked her a few questions that I thought it might be helpful to answer here. And if ML’s friend happens upon this blog, thanks for the post material!

ML’s friend wants to introduce male chastity into her marriage. She wanted to have an idea of what to expect from certain aspects of chastity. She writes:

Going months without an orgasm – is that healthy?

First, I’m going to be a stickler for terms. There is absolutely no danger for a male to go any amount of time without an orgasm. Ejaculation is a different story: there is some evidence that frequent ejaculation decreases the probability of prostate illness, however there is also evidence that regular ejaculations increase prostate disease. When it comes down to it, nobody really knows. If you are interested in the “better safe than sorry” approach, there are ways to have a male ejaculate without a full orgasm (milking, ruined orgasms, etc.).

What effect does that have on him?

Long story short, it makes him fucking horny as hell. The male body craves orgasm constantly – it goes back to the primal urge to reproduce. The longer he goes without an orgasm, the more he’ll need it. Over time, he will recognize his keyholder (that would be you) as the source of his pleasure, and he will develop a submissive instinct and try to keep you pleased as a result of this. Some people have said that the increase in intensity of this reaction tapers off after a few months. I call BS on that. 🙂 Thanks to ML’s constant teasing, I’m still feeling that need to cum grow and grow every day.

How does a keyholder stay stasified without sex?

There are ways for a man to satisfy his woman other than with his cock! Tongue, fingers… there are many options. The most important thing is to redefine your idea of “sex.” For ML and I, we end up having sex all day long – for us, those hugs and kisses and loving touches are all part of us having sex.

With that said, I understand the desire ML has for a nice hard cock deep in her pussy. When she wants this, we have toys that we can use to satisfy this need. But sometimes, she just needs to feel my flesh. In that case, she unlocks me and uses my cock but doesn’t allow me to cum.

There are plenty of ways for you to get yours without letting him get his. 🙂

Mail Chastity has become a very popular subject on the blog. We’ve gotten lots of questions, either through email or Twitter, and we plan on doing more of these posts in the future. We could always use more questions to answer, though, so don’t hesitate to ask us anything!

My Lady has already shared her account of the intense pegging she gave me the other night. I won’t go into too much detail of what happened, as she has already done that (and I was also mighty drunk, as well). I do want to talk about what I experienced during the scene – how it felt and what was going through my mind. This is much easier to remember, as having a a big thick rubber dildo shoved into your ass until you can’t help but scream tends to sober you up pretty quickly.

After heading to bed after our drinking date, My Lady told me to get up on my hands and knees – assume the position, as it were. The alcohol made me very obiedient, and I followed her instruction right away. I knew what was coming, as ML and I had talked about this for a week or two before this; it’s not like she surprised me with it or anything.

ML started my anal abuse with Blue, a toy she sometimes uses near the end of our pegging scenes (if at all). God, when she uses this on me, it feels like I’m being invaded by a big bulbous head… probably because that’s exactly what’s going on. It’s always a struggle for me to relax enough to get that huge head past the tight ring of my asshole. Once it’s in, it’s not all that terrible, except for the fact that I can feel the thick round tip plowing back and forth inside me. It’s an intense experience, and I feel completely out of control when ML begins to speed up and actually fuck me with it at a good pace. I’m pretty much forced to give myself over to whatever is happening inside my ass.

A weird thing happens when ML pegs me – I very often have no clue which toy she is using unless I see it before she starts. In this case, I had no idea which toys she was using (even when she started using Mr. O, which I will get to in a little bit). Perhaps the alcohol had a little something to do with it, but not likely; this is something that I’ve experienced before. I usually end up thinking she is using a bigger toy than she is, and I don’t reall think you can blame me. Everything feels bigger when it’s buried deep in your ass… or so I’ve heard.

This time, after ML started fucking me pretty hard with Blue, I couldn’t even really think about which toy she was using. The only thing I could think about was praying that ML would be finished with me quickly. That ended up being far from the case. Each time I felt that I was able to adjust and handle the rough ass fucking she was putting me through, ML would thrust faster and deeper. I was constantly whimpering, begging her to please stop, to please be done with me. At some point, she reached underneath me and began stroking my hard throbbing cock (???), and I started alternating between moaning and asking her to let me cum and pleading with her to stop fucking my ass. My Lady fulfilled neither of these requests.

The one thing My Lady did fill was my ass with an even bigger dildo – Mr. O (side note: My Lady forgot to mention another reason Mr. O got its name – back when we were searching for a good strap on for me to fuck ML with while caged, Mr. O was the only toy that could give her a nice good “O”). I had never been formally introduced to Mr. O, and knowing the mood that ML was already in, I knew it wasn’t going to be gentle. The tapered shape helped with the pain of the initial insertion, but as you can clearly see from the link above, Mr. O gets much thicker much quicker.

Mr. O gave a totally different feeling than Blue – while Blue felt more invasive and intruding, Mr. O simply stretched my ass wide. And it fucking hurt. I couldn’t hold back and I screamed into the pillow as ML pushed it further inside me. She was thrusting hard, and after a few moments I didn’t even have the ability to beg for mercy any more. I hit what seemed like a combination of subspace and pure pain, where I went from sobbing into the pillow to simply enduring the torture and back again. I wasn’t tied down, but I couldn’t move. I lost time, it felt like it was going on forever and that time was standing still all at once. I was just there, being treated like a raw fuck hole by the woman I love.

I felt the first bulge on Mr. O’s shaft push into my ass, and my mind snapped back to the moment. I began frantically screaming for ML to stop, and I started to cry with my face pressed into the mattress. I asked for exactly this. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that I was actually being raped; I wanted it to stop more than anything. But My Lady kept going, pushing the dildo harder and deeper into my abused asshole.

The second bulge forced its way in my ass, and I felt ML bearing down even more, determined to make me take it all. She leaned in hard on me, and suddenly I felt a sharp pain inside me. I tried to adjust to it and endure it, but I couldn’t. Then I tried to just let it wash over me, but it only got worse. It felt like the dildo was about to tear me apart inside. I couldn’t take it any longer, and I used my safeword.

My wonderful loving wife, after hearing me resort to using my safeword, immediately began taking me down. She removed the dildo from my ass (calmly and gently, thankfully) and held me tightly and assured me that it was over and everything was okay. It felt wonderful for her to react so quickly to my SW, but I had the strangest reaction – I was telling ML that it was okay, also. I wasn’t really thinking, but my instinct was to make sure ML knew that what she did to me, deep down, was a good thing.

As usual, after I experience a good hard pegging, I was feeling extremely subby to ML. I serviced her in my favorite way by licking her pussy, which was totally soaked after dominating my so completely. After a few orgasms, both ML and I were completely exhausted. We fell asleep in each other’s loving arms, safe and secure with each other.

Amazingly, my asshole itself didn’t hurt too much the morning after. I thought I’d be sore and hurting after the the treatment I received, but thankfully ML used a ton of lube. I did, however, feel a soreness deep inside my hips from the deep and thorough fucking ML gave me. It wasn’t a bad hurt though, it was similar to the way your muscles ache after a good workout.

I never thought I’d be able to fully live out my rape fantasy, but My Lady made that happen. As much pain and suffering I went through, I never felt scared or unsafe with ML. I knew that no matter what happened, she truly loves me and would take care of me. She gave me a painful ass fuck out of love. 🙂

After all is said and done, I didn’t fully hate it. I am amazed at how fully used ML made me feel, and that depravity is definitely a turn on for me (I’m actually getting hard writing this st the moment). I really did hate it in the moment, but I can’t deny that I love that it happened. Part of me wonders exactly what it looked like to watch me be pushed so far; maybe next time I’ll suggest that ML get it on video. 🙂 in all seriousness, I don’t think I’ll be ready for a repeat of this after quite some time… but it’s definitely something I’d be willing to experience again.

Damn, I love tongue fucking My Lady’s ass.

Last night before we went to sleep, I asked ML if I could give her some oral pleasure. She said okay and removed her covers, but she did not roll over and stayed laying on her belly. I waited a moment, but then I got the message when she lifted her butt off the mattress and gave it a sexy wiggle.

I slid down to the end of the bed and between her legs. I could smell her horny pussy as I got closer. As I began softly kissing her pussy, ML pushed back against me. She has been really enjoying any type of “from behind” action lately, but she particularly likes it when I eat her pussy like that. From that position, my nose nuzzles in between her pussy lips as I suck her clit. It also gives me clear access to another hole she loves me to tongue.

I spread her ass cheeks a little wider and pushed the tip of my tongue into her tight asshole, and I heard her moan loudly into the pillow. I pushed deeper and she moaned louder, and she began to grunt as I tongue fucked her deeper. I wiggled the tip of my tongue inside her ass, and she squealed as her asshole quivered around my tongue. I love the way she reacts so quickly and forcefully. I pulled back a little bit and licked around her asshole, and I could hear her muffled moans getting louder. Without warning, I spread her ass wide and plunged my tongue into her asshole as deep as I could. She screamed into the pillow and her whole body began to shake

After that, I’m not quite sure what happened exactly, I really was lost in the moment. I know that at one point I started fucking her pussy with two fingers while tongue fucking her ass, and her entire body was shaking throughout. Everything clenched as she came, and her body fell limp to the mattress afterwards.

I laid next to her as she went from laying completely still and spent to having aftershocks of such incredible pleasure. She trembled as I held her tight. I could feel the pleasure coursing through her long after I was done. It felt wonderful to do that for her.

This morning, after we woke up, I couldn’t help but do it some more. This time, I gave her a nice mellow morning tongue fuck, slowly penetrating her asshole and softly thrusting. Her moans were less pronounced, but I could tell the pleasure was just as intense. She didn’t have an orgasm this time around, she just enjoyed the sensations of having her subby hubby’s tongue inside her tight asshole.