Very soon after I started wearing a chastity cage, ML and I made the decision to try shaving my cock and balls. At first it was a comfort decision – shaving allowed me to avoid hairs getting inadvertently plucked and/or tugged on – but we discovered that we both thought I looked pretty damn sexy shaved down there. Since then, I still shave for comfort, but also because ML likes to have me nice and smooth. Nowadays, I get itchy and uncomfortable if I go a week or so without shaving.
The only time this presents a problem is if ML is wanting to keep me locked up for a good long time. I have two choices:
1) don’t shave during the lockup, and let 2+ weeks worth of pubic hair grow in, or
2) attempt to shave around the cage
Shaving around the cage isn’t that big a problem by itself, but it gets kinda bad when the hairs begin to grow back… especially in areas where the cage usually sits. I’ve had to deal with a few ingrown hairs here and there, which wasn’t exactly pleasant. So, to avoid all of this hassle, I decided to go with a more “long term” solution to hair removal.
Now, this is going to sound kinda weird, considering I post pictures of my cock to this blog on a fairly regular basis, but I am actually really shy; I’m not really interested in going to some salon to have laser hair removal done on my balls. Instead, I looked for something that I could do at home.
Which brings us to…

The Gillette Venus Silk Expert IPL system!
Now, before I start my review, I would like to say that the instruction manual does clearly state that this product should NOT be used on the genital area… however, I did my due diligence and researched a bit and found that people have used it for just this very purpose. I also did the “test area” bit where I give it a try on a small patch of skin first, and I experienced no problems. With all of that said, I would still use caution and understand that there is some risk involved in using a product in ways other than suggested by the manufacturer.
How Does It Work?
Laser hair removal uses the melanin in hair to treat the follicle and prevent hair regrowth. The laser reacts with the melanin found in the hair to create heat, which actually damages the root of the hair and the follicle itself. Melanin is a pigment which makes both skin and hair darker; because of this, the laser is more effective with darker hair. Also, laser treatment cannot be performed on people with darker skin because the laser can react with the pigment in their skin (instead of the hair) and cause burns and injury.
It isn’t immediate or perfect, and it takes time for the effect to be visibly noticeable… which is why some people give bad reviews on these products, it’s due to their unreasonable expectations.
How Do You Use It?
It is actually very easy to use. The device itself has skin tone detectors on it, which can sense when the device is applied properly to the skin; if the laser window isn’t flush to the skin, it won’t activate. It works like a safety, preventing bad application of the laser. It also helps prevent skin burns from the laser – if your skin is too dark, the laser will not turn on. The Venus Silk Expert can either be used in individual spots (which is the technique I’ve been using), or a continuous technique for larger areas like your legs or chest.
Does It Hurt?
Um…. kinda, I guess? I mean, it’s nowhere near like getting a tattoo, and not even in the same universe as getting a piercing… but it’s not 100% painless. It’s sort of like touching something that’s hotter than you expect it to be, but not hot enough to seriously burn you – it stings, but it lasts for an EXTREMELY short time. It’s definitely not as bad if you are prepared for it – the first time I used it, I went to the spot right above my cock. After using the laser, I thought there was no way I’d be able to actually do it on either my cock or my balls; but once I was ready for it, I got through it fine. Overall, it really isn’t a big deal.
Does It Work?
To be fair, it’s too early too tell. Dumbass me was so excited to get started, I forgot to specifically take “before” pics, but here are a couple from a while ago where I was particularly shaggy:

Here is a pic of me now, just before doing my second week of treatment:

It’s only been a week, but it honestly does look a little better – there seems to be less hair growth, and less thickness. I have no idea how “grown out” that before pic was, but it’s not looking too bad at the moment. I’ll be posting more pics as I continure the treatments, but this is obviously a long-term project – the instruction manual says that results can sometimes take up to 12 weeks to be apparent, so it may take some time to see the full results.
Unlike waiting for my next chance to cum, I’m in no rush, lol.
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