
Yesterday afternoon, after a nice quick bout of doggy style sex (which I was not allowed to cum during), ML locked me up in the Revenge before sending me off to work.

I’m not sure if it’s just the fact that I don’t wear it very often, but there is something very sexy about this device – my cock locked away, almost entirely encased in steel. I don’t even get the cursory brushes with clothing or ML’s teasing touches through the bars, just the cold hardness of my chastity cage.

As I said, I haven’t spent a whole lot of time wearing the Revenge for one reason or another – at one point, the integrated lock mechanism was broken and we were waiting for a replacement. But, if things go according to plan, that should be changing. The “plan” involves acclimating myself to the Revenge, testing to see how long I can safely wear the device, and possibly trying to extend that time period.

Wearing the Revenge is very much like starting over from scratch: I really need to take it slow and not go for “too much, too soon.” The closed-style of the Revenge differs from the open-style Jailbird in a number of ways, with comfort and hygiene being the two most notable contrasts. I haven’t had much problem with comfort in the past, but hygiene can be challenging when using a closed-style device for long term wear.

With that said… My Lady really wants to try locking my cock in a full steel device for a good amount of time, just to see how crazy and desperate I get for any type of stimulation (I’ll admit, I’m very interested in it, too). So we are going to treat it like we did from the beginning: small steps leading to big steps.

I’m going to wear the Revenge for a week only at first, doing my best to give it a good flush with the showerhead every night before bed in order to keep it clean and avoid any skin reactions. After a week, ML will take me out and “inspect the goods.” If all is good, we will try to do two weeks with the same cleaning routine. If everything is okay after two weeks, we will move on to… hopefully not much longer than two weeks.   🙂

Basically, we want to see where my tolerance limit is, if there is any at all. When we find it, we will know what we have to work with. And if we find there really is no tolerance limit… then ML will know she can keep me locked in the for as long as she wants. I’m not 100% sure which one I’m rooting for…

With a new year comes new year’s resolutions… although I really don’t believe in the concept. Why do you have to wait until the next year to make a change in your life? Why not start now? What good is waiting for an arbitrary date to pass to start improving yourself?

What was I talking about?

Ok, so anyways…

Independent of New Years, I have decided to eat a little better and try to get myself in shape. After all, I am getting older; if there is a time to get in shape, it’s now. ML is helping me with a meal plan and an exercise routine, as well. There is one part of me, however, that has gotten out of shape and diet or gym workout will help me with.

Simply put, my cum muscles have gotten weak.

Contrary to how it may seem, ML likes to see me cum – you’d think that a woman who keeps her husband in chastity and controls his orgasms wouldn’t be all that concerned with it, but she really does like it. She likes to pump it out of me, knowing that she got me so horny and so turned on for it to happen. I, of course, like it as well – because it happens so infrequently, the sight of my cock squirting cum all over ML’s boobs/ass/wherever she allows me to is a beautiful thing.

Unfortunately, since we have begun our chastity and orgasm denial lifestyle, the force of my orgasms have gradually declined. What was once a forceful spurt has slowly weakened over time to just a tiny dribble. My orgasms themselves are still intense; sometimes as intense as ever, depending on the teasing and/or lead-up to it. It’s just the physical reaction that has subsided.

At first, I was worried that it was a volume problem, but I don’t think that’s the case. Drinking lots and lots of water does help, but I’ve found that there isn’t an actual decrease in volume; after my orgasm, there is plenty of cum that drips out of my cock (or that ML squeezes out with her talented fingers). The cum is there, I’m just not strong enough to shoot it out.

Although I could go ahead and use the “well, my cock is so damn huge that it’s too far for the cum to travel” excuse, I’d rather be realistic and see the problem for what it is: my cum muscles have weakened with orgasm denial. To be honest, this isn’t all that surprising; you may remember recently that I went over 3/4 of a year without using those muscles. Imagine if you sat in a wheelchair for 9 months, then you tried to go out and run the 100 meter dash… that’s kind of the situation I’m up against.

So, the solution is strength reconditoning. There are no cum muscle rehab programs that I am aware of, and as much as I would like ML to put me on an “orgasm exercise regimen,” I would seriously miss the teasing and orgasm denial. What I need is a plan that works for us. Here’s what I’ve come up with:
1) PC muscle exercises when locked (or unlocked). For the unsciencey readers out there, the pubococcygeal (PC) muscles are the muscles that make you ejaculate (sort of… please don’t flood the comments section with Wikipedia proving I’m wrong, I’m going for simplicity here). You squeeze these muscles when you act as if you are trying to stop yourself from peeing (again, simplicity). These are the muscles that have gotten weak for me. I have been doing these exercises, but not regularly enough to make an impact.

2) More frequent edging and/or ruined orgasms when unlocked. I can’t believe I’m actually asking for this, but it’s true: although PC muscles are a good exercise, the most effective one would probably be frequent regular orgasms. That’s most likely not happening any time soon, so I’m guessing the next best thing would be more edges or ruined orgasms. The muscles aren’t utilized as they would be in a full-on cum, but it’s better than nothing.

I really would like to improve this situation. It would be pretty interesting for ML to tease me during long denial periods with videos of my own cock shooting cum all over her gorgeous titties. I have a lot of work to do to get there, but it’s an excellent goal to visualize. 🙂

My brain is smiling at you!

I thought I would write a quick post about my ct scan results. We’ve had a lot of people ask and rather than having to keep answering individually, I’ll do it here! So, the answer is, NOTHING! No, really, there are no masses or anything significant, physically, wrong with my brain. Which is good news in itself but annoying that now the doctor is sending me to a neurologist to do some more investigation. I, unfortunately, can’t get in to see the neurologist until late January but if they felt something was really wrong then I assume they’d be rushing an appointment. I’m just glad it wasn’t something big and it seems like it’s more than likely one of the many things wrong with me that no one can explain haha. 

Now, as for the whole doctor ordered denial thing… Well, screw that! haha I do not handle denial well, however, I am being extra careful not to have those mega intense orgasms with the wand. I’m also taking a more aware approach and really paying attention if I’m holding my breath during orgasm and making sure that I breathe! Thanks to Mrs. Fever for her comment and letting me know I’m not alone in many of the things I’m experiencing in my life. It was actually nice to hear someone else deals with pain on a regular basis, yet still does what they can to function in their kink! 

Also, a big thank you so much to everyone who has written and checked in on me! I appreciate you all so much! 

No, seriously, the doctor said I’m not allowed to orgasm until we figure out what’s going on.

And yes, I really do have a medical diagnosis code G44.82 for my sex headaches. The doctor is looking into them by doing a CT scan of my head, to start. This will at least give us something to look at and see if there is anything that obvious going on. A CT scan of the head is able to show if there is swelling, fluid in the cranial area, or any masses or abnormalities of the soft tissues. I would be getting a ct scan with contrast off the bat but I am extremely allergic to the iodine contrast dye  used so they are starting off with a plain scan. I have my appointment for that this coming Wednesday, December 7th. This really is something she is taking seriously because I do not have a history of migraines, none of my medications have changed in over 10 years, I don’t have trouble with my sinuses and this is a very new thing.  She showed a little concern as well well I mentioned a few other tid bits and said we would wait to see what the ct scan showed. 

The doctor has prescribed me some prescription strength ibuprofen and no orgasms until we get the CT scan done, radiologist reads it and we find out if there is anything going on. I’m not exactly excited about the fact that I don’t get to have orgasms but it’s not terrible timing as I just started monthly cycle anyway so at least part of the time without orgasms is tolerable. I guess I’ll just have to find fun ways to torture and tease cagedmonkey while I am unable to have my own orgasms. And don’t think I’m going to be generously handing out orgasms to any of the boys I have in chastity right now… If I can’t orgasm, no one gets to orgasm!

Anyway, just keeping you all in the loop about what’s going on and how things are progressing along. I welcome any and all prayers during this. It’s actually been quite an awful week for me emotionally. Even though I can rationally tell myself it’s gotta be nothing, I can’t help but have my crazy anxiety brain flying off the deep end wondering “what if…” 

As if things haven’t been more fun with my health, I recently had an onset of pretty damn severe “sex headaches.” This is extremely hard for me to handle since I enjoy my intense orgasms so very much. I know you’re thinking the whole “Not tonight, honey, I have a headache” type headache but that’s actually not it at all. These headaches are actually so fucking painful… more so than the 5 kidney stones I’ve passed, the 2 children I’ve birthed and even the back pain that leaves me nonfunctional for days. I seriously will be right on the edge of orgasm like, “Ohh, Ohh, Yeah, God, Oh yeah, Ohhhhhhhh….. MOTHER FUCKER WHAT THE HELL IS THAT FUCKING PAIN STABBING THROUGH MY FUCKING SKULL!?!?!?!?!” It is totally a mood killer and a horrible fucking way to have a severely painful ruined orgasm. I HATE to have ruined orgasms so this is not only painful physically but it is painful emotionally. It’s one thing to happily and playfully ruin someones orgasm but having that orgasm get ruined by an extremely painful knife-like stabbing through the entire left side of your skull from forehead to the back of your neck is the opposite of how that should feel… it’s also extremely scary. It has freaked me out more than once and last night I was paranoid that something in my head might burst.

Just for a little more information – I thought I would post a few things so you realize just how serious these can be. If headaches are something regular for you, ie: migraines, then these can be very benign and medication may help. Sometimes they go away right away but can also last for 2-3 days. The thing to worry about is if you experience sudden onset – it might be something you want to check out because it can be an indicator of an underlying condition. Which is why I am currently scheduling myself a doctor’s appointment.

What Is a Sexual Headache? It’s a headache that happens before or during sex, at the time of orgasm, or just after sex. Most of the time it is a pain in the back of the head, or it can be on one side like a migraine, or all over. It can be a dull ache or a severe stabbing pain.

There is actually an International Headache Society that classifies these headaches with sexual activity (HSAs): Type I HSAs are pre-orgasmic, feel like a pressure that builds in the head with sexual excitement and are usually felt across the head. Type II HSAs occur with or close to an orgasm and are sudden and explosive. Which are the kind I am currently experiencing. Usually these headaches are not caused by another medical condition. There are also other names to describe them such as coital cephalgia, orgasmic cephalgia, orgasmic thunderclap, orgasmic migraine, coital headaches, or just “sex headaches”.

Who Gets Sex Headaches? Both men and women get sexual headaches. Some experience headaches on a regular basis, while others only encounter sexual headaches on rare occasions. It’s funny that, in my reading, this us actually something many more men experience than women!

Am I at Risk for a Sex Headache? A person is more likely to get sex headaches if they have had migraine headaches, tension headaches, or exertional headaches. Some medications can also increase the risk such as marijuana, birth-control pills, meds used to treat irregular heartbeat, meds for erectile dysfunction and pseudoephedrine (for nasal congestion).

What Are the Dangers of Headaches With Sex? The headache may be an indication of a more serious underlying condition. This is what scares me because this is something that just suddenly started happening. Some possibilities include:

– A widening or bubble in the wall of an artery inside your head (intracranial aneurysm)
– An abnormal connection between arteries and veins in the brain (arteriovenous
malformation) that bleeds into the spinal fluid-filled space in and around the brain
– Bleeding into the wall of an artery leading to the brain (dissection)
– Stroke
– Coronary artery disease
– Inflammation from certain infections

Can Sex headaches be prevented? Yes, they can! Some medications like Beta-blockers, migraine medications and NSAIDS can be helpful in treating and preventing these headaches.

Some may never experience these, some may experience them once and never again and some may experience them a LOT. If you feel like you need more information about this please look it up or check with your doctor. Especially if it is your first Sex Headache and you say “this is the worst fucking headache pain I have ever felt” or if they occur with other symptoms such as loss of consciousness, vomiting, stiff neck, other neurological symptoms and severe pain lasting more than 24 hours. I have this issue, my pain lasts about 2-3 days. These headaches have happened multiple times now and at first I was like, “Oh wow that’s a bad fucking headache!” I didn’t really put two and two together until last night when I swear I thought something really bad was going to happen. I hardly slept thinking I might die in my sleep. Yeah, my brain goes there sometimes, it’s no fun. That is when I did some reading and had to share what I found.

I know a wrote a few weeks back about how I was having some medical issues. I have been going through a lot of medical testing and was to be starting treatment soon to get some of those things worked out. Well last week I started my infusion therapy on Wednesday and well… since Wednesday, our life has turned into something short of a complete shit storm – perhaps tornado is more like it!!!

On Wednesday I headed over to the Chemo lab to get myself hooked up to a new medicine I’ve never had before. I was already nervous because, I’d done some reading and found out side effects of this medication include anaphylaxis! Yeah… right… I know, fun!! NOT! Well, I got all hooked up to the IV and the infusion for this medicine only takes about 20 mins (as opposed to the hour my other meds used to take) but you then have to sit for a long time after to be monitored for any kind of reaction. And reaction I did have. Just before the medicine finished flowing through the tubing, I started to feel my throat getting tight. I mentioned it to the nurse and told her it wasn’t too bad at the moment but it felt weird. About 5 mins later, all hell broke loose, my throat closed up, my chest tightened and I couldnt breathe and I started having a full on panic attack. I was crying and apologizing to the nurse and the doctor who were pumping Benadryl and steroids into my IV while checking my blood pressure, pulse and Oxygen. It really was quite a scary few minutes of my life. I ended up there for another hour feeling all dizzy and loopy and stressed and finally things calmed and I could breathe again and after all that I was able to get up and take myself home.

For about 3 or 4 days after the rection my body was still having side effects. I could barely stay awake from the extreme fatigue, was having horrible headaches and my body and muscles hurt so bad I could barely walk. I am so thankful for my subby hubby who did everything he could to help me, let me sleep and do extra to take care of the kids. He was ready to take me to the ER but I’m glad we just waited it through because after a few days of Benadryl and Ibuprofen I was feeling a little more like myself and able to function. I honestly do have one of the most amazing husbands in the world and I love that he will step up to take care of me when I am unable to keep doing what I do. I love him to the ends of the earth and back again a million and twelve times and I could never get through this life without him.

You would think that would be enough for one family to deal with in a week, but no… on Saturday our 11yo daughter was outside Roller Blading and hit a dip in the sidewalk and her feet came out from under her and she fell. We ended up in the ER for 6 hours because she broke both bones in her left wrist and they had to do their best to realign the one bone in the ER. Then did what they could by casting her arm in place until we could get to the Orthopedic surgeon yesterday. We spent 4 hours at the Ortho’s office yesterday where he manipulated the bones in her arm (without pain meds! Poor kid) and seems to have gotten them both aligned now and casted in a weird position to keep them aligned. Hopefully this will mean she can avoid having surgery on her wrist. We go back next week to see how things are progressing. She sure does like that she got a pretty purple cast from her armpit to her finger, though! She really is a trooper and a very resilliant kid.

So… with all of that fun , HA! happening around here things in the play department have slowed just a bit between CM and I. I know he is worried that this will put a HUGE damper on everything but, as I told him, life happens and our kids are our priority so we have to deal with that but our sex life, our play, our chastity, tease and denial is not going away. I love it too much and I know HE loves it. I would never let anything completely get in the way of doing anything I can to drive him absolutely bonkers. Just today before I headed out for another medical procedure, I decided to send him a few sexy pics after my shower. And now that I have the afternoon home to myself, I may just have to send him a few more. Thinking about teasing him and making him all frustrated at work has me kinda turned on and I might have to go use my wand to give myself a nice good hard orgasm or three. I’m sure he will be struggling against the cage as I send him pics and maybe a little video of me at home enjoying myself, thinking of teasing him. 🙂

(First off, apologies for the lack of posting lately; it’s been very busy here at the LMnC household getting ready for the upcoming move)


It’s so interesting how chastity has changed my life.

I never thought that seeing dents in my cock would make me feel sexy, but they do. I love the look of the marks that my chastity cage leaves on me after I take it off. It reminds me that, even though I might be unlocked, My Lady still owns my cock. She still controls it, whether it’s free from confinement or underneath steel bars. The effect is still there.

It was truly fortunate that My Lady found chastity and decided to give it a try. That decision changed so many things in our lives for the better – our sex life improved, along with our emotional bonds with each other. It’s a part of our lives that we would never take away.


It kind of reminds me of my chastity tattoo. It has become one of my favorites that I have, for that reason – it symbolizes the choice I made to turn control of my sexuality over to ML. She chose the design, she chose the location, and I accepted it… and it couldn’t have been more perfect.

It’s so perfect, sometimes I think to myself: were we destined for this? Is this exactly how we were meant to be with each other? Were we fortunate, or was this situation blissfully unavoidable?

When I get thoughts like these, I can’t help but think of my “chastity scar.”


That right there, is where the base ring of my chastity cage sits. It’s very faint, but you can see the skin is raised very slightly and barely discolored. It’s not a major injury or anything, it doesn’t even hurt or cause discomfort. It’s the result of my fairly large cock struggling against the bars and ring of my chastity cage. I never really expected it to happen, but now it’s a part of me.

It’s funny how chastity has changed me – from the “in the moment” feelings, to the changes I hoped would occur, and even those changes that I never could have expected. It’s also amazing how pretty much all of these changes are for the better.

When I started wearing a chastity device, it took me a little bit to get used to it. Eventually I adjusted, and it was quite comfortable. But when ML and I tried to do any type of long term wear, I would start to get itchy, no matter how often I kept things clean. It soon became clear that I had to get my pubic hair situation under control.

I will freely admit that I was scared of shaving my balls – I don’t even use a blade razor on my face! So my first thought was to find some sort of hair-removal cream… no dice – those types of creams are way too harsh for the sensitive skin down there. ML and I tried waxing… yeah, never doing that again, because obvious reasons.

So it was shaving, or nothing. So I tried it out, and it worked out pretty well. The most surprising thing was that My Lady found my shaved cock and balls to be unbelievably sexy! She loves the hair on the rest of my body, so I figured she wouldn’t enjoy seeing me shaved like that. It ended up being the opposite – note, she wouldn’t have me any other way!


Gotta admit, I like the way it looks, too.

Solving one problem brought up another – razor burn. As if the skin wasn’t sensitive enough, having a chastity cage rubbing up against my freshly shaved balls caused quite a bit of discomfort. ML and I tried a number of different lotions, but nothing seemed to work. But recently we found something that works great: Pure Romance Skin Therapy!


Apologies for burying the lede.

This stuff really is amazing! It’s a spray that feels sort of oily on your skin when you apply it. It starts working immediately, providing a cooling sensation pretty much on contact. Once it soaks in, it softens and conditions the skin so that there is no after-shaving discomfort. Since I’ve started using this stuff, shaving is a breeze – I just spray it on right after shaving, and also once for the next couple of days before I put my cage back on… it also works great as a device lubricant! This really is wonderful stuff. It has made my shaving experience so much better, and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone with post-shave comfort issues.

Our Twitter followers were the first to get the scoop that I went to work uncaged yesterday. Although I have left for work uncaged before, this was almost always because my cock wouldn’t fit in the cage after fucking hot morning sex or teasing from ML. This time was different – this time there was a medical issue involved.

It was one of those “in the worst possible spot” things: I had an irritated hair follicle directly under my balls, pretty much right where the ring of my cage sits. Most of the time, I can deal with not being perfectly comfortable in my cage (case in point: dealing with a cock-crushing erection at two in the morning). This time, it just plain hurt. With the nature of what’s going on at my work right now, I wouldn’t be able to sit and ride it out. I was afraid this would become a bigger problem than it already was.

Thankfully, ML agreed and allowed me to go uncaged for the day. The plan was for me to lock myself later if I felt up to it. Luckily, I ended up having the opportunity to leave work early due to weather concerns, so I didn’t have to spend the day uncaged after all!

I’m very glad that my keyholder is very reasonable when it comes to my physical needs. My “wants” may go unfulfilled, but my needs are always taken care of.

So I woke up today intending to write my “wearer’s review” of the new Jailbird device ML purchased for me, hoping that it would be a good reference for anyone interested in buying it from us, as well as a general review/information post. Lo and behold, today I found out that ML has already gotten offers on it without my post being written. I guess writing my review of the new JB will be for informational purposes only, then! 🙂

The Cage

As My Lady mentioned in her post, the dimensions of the new JB cage are smaller in both length and width. When I look at my penis when it is locked in the older cage, it looks as though there is room to tighten up just a little bit – there is often a little bit of space when I am flaccid. In practice, though, the new cage is just too tight; I would often find my penis crunched up against the side of the cage or twisted around inside., and I would often feel slight pinching when moving around at work. It wasn’t painful, but it did make wearing the cage uncomfortable. It was also difficult to adjust myself because of the extra crossbar because it was located right where I’m used to grabbing the bars to move the around when needed. I’m sure that the crossbar issue was something I could get used to, though.

The Base Ring

ML was hoping that the double ring would help keep the cage more stable against my body. I’m not sure if this was the case. The double ring did cause some discomfort issues in my sack area, however; I don’t know if the increased surface area compressed my skin more than I’m used to, if the gap was affected by the double ring, or if the added weight pulled down on my skin. All I know is that it didn’t feel right. I’ve gotten many questions lately on whether a single or double ring is better, or which shape ring is best (circle/oval/anatomical/etc.). I think that whatever fits your own body best ends up being what you get used to. I’ve worn devices with a single ring for so long, a double ring just isn’t right for me. The reverse could be true for someone else.


The new JB doesn’t have any major issues – it’s not cutting off circulation, and there are no rough spots or anything like that. There are just a bunch of small discomforts that all add up to the conclusion that it’s not the right fit for me. I do think that the extra crossbar is a nice look, which is why ML and I are going to try a cage with the new bar style and the old measurements.