
Last night, My Lady finally unlocked me after 30 days of 24/7 chastity. She also allowed me inside her pussy. She also allowed me to cum inside her.

What a relief!

I was a little bit nervous that, after a month of no erections, that it would be a little painful – in the past, I’ve been able to feel the skin on my cock stretching after such a long time without getting hard. It was only temporary, but it wasn’t very pleasant. But, thankfully, there was none of that this time around. The only problem was the issue of hairiness – I wasn’t able to shave everywhere with the cage on, so I have about a month of overgrowth down there. I didn’t get a chance to take care of it, because I was back in the cage this morning before leaving for work.

So, who knows… I may end up with another month of growth down there before I get a chance to shave… or more?

Assuming that My Lady doesn’t get the urge to unlock me later tonight (and there’s no reason to think that she will), tomorrow will make it 3 full weeks into 2017… three full weeks that I have been locked in the Jailbird, day and night. Three full weeks of my cock throbbing and struggling inside the bars of my chastity cage. Three full weeks of troubled sleep thanks to unattainable nighttime erections.

Three full weeks of nothing anywhere near this.

Three full weeks of realizing that I look pretty damn sexy with my cock locked in chastity.

The “longest lockup” benchmark for me is quickly approaching, and this time around it seems as though ML is perfectly content to let it continue. I, of course, am getting really desperate… but there is a not-so-small part of me that actually enjoys the idea of being driven even further insane by my need for a simple erection. In fact, I can’t deny or ignore the fact that my cock slowly fills my cage whenever I think about it.

Now, there is NO way I’d be able to handle being locked up over a span of multiple months. I really do need the freedom of getting hard and fucking ML (at least occasionally), and I know ML feels the same. I was actually surprised this time around that we’ve gone so long – two days ago was the first time ML and I didn’t have penetrative sex on our anniversary. As horrible as that sounds, though, it didn’t feel out of the ordinary at all.

This is who we are now. This is our love; this is our marriage – my wife keeps my cock locked in a steel chastity cage for as long as she wants, uses my cock for her pleasure, and teases and denies me orgasms until she wants me to experience that pleasure. It’s amazing, and it couldn’t be any more perfect for either of us. I need this, and My Lady needs it just as much. 

That doesn’t make waiting weeks for a full erection any easier, though.

My wife attacked me last night. Seriously… there’s no better way to describe it.

My Lady’s pent up horny reached a boiling point last night; she had endured her doctor-mandated orgasm denial for long enough, and she was going to get what she wanted from me.

I should have seen it coming the night before: ML took advantage of me being unlocked and had me fuck her nice and hard, both from behind and standing against the wall. She wanted it so badly, she didn’t want to have to be careful – she allowed me to cum in her pussy if I promised not to stop until she was done. Nowadays, with my chance of having an orgasm on any given day is a complete mystery, I’m not turning that deal down. It felt so good to just let loose on her, I almost ended up cumming twice before she was finished.

But she wasn’t finished. All she did was prime her need.

Last night, we were just about ready to go to sleep – TV off, covers up, ready for bed. Then, it all started with an innocent snuggle. My Lady moaned as my naked butt rubbed against her, and her hands were quickly feeling my body up and down. She squeezed me tighter against her, and I could feel her hunger rising quickly. A moment later, ML was pulling the covers off of me, rolling me onto my back, and straddling my hips.

Was the fact that my cock was locked in steel going to stop her from getting what she needed? Hell no! Her soaking wet pussy slid down onto my caged cock, taking me inside her with absolutely no difficulty. Apparently, over time ML has gotten used to fucking me with my cage on; she rode me almost as if I wasn’t wearing it. She pushed herself down onto me, taking my cage in just about as deep as possible, with her clit rubbing against the post of the base ring.

Fucking ML with the cage on has got to be the absolute worst torture ever. My cock struggles and pushes against the cage, eager to feel ML’s warm wet pussy wrapped around it. But I can only feel it where the skin is exposed. The incomplete sensation actually makes my cock try to get even harder, as an attempt to find that missing pleasure. Meanwhile, the steel doesn’t yield at all, and I am left with an incredibly full and painful cage that feels like it might rip my balls off my body.

Add to this the maddening sensation of feeling like I might just cum at any minute, and it makes the suffering that much more unbearable. When my cock fills the cage to capacity (and more), it starts to bulge out between the bars of the cage. Sometimes, just by horrible chance, one of the most sensitive parts of my cock is helplessly exposed:

All of the sensation of ML’s pussy feels like it’s concentrated on that one spot. It’s so intense that it often feels like I am as close as I can be to orgasm without cumming – only to find out that, as ML keeps riding me, I can inch even closer as the moments go by. It’s like having an edge dragged out constantly over the course of minutes, often as ML is enjoying orgasm after orgasm on my poor aching cock.

Add to that the fact that I can never decide if I actually WANT to cum at this point or not…

I’ve found out in the past that I can have an orgasm while caged; I’ve also found out how excruciating it is to have an orgasm while caged. All of this is running through my head while I’m nearly dying from caged edging torture, and I start to think just how bad an orgasm can be at this point… is it as bad as I remember? Is it as bad as this? Does it really even matter? How much sexual torture can I stand?

All of this, while ML is soaking my cock (and the bedsheets below me) with her pussy juices.

So yeah, I was whimpering and moaning, wanting the torture to end but not wanting it to end, wanting to cum but not wanting to cum… all of this turns My Lady on even more (the whimpering, especially). More shuddering orgasms, more of her pussy squeezing and gripping my cock, more pussy juices soaking my balls…

It’s a miracle that we even got to sleep last night.

Speaking of, My Lady wouldn’t let me go to sleep until she took care of one last thing – she took her dripping wet pussy and rubbed it all over my body and face, covering me with her juices. I could feel it all over me – on my chest, on my chin… I could feel and smell it everywhere. I breathed in her delicious scent as I laid down and tried to get to sleep.

Did I say it was a mircale that I was able to fall asleep last night?

As if things haven’t been more fun with my health, I recently had an onset of pretty damn severe “sex headaches.” This is extremely hard for me to handle since I enjoy my intense orgasms so very much. I know you’re thinking the whole “Not tonight, honey, I have a headache” type headache but that’s actually not it at all. These headaches are actually so fucking painful… more so than the 5 kidney stones I’ve passed, the 2 children I’ve birthed and even the back pain that leaves me nonfunctional for days. I seriously will be right on the edge of orgasm like, “Ohh, Ohh, Yeah, God, Oh yeah, Ohhhhhhhh….. MOTHER FUCKER WHAT THE HELL IS THAT FUCKING PAIN STABBING THROUGH MY FUCKING SKULL!?!?!?!?!” It is totally a mood killer and a horrible fucking way to have a severely painful ruined orgasm. I HATE to have ruined orgasms so this is not only painful physically but it is painful emotionally. It’s one thing to happily and playfully ruin someones orgasm but having that orgasm get ruined by an extremely painful knife-like stabbing through the entire left side of your skull from forehead to the back of your neck is the opposite of how that should feel… it’s also extremely scary. It has freaked me out more than once and last night I was paranoid that something in my head might burst.

Just for a little more information – I thought I would post a few things so you realize just how serious these can be. If headaches are something regular for you, ie: migraines, then these can be very benign and medication may help. Sometimes they go away right away but can also last for 2-3 days. The thing to worry about is if you experience sudden onset – it might be something you want to check out because it can be an indicator of an underlying condition. Which is why I am currently scheduling myself a doctor’s appointment.

What Is a Sexual Headache? It’s a headache that happens before or during sex, at the time of orgasm, or just after sex. Most of the time it is a pain in the back of the head, or it can be on one side like a migraine, or all over. It can be a dull ache or a severe stabbing pain.

There is actually an International Headache Society that classifies these headaches with sexual activity (HSAs): Type I HSAs are pre-orgasmic, feel like a pressure that builds in the head with sexual excitement and are usually felt across the head. Type II HSAs occur with or close to an orgasm and are sudden and explosive. Which are the kind I am currently experiencing. Usually these headaches are not caused by another medical condition. There are also other names to describe them such as coital cephalgia, orgasmic cephalgia, orgasmic thunderclap, orgasmic migraine, coital headaches, or just “sex headaches”.

Who Gets Sex Headaches? Both men and women get sexual headaches. Some experience headaches on a regular basis, while others only encounter sexual headaches on rare occasions. It’s funny that, in my reading, this us actually something many more men experience than women!

Am I at Risk for a Sex Headache? A person is more likely to get sex headaches if they have had migraine headaches, tension headaches, or exertional headaches. Some medications can also increase the risk such as marijuana, birth-control pills, meds used to treat irregular heartbeat, meds for erectile dysfunction and pseudoephedrine (for nasal congestion).

What Are the Dangers of Headaches With Sex? The headache may be an indication of a more serious underlying condition. This is what scares me because this is something that just suddenly started happening. Some possibilities include:

– A widening or bubble in the wall of an artery inside your head (intracranial aneurysm)
– An abnormal connection between arteries and veins in the brain (arteriovenous
malformation) that bleeds into the spinal fluid-filled space in and around the brain
– Bleeding into the wall of an artery leading to the brain (dissection)
– Stroke
– Coronary artery disease
– Inflammation from certain infections

Can Sex headaches be prevented? Yes, they can! Some medications like Beta-blockers, migraine medications and NSAIDS can be helpful in treating and preventing these headaches.

Some may never experience these, some may experience them once and never again and some may experience them a LOT. If you feel like you need more information about this please look it up or check with your doctor. Especially if it is your first Sex Headache and you say “this is the worst fucking headache pain I have ever felt” or if they occur with other symptoms such as loss of consciousness, vomiting, stiff neck, other neurological symptoms and severe pain lasting more than 24 hours. I have this issue, my pain lasts about 2-3 days. These headaches have happened multiple times now and at first I was like, “Oh wow that’s a bad fucking headache!” I didn’t really put two and two together until last night when I swear I thought something really bad was going to happen. I hardly slept thinking I might die in my sleep. Yeah, my brain goes there sometimes, it’s no fun. That is when I did some reading and had to share what I found.

Yes, that’s right. I’m doing one of those holiday posts with a stupid holiday theme.

Obligatory turkey picture.

Okay, so my post isn’t going to be THAT bad. The reason I usually hate holiday posts is because it always seems so forced. But, honestly, I was thinking about writing something like this last weekend… why not wait until it actually makes sense? 🙂

It’s hard to write a “Things I’m Thankful For” list without having it sound like bragging, but fuck it. I’ll give it a try.

Cagedmonkey’s Thanksgiving Thankful List

1) I’m thankful that I got to cum in 2016. It may seem like a shallow thing to be thankful for, but I dare you to  say that after you’ve given up on the idea of having an orgasm for an entire year. I was ready to go the for all of 2016 without cumming, mainly because I knew that ML would hold me to it if it was her desire to go that long. Thankfully, she changed her mind after just under 10 months of denial.  I’ve been allowed a few orgasms since then, but ML has been denying me for about a week or two. Ironically, I’m more horny now than I’ve been all year…

2) I’m thankful to have a partner who shares my kinks and sexual desires. After being exposed to so many people in the kink scene over the past month (exposed meaning both “meeting” and “standing in front of while wearing nothing but my chastity cage”), I’ve come to realize that my situation is actually extremely unique. I managed to find a woman who perfectly matches my sexual needs and shares my fantasies… and luckiest of all, I happened to be married to her! The discoveries that My Lady and I have made (and continue to make) about ourselves and our relationship show us just how perfect we are for each other. On top of all that, she’s fucking sexy as hell and her pussy feels great on my cock… I couldn’t ask for more! Not everyone gets to experience this type of thing, and I’m very grateful for sharing my life with her.

3) I’m thankful for where I am in my life. Yeah, the real life emotional crap. For a while, there was a lot of uncertainty in my life. Things were going well, but it always seemed like there was something out of place that was preventing everything from clicking. But now, over the past few months, it seems like that’s changing. I have a loving wife, a wonderful family, a job I truly enjoy, and a community that I feel I fit in with. With all of the uncertainty that the future now brings with it, it feels good to have a sense of balance and know that my family and I can make it through anything life throws at us.

4) I’m thankful for these.

Obligatory huge tits pic.

You didn’t think I’d leave you without a pic of ML’s beautiful big titties, did you?

Happy Thanksgiving!

I used to think that sex before bed was the most amazing thing. Don’t get me wrong, it still is awesome, you make the sweet sweet love, have fantastic orgasms and fall asleep in each other’s arms, right? Well, not exactly! See, in our relationship sex is different, still awesome as hell, but different. Let me describe for you the way it works now, with a husband locked in chastity.

We head to bed and start running hands all over each other, kissing, licking, groping. Getting each other turned on and even more horny. Then, as my hand slides down my husbands chest and stomach, I feel that harness start near his pubic bone and then… that hard steel ring and cage encasing a cock that is trying to burst out. As much as I would love to feel that cock inside me right that second, there is a delay as we try to get his cock out of the cage so I have can it and feel him. The struggle is real people haha! Once he is out of the cage and we do manage to have sex, I am usually the only one who cums… Then we roll over and go to sleep, me satisfied and him laying there frustrated and more horny.  which in itself is a pretty fantastic thing but it’s not like it is in a traditional relationship.

I used to think that having sex and going to bed with my husband was so awesome but what I’ve realized over the past little bit is that not having that connection with him after sex makes me feel lonely and wanting, almost.  Trust me, I’m totally not complaining about having any kind of sex lol we have sex, period, and that is amazing. What I’m getting at is that I have found that morning sex is incredible for me! It really invigorates me and gets me going and starts my day in an amazing way. We wake up, we have super awesome sex and then I get to spend about 45 mins with him before he leaves for work. It just leaves me with such amazing feelings in the morning, and sometimes I’ve left even more horny too!  it’s like getting my morning coffee injection! LoL

Anyway, I just find it interesting, as I get older, how things change. How the way I feel about things changes. I love having any kind of sexual intimacy with my husband and being able to have that continued connection with him. It certainly helps after intense scenes so I don’t have Domme drop and it helps in general to have that connection. 

Do any of you (or your wives/girlfriends) feel that way? Have you noticed things like this too?

How long was it into the new year until you had your first orgasm? I had to wait 299 days.

As teased earlier this week on Twitter, ML brought to an end our long run of orgasm denial and gave me my first orgasm of 2016. I was WELL passed the point of wanting to be done with it, but ML finally reached the endpoint for her. And, of course, the thing that EVERYONE wants to know is, “How did it feel?” Well, it felt pretty much just as I expected it would…

Pro tip: if a guy who describes their first orgasm after months and months of denial as being this massively explosive sexual experience, gushing gallons and gallons of cum all over the place… there’s a decent chance he’s full of it.
Don’t get me wrong: it was nearly ten months since my last orgasm, so obviously it couldn’t be bad. But usually the first orgasm after a long denial is sort of mellow – it can be underwhelming if you are expecting something bigger.

The second, third, and fourth ones are MUCH better. 😉

My Lady has some difficulty after allowing me to cum – she was wrestling with feelings of failure. We were trying to go the entire year without an orgasm for me, and we didn’t make it. There were a few people who felt the same way when ML was talking about it on Twitter – “Keep pushing, you can make it!” was a popular response. “Don’t give up, you’ve gone so far!” was another. But I don’t think it’s a failure at all.

Yes, we set out to do a year of denial… but anything we’ve ever done in our chastity/orgasm denial play has always been done with the concept of “if we aren’t having fun, then we won’t do it” attached to it. And for the past couple of weeks, the denial was becoming less fun and more work. Although ML was having fun teasing me, she was tired of waiting for some good, hard fucking from me (instead having to settle for slow, careful sex).

So, My Lady decided to let me cum. She didn’t break down, she didn’t lose her nerve… she decided. And, deep down, that’s what we both want: for her to decide.

Thanks to some schedule quirks, I’ve had the past few Fridays off from work. With the kids at school, the adults have time to play. Last week was somewhat mellow, but this past Friday was pretty damn intense.
ML informed me on Thursday night that she wanted to have me under “total submission” rules – I would pretty much be hers to do whatever she wanted to. After getting the kids off to school, My Lady put my collar on and gave me my first instruction – cooking breakfast while wearing nothing but my chastity cage.

Gotta be careful with that knife…

Breakfast was delicious and My Lady was very pleased. After a short while, ML led me to the bedroom, where I was to serve her in a much different way.

ML instructed me to take the stockade out from underneath the bed and put it together. She also asked me to get the fucking machine ready for use. My skin tingled, thoughts of what may lie ahead ran though my brain as I prepared the instruments of torture ML would soon be using on me. I finished putting together the steel bondage contraption just as My Lady stepped out of the closet with the leather hood in her hands.

It was only moments later when I was locked into position on my hands and knees, hooded tightly, with the fucking machine positioned ominously behind me.

ML started the way she usually does when she has me restrained in a vulnerable position – by paddling my ass until it was red and sore. This was just an appetizer, though; it wasn’t long before she set up the fucking machine to take me from behind.

Mercifully, she didn’t choose one of our larger attachments.

My Lady kept me on my toes (knees?) by changing the settings on the fucking machine often. At times it was thrusting into me with quick shallow strokes; other times it fucked me deep and incredibly slow. Each unique setting tortured me in its own special way: the fast strokes pounded my poor ass, while the slow strokes forced me to suffer through each inch as it stretched me out.

It didn’t take long for ML’s desire to spank me returned, and she began paddling me once again. At this point I really began to whimper and cry out with each swat – having my ass spanked while being mechanically raped was enough to make me start losing my composure. The whimpers soon turned to moans as ML increased the stroke length; the machine fucked me deeper, bumping my prostate with each thrust and causing my caged cock to drool uncontrollably.

An action shot of dripping precum.

The sound of my hood-muffled moans was apparently music to ML’s ears, because she decided to make me moan even more. She took her wand and used it to vibrate my balls. I couldn’t stay quiet as I felt the precum building, leaking, and escaping. It was twice as frustrating as it was pleasurable, which is to say it was pretty fucking frustrating.

ML left me there for countless minutes, balls and cock vibrated by a high-intensity wand and asshole being violated by an uncaring contraption. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to… and after a short while of suffering through this torture, I certainly did want to!

Now, our regular readers know that ML is an expert mind-fucker. She knows what buttons to push in order to drive me absolutely insane, and she knows exactly when to push them. ML pressed that button by talking dirty to me, making my predicament clear and undeniable. It made enduring the torture ten times worse, at least.

I was in agony, as you could probably tell by the noises I was making in that video clip. But ML still wasn’t finished; she was ready to put the cherry on top of my sundae of suffering.
I felt ML loosening the hood, and she removed it from my head. As I blinked my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness, My Lady sat down in front of me and looked directly into my eyes. After all of the bondage, spanking, ass fucking, and vibrating… THIS was the most intense moment of all – My Lady’s eyes piercing into my mind as I continued to suffer for her enjoyment.

ML began to tell me how much it turned her on to hear me whimper, to hear me beg for it to stop, to have the control to continue well past the point that I want it to end. I could hear it in her voice and see it in her eyes – she was loving it. Just as I started to break down, she leaned forward and kissed me passionately. On one end I was being endlessly ass fucked beyond my control, and at the other I was being treated to a loving gesture by the woman responsible for my current situation.

My mind was sufficiently blown.

ML released me shortly after that, stopping the fucking machine and releasing me from the stockade. Despite the intense mind fucking and humiliation-like flavors of the scene, neither of us felt a major need for aftercare… yet, we did it anyway, of course. We talked about it, and we assured each other that it was goooooooooooooooood. 🙂 It was an amazing, intense scene; I couldn’t really believe it had actually happened a few hours later when the kids were home and we were back to our normal life.

My sore, worn out asshole wouldn’t let me forget. 🙂

Grandma took the kids to her place for a sleepover last night, which gave ML and I the chance the relax and hang out around the house without any kids around.

Much nakedness ensued.

When the kids are away…

And also, much sex ensued.

Once ML had me unlock, she instructed me to put the small plug in. Then she decided that filling one hole wasn’t good enough – ML bent over the edge of the bed and wiggled her ass at me, telling me to fill up her pussy with my cock. I didn’t waste any time doing so, and I was moaning within seconds of entering her.

Two holes filled, and ML still wasn’t done. After getting my cock nice and lubed up with her pussy juice, ML told me that she wanted my cock in her ass. But first, she went to get “Adam” from the bedside drawer. ML pushed the big thick dildo into her pussy as I slowly slid my cock into her tight ass.

It was such an erotic moment – fucking ML with both of her holes filled, and having my ass plugged at the same time. I was working hard to fight the urge to cum as ML pushed her ass back against me.

Three holes filled? Still not enough for My Lady; luckily, her wand was within reach. I took over thrusting Adam into ML’s pussy as she used the wand on her clit. My Lady’s ass and pussy were being fucked balls deep by two thick cocks (one fake, one real), and the wand was vibrating her clit just the way she loves it. ML went absolutely crazy, screaming loudly as her sexual stimulation went into overdrive.

Her orgasm hit her hard and fast, making her entire body shudder. She tucked the wand between her legs just so she could hold herself up on the bed. I had to hold on tight just to make sure her pulsing pussy and ass didn’t squeeze me or Adam out. It was a hard, long, intense orgasm, and we both loved every minute of it.

Once we cleaned up and ML recovered from her orgasm, it was time to get a little more intense. With the kids out of the house and unable to interrupt, ML had me put the Bitch Tamer stockade together and get into position. I was locked into it on my hands and knees within moments.

My Lady started with her new favorite pasttime: spanking my ass until it’s red and stinging. ML sat on my back facing my ass and paddled hard, using a very effective overhand method, making me cry out and flinch in the stocks (as much as I could, of course). I could feel her warm pussy soaking my back with her juices. She rubbed herself against me as she spanked me harder, and I could tell she was getting more turned on with each swat.

I felt ML stand up and I watched as she walked over to the bed to grab Adam; her pussy apparently wasn’t fully satisfied earlier! She walked back around behind me and straddled me once again.

Then I felt an odd sensation: My Lady was pressing the base of the dildo down on me, doing her best to suction-cup it to my back. Then she began riding Adam on my back, bouncing her pussy up and down on the big fake cock as she paddled my ass.

Did I mention I was still plugged? Yeah, that, too…

I’m not sure if she came while fucking herself with Adam, mainly because I was dealing with the increasing pain from the spanking I was receiving. I was happy for the break when My Lady stood up and walked to the bed in front of me. She laid back on the bed and began fucking herself hard and deep with Adam, using the wand to get herself off quickly. There was no question about whether or not she came this time; I could clearly see her juices flowing around Adam and down her pussy to the bed below.

ML sat up with with Adam in her hand. Looking into my eyes and bringing Adam to my mouth, she said, “Be my good little slut and clean my pussy off of this cock.” I didn’t have much choice as she shoved the dildo into my mouth. I tasted her pussy juice all over it, and for a moment I got lost in enjoying her taste. Then she pushed Adam further down my throat – I gagged uncontrollably and she virtually fucked my mouth with the huge fake dick.

“Oooooh, you sound so slutty,” she moaned as she continued assaulting my mouth. “I bet you love tasting my pussy off of Adam, don’t you?” She reached down and began to stroke my rock hard cock. “See, I knew you loved it.” She stroked my cock to the same rhythm as she fucked my mouth. Despite choking repeatedly on Adam, I couldn’t fight my orgasm from approaching.

Each time ML edged me, she pushed Adam just the littlest bit farther down my throat before pulling him out, forcing me to gag even stronger. I couldn’t deny that deep down I was loving it – my cock was dripping precum almost constantly. Over and over ML edged me and choked me, and I couldn’t figure out whether I wanted her to continue and make me cum or stop and give me mercy.

My Lady stroked me hard and fast, so closer to the edge this time. I moaned loudly – well, as loudly as possible with a big fake cock down my throat – as I felt my orgasm approaching. But, as she always does, ML stopped at the last moment, leaving me throbbing and twitching on the edge or cumming.

For a moment, I felt as though a ruined orgasm was inevitable. I couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything but hold on. Just as I felt I might avoid the frustration of a ruined orgasm, ML spanked my ass hard, causing my body to tense up. That one swat was enough to break my concentration, jolting my body into an unsatisfying ruined orgasm. Cum poured lazily out of my cock as I could only look down and watch. I must have looked pathetic, with my cock dribbling cum and my chin covered with drool. Pathetic, perhaps, but My Lady was loving it all. How could I tell? It was pretty obvious to me when she shoved her dripping wet pussy in my face, painting me with her delicious juices.

The kids have since returned from Grandma’s, and everything is back to normal… except for the fact that my cock still remembers every moment of this morning, and is so frustrated that it is almost painful. Bedtime is in just a few minutes, and ML is giving me that look. Is it possible that she’s STILL not done with me?

My Lady is so incredibly sexy – every single inch of her body turns me on, and I’m not shy at all in letting her know it.

Of course, her titties and ass get me horny, but it’s more than that. Her eyes are so beautiful, her hands feel so good on my body, and her skin feels so amazing against mine.

Most people would classify ML as a BBW, and I would agree. But whether or not ML’s body type has a label, I can’t deny that I find it so fucking sexy! Last night, I showed ML just how much I love her body by giving her a little bit of body worship.

I kissed ML’s body all over as she relaxed on the bed, slowly tracing my tongue up and down her skin. She moaned as I paid attention to all of the wonderful parts of her body, even the ones that I know she worries might not be so attractive.

Obviously, she has no idea what she’s talking about.

I kissed her stomach, massaged her skin, licking every inch of her body from her hips to her neck. I could feel her relaxing more and more as each second passed, her confidence in her sexiness growing with each touch of my lips.

I love making ML feel sexy like this; she deserves to feel that way because she is sexy as fuck!

After some time kissing ML’s tummy, I had her turn over so I could give her back some tongue worship, as well. When I said I love every inch of her body, I meant it! I kissed and licked her body up and down very slowly, each time moving farther down until I was licking from her neck down to the top of her ass crack and back again. It wasn’t long before she was wiggling her hips, trying to get me to move even lower…

Of course, I gave her what she wanted. I gave her sexy asshole some tongue worship as she squealed with pleasure. Yes, even her asshole is so amazingly sexy, and I wanted her to know that. 🙂

I’m not exaggerating when I say My Lady is my ultimate sexual fantasy woman – she is absolutely perfect for me, and I love that I can show her how much she turns me on. I’m also glad she likes it, because I can’t help but get horny over her fucking sexy body!