
All posts tagged tease


Driving wearing his monkey pants!

Of course cagedmonkey and I are driving back home from my father’s Memorial and what song comes on the radio? “You Can’t Touch This” haha he certainly can’t, can he? ๐Ÿ™‚ I did get a cute little tease in while singing it to him and made him smile.

Overall, the services for my father were good. I’ve done a lot of crying the past few days and cagedmonkey has been my rock. Such a man just being there for anything I need. He was on kid duty a lot because being around my very large family I end up being pulled in 20 directions from everyone who wants to talk to me.

The past few days have been so hard and I miss my hubby even though we’ve been right next to each other! We haven’t had much intimate time but last night I made sure to get me some. Cagedmonkey had gone to bed before me and had fallen asleep so when I came in I took off my dress and climbed in bed with him to press my boobies against his naked chest. Oh man did it ever feel awesome skin to skin like that. We made out a bit and then snuggled together and fell asleep. Though we were up a couple times at night because he was dreaming about us and would get some touchy feely stuff in.

We’re about 7 hours from home and have to wait that much longer to finally get some quiet alone time together. We cannot wait!!

Today was just the beginning of three days with the kids at day camp. Hopefully you’ve read what happened first thing this morning, if not, you’ll just have to click here.

So we laid down together to nap and I really did try to nap, I promise. However, laying there in cagedmonkey’s arms was quite literally maddening. You see, we don’t often get to lay together sleeping in each other’s arms. Before I could even fall asleep I ended up having two spontaneous (is that what they are?) orgasms. I just laid there shaking, cumming in his arms. Omg, the feelings of love flowing through me were making it that much worse. I felt so connected to hubby, so safe, so wanted and desired.

I did last there for a little while trying hard to sleep. Cagedmonkey fell asleep right away since the poor man had been at work all night and still hadn’t been to bed yet this morning. I knew he had to get some sleep but, still I laid there, with thoughts of sex running through my head. I really couldn’t stop thinking of wanting to do things to cagedmonkey. Finally after spending time writing my earlier post, playing some games on my phone and wasting as much time as I could, I just needed to attack him.

I lifted the blanket to expose that gorgeous ass of his, I rubbed his cheeks, kissed it and then took my wand to his asshole. Haha I’m sure that was an interesting way to be woken up! Then I rolled him on to his back and sat right on his face. While he was busy licking my pussy, I played with his caged cock. I licked that sweet spot on the bottom side and felt him moan into my pussy. Btw, that is something that completely makes me gush. I kept teasing, licking and kissing his straining cock while he could do nothing but slurp up my sopping wet juices.

He continued to lick me as I got lost in the pleasure. It made me want to milk him for some reason. So I grabbed Pearl and gently pressed it into him. I took my wand and put it on the base of it and turned it in to a sort of vibrating dildo. The moaning in my crotch got much more intense and my pussy got that much wetter. I held it there, licking him through the bars of his cage while sending vibrations through him to his prostate. I, then, told him to get up on his knees (which we found was THE position) and continued to vibrate him and massage his balls in a 69 position while he was still licking my clit. It didn’t take long in that position to get that precum pouring out of him. I milked him a nice puddle on the bed… which also meant we had to strip the bed and wash the sheets. ๐Ÿ™‚

After all that I was well cummed out and he was emptied but extremely desperate for an orgasm, we came downstairs and took a shower together… then I made lunch!

It’s Spring/Easter break around here so the public schools are off for the week. What that means is, cagedmonkey and I decided to find the kids a day camp to attend for a few days so we could spend time alone together at home. From today until Friday the kids will be gone during the day from 8am to 4 pm. That’s a whole lot of time for a couple of horny people to get in some serious action… if they wanted to. ๐Ÿ™‚

This morning after dropping the kids off, I stopped and picked up breakfast. I got naked and brought it upstairs and cagedmonkey and I enjoyed a pretty yummy breakfast in bed watching “How I Met Your Mother” on Netflix. After breakfast, the laying together naked didn’t take long to turn into full blown screaming orgasms (by me!).

It started out innocently enough with kissing and touching but, I have no idea if it’s the kids not being home or what, I just dove right in and got all crazy kissing hubby. He instantly was kicked into overdrive and he pushed me back and laid me down on the bed. I told him I wanted to fuck him so bad! I really wanted to feel him inside me. I was arguing with myself in my own head because he’s not coming out of this cage until May 4th!

All that kissing, groping and simulated sex had my pussy soaked and aching for an orgasm. I told him I wanted to feel him in me, cage and all. It was awesome, even feeling that, his warmth between my legs, his body against mine… mmmm wonderful. I told him I was going to cum on his caged cock and I started rubbing myself. That’s when I really realized the kids weren’t home and I could use the wand and cum loud as hell over and over again. I told cagedmonkey to wait because I wanted to cum really hard on his cock and I grabbed the wand. He pushed his caged cock into my sopping wet horny pussy and I started the wand. Holy shit it didn’t take long for those vibrations to go through me. His cage was adding to the effects of the wand. The wand was vibrating my clit but at the same time hitting the steel and vibrating it right into me and I could feel it down into my asshole. My entire body was shaking ready to explode with a huge orgasm. I was moaning so loud, screaming “oh God yes!!” and “FUCK!” in between my screams. I was thrusting up at hubby cumming so hard, squeezing the steel cage around his aching attempted erection. I came so hard, so much and so long that I just eventually laid back limp on the bed breathing heavy and moaning. My throat is sore from screaming out my orgasms. I told cagedmonkey he had some cleaning up to do. My pussy and ass we’re soaked with my juices.

Once he began to clean up, sucking and licking my pussy clean, I was already getting way too turned on again. I told him to stop, I rolled over into my stomach, positioned the wand under me at my clit and told him he was going to tongue fuck my ass real good and I was going to cum some more. ๐Ÿ™‚ Using both hands he spread my ass cheeks and started licking and tonguing my asshole. Good Lord it feels so good and drives me crazy when he does that. I seriously cannot contain my moans. Thank goodness the kids weren’t here! I was quite literally screaming through another orgasm as the wand hit that sweet spot and hubby’s tongue pushed me over the edge. My entire body was violently shaking, practically vibrating against cagedmonkey’s face as I pushed my ass in the air and came again extremely hard.

Wow, what an amazing couple of hours that was this morning! Fucking unreal! After that, we didn’t even clean up we just spooned and fell asleep together for a couple hours.

This was certainly was not the end of our play today but… what happened next, certainly needs it’s own post! Please check back, it’ll be written sometime soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

If you’ve been reading our blog you’re already familiar with the fact that I am a huge researcher. When I’m interested in something I search the hell out of it on the internet and I love physical (& ebooks) books. As a new Keyholder I was happy to find that there were actually a few books out there for Keyholders and about male chastity. I have been into tease & denial since cagedmonkey and I got together but it is always great to find a book to give some ideas for that as well.

Below are just some of the books I’ve read on these subjects; well the ones I care to review and recommend to other Keyholders.

In all my research I was extremely happy when I found those certain key words to search that brought me to the websites with real life male chastity information. People who are married, love each other and live the lifestyle how they want it to be. Btw, those magic key words? Yeah, I finally got around to using “male chastity and/in marriage.” What a huge difference that made in weeding out the fantasy world.

That’s when I found Thumper’s blog as well as Sarah Jameson’s blog.I found that Sarah had written books that were available on her site and that is what got me started on hunting down books.
Sarah’s book main book (if she’s still selling it) is a bit pricey however she does have a couple free ebooks. Her tease & denial guide and guide to male chastity & orgasm denial (no I don’t feel it’s a “complete guide” but it’s a good read anyway) are pretty good for a Keyholder who might also be new at tease and denial. You can also sign up for free emails from her that do offer some good advice.
I can tell you that Sarah’s book is a pretty good book. It’s a very gentle, easy read and focuses on male chastity in a marriage. It really would be great for a very vanilla wife looking for information on this lifestyle. Though with all the other books out there, now, it’s hard to justify the cost of her book (which was an ebook/pdf when I got it). ๐Ÿ™‚ I think it could be a great resource if she lowered the price and possibly offered it in print format.

A couple of cheaper books are available on Amazon.com. Georgia Ivey Green has a book “A Keyholder’s Handbook: A Womans guide to male chastity”
This book has some good advice for a keyholder on chastity but be aware she also talks about some other fetishes such as feminization, humiliation and others. This book is less than $10.00 and well worth it in my opinion. As with any self help type book, you take what applies to you and leave the rest. Nothing is the end all authority on how to live your FLR or chastity lifestyle.

Mistress Ivey also has another book “How to setup an FLR” which is a great read if you are also looking to expand your chastity lifestyle to include a Female Led aspect.
This book gives a couple a lot to think about in regards to what they each want from their relationship. It has questions for both partners to see where they are in terms of flr. We used this book to help write our chastity agreement.

Another book available from Amazon and is more vanilla than Mistress Ivey’s book but is an excellent starters guide is “Male Chastity: A Guide for Keyholders” by Lucy Fairbourne.
This book is in both paperback and ebook format which is also around $10.00. It’s well worth it again in my opinion. If you are looking for a book to start with or to introduce your wife/partner to chastity and being your Keyholder, this would be it. As the book states it is a very “non-threatening, female-friendly introduction to the topic of male chastity, ideal for nervous keyholders or as a love-offering from a would-be-chastened male.” This book is a gentle approach to the subject and written in a very matter-of-fact style. It really is the perfect way to introduce this kink.

I try to give my honest opinions on the things I use or read. I hope that they are helpful to those who check out our blog and those looking to get started in this wonderful lifestyle. We love and embrace both the chastity and flr/wlm parts of our relationship.

Please feel free to add your own opinions of these books in the comments. If others are anything like me they would love to hear more than just one point of view.

My Lady had some errands to run this morning, so she decided to let me stay in bed while she took the kids to school and got her stuff done for a couple of hours. “How nice of her to let me sleep,” you say? Notice, I didn’t say she let me sleep.

Technically, she made me stay in bed by cuffing my wrists to the bed. Then, she used her new favorite toy – the bondage ropeย – to fix the wand so it would rest right on my cage. She wrapped the rope around my legs so I couldn’t move them apart, to make sure I couldn’t move the wand from where it was. It would stay there until she got back from her errands. She hit the switch and turned on the wand to about medium vibration setting and left me there, blowing me a kiss on the way out.

Dear God, it was such an intense feeling! I was almost immediately moaning and squirming around on the bed, or at least as much as I could squirm around. The wand was vibrating my balls as well as rattling the cage around my captive cock, constantly teasing me without mercy. Although my cock was nearly crying for relief after about a half hour, I will admit the vibrations were somewhat relaxing. I must have dozed off once or twice (and had some extremely odd dreams about walking around in public with ML with the wand tied on me… very strange… lol), because I woke up with a start when My Lady texted me to see how things were going. I was about to text her back to say that I was surviving the treatment, but when I reached over to get my phone something… happened.

I don’t know if the wand shifted ever so slightly when I moved, but all of a sudden my cock started twitching and the wand was really starting to have an effect on me. It felt like at any moment, the wand might just make me cum in the cage! So I texted ML about it, telling her that I wasn’t sure but the wand might end up making me cum. Her response?

“Really? Cool!ย I wonder what it will feel like after, if you do…ย hehe”

What??? Oh God, I hadn’t even thought of that! Is the wand going to give me post orgasm torture? Will I be able to handle it? What am I supposed to do?

I tried to fight it. I held off as long as I could. But I couldn’t stop it. The wand kept pushing me and pushing me. And finally, I felt it. I was cumming! I could feel my cock twitching and pulsing in the cage, pushing against the wand. I dribbled a little bit of cum over my balls, but because I was still confined to the cage I couldn’t get a nice good cum. It was very much like a ruined orgasm – yes, I got there, but I was by no means satisfied. After my cock finished its spasms, the wand kept up it’s vibrating assault on me. Luckily, I think the “ruinedness” of the orgasm helped me avoid the post orgasm torture I was dreading. I was a little sensitive, but it was by no means as bad as I have heard about. After I was able to calm down a little bit, I was actually able to get back to sleep for a little while until ML got back home.

As for now, I feel as if a little bit of the edge has been taken off due to my ruined o, but DEFINITELY not enough. I’m still horny as fuck, as sexually frustrated as I’ve ever been (perhaps even more so), and still desperate to cum. So not much has changed!

My Lady also dropped a HUGE piece of news on my after I woke up today. But that’s something that’s big enough for an entire post on its own!

Last night was a pretty interesting night! I finally unlocked cagedmonkey and made him touch his own penis. It’s been almost a month since he’s put his own hands on his penis. I have unlocked him for various things in the past month but he has been restrained when out of his cage.

I decided since he hasn’t touched or stroked himself that I would force him to masturbate and use his own hand to edge and tease him. His hand touches all those spots he’s used to feeling while spending a good portion of his life masturbating (as you boys know you do!). So I tied our bondage rope around cagedmonkey’s wrist and hand while his cock was in hand. I left myself a piece of rope as a handle and used it to pull his hand up and down the shaft of his hard aching cock.


I loved listening to him moan and squirm and wiggle was I forced his hand up and down stroking himself to the edge over and over. I forced him to do this for probably a half an hour, on top of the half an hour or so I spent rubbing, licking, sucking, tickling and even smacking his cock. ๐Ÿ™‚ Of course he was squirming so much that I had to make sure he was secured so I got a bit creative with the rope. My pussy just kept getting more and more soaked as I listened to him grunt and moan and groan.

I untied his hand from his cock and instead I secured both hands to his thighs with the rope. It worked like a charm so that I could spend a good amount of time teasing him and he couldn’t move.


Not only did I tease his denied cock, I also sat on his face and rubbed my pussy all over it making him lick me until I came. Then I really did a number on him by sliding down, facing his feet, and sitting on his very sensitive cock. I teased him, sliding very slowly up and down on him as he watched from behind. I reached back and spread myself wide so he could see every bit of himself being grabbed and gobbled up by my hungry pussy. He just moaned so loud cussing over and over, pushing his head back and clenching his eyes closed so he didn’t go over the edge.

I do believe that last night’s tease was quite intense but I suppose you’d need to hear from him how it made him feel. It certainly was a wonderful birthday for me because it ended in my making him eat my pussy for a good hour while I had extremely intense orgasms… over and over. My thighs were shaking, I squeezed his head between my legs and bucked like a wild horse.

It really was an extremely fantastic night. Especially falling asleep together naked which, with kids, is something we rarely do.

Cagedmonkey is back in his Jail Bird where he will stay with zero release until May 4th. I have plans for him on May 4th as we travel. ๐Ÿ™‚ You’ll just have to wait to hear all about that, though!


Yeah, you know you read that title thinking it was cagedmonkey’s birthday, right? Well it’s not! It’s mine, but, that doesn’t mean I don’t have some special plans for my locked up hubby man. Don’t be mistaken thinking my denied guy is going to get an orgasm because that is just not in the cards today. He WILL still be waiting until his birthday in June for that… or at least that long (perhaps I’ll deny him until Christmas!).

Today, it’s been almost a month since cagedmonkey has touched his own penis. If he has been unlocked he’s been restrained and not allowed to touch. If I have unlocked him, I’ve been the one to remove and replace his cage. He’s dying to stroke himself, let alone just touch himself in general. So my plan for later is to unlock him and use our bondage rope to tie his own hand to his penis so I can pull up on the rope and force him to stroke himself. He really wants to touch himself but I’m going to force him to do it how I want him to. He won’t really have a choice in HOW he gets to touch himself. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m really getting into the bondage rope and I’m going to buy myself more. We even bought a book to learn knots and techniques, but that’s for an entirely different post!

It should be a pretty interesting thing and I’ll be sure to take pictures and share how our little adventures go tonight. I’m really looking forward to his reactions – you should know by now how much of a reaction junkie I am – and sharing it with all of you! ๐Ÿ™‚


As my current denial period has been going on and on (and on and on and on…), I’ve noticed that both my cock and my balls have gotten SUPER sensitive. When My Lady has unlocked me I’m usually moaning at the very first touch of her hands. My sensitivity doesn’t apply to my unlocked periods alone; my cock isย almost more sensitive when it is locked in its cage, it seems. ML has taken advantage of this frequently over the past week or so, rubbing the head of my cock through the bars of the Jailbird, or even snaking her tongue inside to tease my flesh with her warm wet tongue. Being teased by ML is one thing, but the thing that has been driving me a little bit crazy lately is how everyday mundane tasks end up teasing me in some weird way.

My balls have felt extremely full over the past few days. I don’t know if it’s becauseย My Lady has been teasing me more and I’m getting a little backed up with pre-cum, or perhaps it’s simply that I NEED TO FUCKING CUM FOR GOD SAKES. I’m so sensitive that certain pairs of pants have made it difficult to sit down without giving me the sensation of having my balls gently squeezed. It’s a little hard to concentrate on work when I’m sitting at my desk and I can feel my balls throbbing to my heartbeat.

So far, the worst of all has been the shower. It’s bad enough when My Lady and I share a shower; having her soaked & sexy naked body so close to mine, performing the task of soaping and rinsing her soft skin, kneeling before her in the shower to wash her legs and feet… it’s all VERY arousing. But even when I’m alone in the shower, I can’t escape the torture of a cock teasing. The spray from the water seems to tickle every sensitive spot on my cock, and it’s usually no more than two minutes into my shower before I’m softly moaning. And when it’s time to wash the cage, and I need to massage my balls and soap up my shaft through the cage, my knees immediately get wobbly. It’s almost too much to handle!

I still have at least 2 more months before I get to cum, and I can imagine my sensitivity issues are only going to get worse from here on out. Two months… that’s a helluva lot of showers from now until then.

Oh my goodness gracious, great balls of fire! I just went upstairs and I was getting my little freak on with hubby. I was kissing, licking, sucking and biting him in various spots. I was getting all “growly turned on,” you might call it primal. It was freakin crazy with him moaning and me getting more and more into it.

I was all set to head back downstairs after my little visit but something struck me. I realized I haven’t made cagedmonkey wear the njoy butt plug in awhile. We’ve just been so busy it hasn’t come up. So before I headed back down I inserted it and explained to him (in a sexy whisper in his ear) that I’m taking control of his sexual sensations for the entire night. I told him he will wear the butt plug the entire day and he will also wear it out to date night tonight AND to work. That’s something I’ve never made him do yet but, hey, there’s a first time for everything! I am a nice Keyholder and I did tell him the ONLY reason he would be allowed to remove it would be to go to the bathroom (if you know what I mean). He is to replace it when he is finished though. I also explained if he got uncomfortable, too bad and if he got really uncomfortable he would be allowed to add some lube.

I got so very very turned on during all of that! I ended up forcefully pushing him onto his belly and positioning myself on his ever so sexy ass. I started grinding on him and could feel my pussy get wetter and wetter. Oh I can’t even explain how freakin turned on I was! While I was doing it cagedmonkey turned his head back toward me and whispered how he was starting to feel like my little slut. That did something in me and I said, “oh yeah?” I put my hand on the back of his head and shoved his face in the pillow and told him how I know he liked me treating him like a little whore. I told him soon he would be being me to fuck him like my dirty little whore, begging me to cum while I fucked his ass so hard, deep and fast. This type of aggressive talk went on for a bit and I could feel myself getting lost in it all. I could feel myself slipping into top space.

I abruptly stopped, got up and said, “I have to get out of here.” As I was walking out I told him to get some sleep and that I loved him but that I had to go.

I knew I had to get out of there once I felt myself doing that because our daughter was just down the stairs doing some school work on the computer. I was worried I would lose it completely, get carried away and get too loud or something. I could feel that I could have easily fucked him so hard at that moment. I felt that I easily could have gotten caught up in the moment and treated him like a little whore, like a piece of meat and just used and abused his body. I’m not sure what I would have been capable of doing if our daughter wasn’t downstairs at that moment.

Sometimes I surprise myself with the feelings I get in the midst of a tease session. I surprise myself with the things I say. I get nervous, in a way, of what I might be capable of during that.

Last night cagedmonkey took me out to a nice bar & grill not too far from the house. When we were younger we use to go out every so often (usually when visiting my friends and family out of state) and do karaoke. I’ve recently said how we need to get back out doing those things we used to love doing. So cagedmonkey looked up a bar that had karaoke and decided we were going. We had such a fun night eating appetizers and having a few drinks and just talking. We spent a good time talking about goals and our thoughts and feelings about how our relationship is going. We also talked about the chastity and how we each feel it’s going and If anything needed adjusting. It really was a good night. We didn’t stay out too late since our babysitter had school in the morning! ๐Ÿ™‚

During our date we talked a bit about how I’d like to learn some rope skills to get into tying him up more. So once we got home we did a little research and I actually learned how to make rope cuffs. I practiced on him. What I really want (we need lots more rope) is to be able to tie him to a chair. ๐Ÿ™‚

After a little practicing with the rope we were going to watch a little tv but I got my paddle instead. I haven’t given cagedmonkey a good spanking in awhile so I had him bend over the couch. I spanked his ass while I played with his caged cock. I ran my fingernails on his shaft through the cage bars. I massaged and fondled his balls and loved hearing him moan. I even grasped around the base of his cock just behind his ring and stroked the base of his cock. We didn’t get too much more into anything than that but we had a fantastic night as a whole. ๐Ÿ™‚