
ML and I have always been curious about whether or not I was able to have an orgasm while wearing my chastity cage. We know it’s possible in the general sense – we’ve heard about it from many sources, and there are plenty of femdom videos where it happens. We just didn’t know if I was actually physically able to do it. We tried using the hitachi wand as well as other ways of stimulation, all with no success. Until last week, that is.

I’m now able to confirm that I can, in fact, have an orgasm in my cage. And, honestly, it might be even more frustrating than a ruined orgasm.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me start again…

My “leaving for work” ritual has changed quite a bit after our moves from NY -> WV -> IN. I used to kneel for ML and give her some body worship before I left, and ML would almost always flash me her titties as I drove away (seriously, don’t I have the best fucking wife in the world?). Recently, our kids have been getting up earlier than they have in the past, and they are usually awake by the time I am leaving. This makes it tough to do our routine on a normal basis, but we make time for it when we can.

Last Wednesday morning, ML and I snuck off to the bedroom to get a little privacy. ML laid back on the bed and spread her legs, offering me her delicious horny pussy. I knelt at the side of the bed and began licking her. As always, she tasted AMAZING. As I licked her clit and kissed her pussy lips, she began to moan quietly (trying not to alert the kids in the next room). It was so sexy and it was turning me on like crazy!

ML had kept me locked in the cage all the way from the previous weekend; I was really craving the feeling of being inside her, and her moans of pleasure were only making that craving worse. I may have gently suggested to ML that she unlock me, but my full on “rooty” would have made getting out of the Jailbird almost impossible. But I didn’t care – for some reason, I felt like I NEEDED to be inside her at that moment. So I climbed up on the bed, kneeling in between ML’s legs, and began gently sliding my caged cock into her slippery wet pussy.

My Lady has been very impressive with her ability to handle my chastity cage inside her. When we first tried it, I was barely able to move without causing her discomfort. Now, I still have to be careful, but I am able to thrust into her a little bit (as long as I get the curve of the cage at the correct angle).

The feeling of fucking ML with the cage on is really difficult to describe. On one hand, any time I get to feel ML’s pussy wrapped around my cock is absolutely wonderful. But when I’m wearing the cage, I can only feel her pussy with the parts of my cock that bulge out past the bars. The result is a strange combination of great pleasure and immense frustration.

As I continued to thrust into ML, these conflicting feelings must have been showing on my face, because I saw a flash of excitement in her eyes. She was getting off on my frustration. I could feel her excitement flowing from her as I watched her drink in my suffering. Her excitement increased my arousal so much and so quickly, all of a sudden I realized something.

I looked into ML’s eyes and said, “I think I could cum.”

“Really?” she asked.

“I think so.”

“Do it,” she answered. “Cum for me.”

I had been waiting SEVEN MONTHS to hear My lady say those words.

It didn’t take me long to fulfill her request. I had to control my thrusts in order not to hurt ML with the steel chastity cage, but I was able to push myself to orgasm.

It was, in a word… terrible.

First off, getting myself to orgasm was nowhere near the way I wanted to do it. After seven months of denial, I really just wanted to pound ML’s pussy and cum deep inside her. I couldn’t do that here; I had to thrust very slowly, which ended up making the climb to orgasm a horrible tease of an ordeal. It was like instead of diving into a pool, I was slowly dragged across the cement and unceremoniously dumped in.

Then came the orgasm itself. It wasn’t quite a ruined orgasm because my cock was being stimulated throughout the whole thing, but it was very much like one in the fact that it was absolutely not pleasurable. It was more like a “blocked” orgasm: my cock surged in its cage, eager to release seven months worth of pent up orgasmic pressure. However, each time my cock pulsed, it met with the unyielding steel of the cage. Still desperate for a deep, intense, cum-pumping orgasm, my cock tried even harder, but with no success. All that happened was an even bigger buildup of pressure, only now I could feel it all throughout my cock. At least with a ruined orgasm, there was some sense of release; I wasn’t even gifted that here.

I could tell My Lady could feel my bulging cock twitching inside her because her eyes had an intense look in them. The look on my face was probably equal parts surprise, confusion, desperation, and frustration, and she was loving every single second of it. As my cock continued its strangled orgasm, I couldn’t help but whimper as I suffered through the torture. In the end, I wasn’t able to fill ML’s pussy with my cum; it ended up dribbling out later once my cock had given up and gotten soft.

So yes, it was absolutely horrible, in such a good way. I was teased and taunted by an “orgasm” that ended up being more frustrating than I could have imagined. Now knowing how this effected me, I wouldn’t be surprised if ML were to try this again, only next time using her wand to give herself a ruined orgasm while I suffer through mine. I’m not sure if I could think of anything more soul crushing than that.

Literal answer to rhetorical question alert!

the state or practice of refraining sexual intercourse.

As I was putting my cage on after shaving yesterday, I started thinking about exactly what this is that ML and I are doing. It’s easy to call it “chastity” but is it really that?

As you can see from the definition above (thank you, Google), chastity usually involves less (or perhaps even no) sex. Since ML began locking my cock in a cage, we’ve been have more – and BETTER – sex than ever. That’s like the opposite of chastity!

My Lady is in complete control of when and how much sex we have. And keeping my cock locked up all to herself gets her pretty damn horny, so we end up having sex pretty often. The cage doesn’t even stop her from having my cock when she wants it – she will have sex with even even while I’m caged, and she loves every minute of torturing me like that.


You cannot imagine how frustrating it is to feel her warm wet pussy on my cock, yet I’m still unable to get hard. My cock certainly tries, but always fails. ML has has many orgasms on my caged cock as I throb helplessly against the steel. It often feels like I could cum, but it’s only wishful thinking. I’m left as frustrated as ever, often with a painfully full cage as ML drifts off into blissful post-orgasmic sleep.

So, we will continue to call it “chastity,” even though it’s something different at the heart if it. It’s not about refraining from sex; if anything, it drives us to want it more. For us, it’s about control. ML controls me sexually, not just my orgasms but even my erections. She will have sex with me when she wants, whether she allows me to have a erection or not.


With all of the craziness of the moving and the new job and all that stuff, I feel terrible that I haven’t had the opportunity to write all that much lately. I guess getting 3.5 hours sucked out of your day just by simply commuting to work doesn’t leave all that much time for horny thoughts.

But then again… when you’ve gone without an orgasm for 176 days, those thoughts find their own time. 🙂

Now that we are settled in our new home (or at least on the way to getting there) and my work schedule is a little more stable, there will be a hell of a lot more time for me to write… and plenty of time for me to dwell in my own crushing horniness.

Yesterday, ML and I completed a major goal for ourselves in making the apartment our own – we got the new bed fully put together, placed the box spring and mattress, and finally got it “sleep ready.” We’ve been waiting so long! We finally got it done. We also had to test out if “sleep ready” also meant “fuck ready.”

Any excuse, right? 🙂

Good news to report: it passed with flying colors. No crazy kinky sex, no bondage or restraints or anything (yet)… just the regular damn fucking good amazing sex that ML and I can’t seem to stop having.  🙂 It felt so damn good, I had to text a video to one of our good friends, just to share the joy.


Enjoy, my good friends.

I think that getting…

Oh God… fuck, my wife has an amazing ass….

Ok sorry, I got distracted… as I was saying….

There was a moment during last night’s sex where I really felt that I wanted to cum. So far, yeah I’ve wanted to cum, because almost a full half year since I’ve done so, duh… but I’ve also been enjoying the denial so much, and the novelty of a year without orgasms has always made it a “yeah, we’re gonna do it” thing. But last night… it was different.

Last night I really wanted it. I wanted to say “fuck it, getting this far is enough, I really need to cum.” I seriously contemplated just continuing fucking ML until I came inside her, and I’d come up with some sort of excuse later on why it wasn’t my fault (“I swear, honey, I tried to stop, but…. El Niño!”).

I think the whole “settling in” and actually having a place to live now is not just allowing me to get back to normal, but all of the feelings that have been put off for the past handful of weeks are rushing back in one big wave. ML and I had a little bit of “standing against the kitchen counter” sex this morning, and I whimpered when I had to stop. It hasn’t been this bad in a long time… ever? Possibly.

My Lady is worried that my horniness has plateaued… I think there’s still plenty of Mt. Horniest to climb. 🙂

Our toys and equipment are all packed in storage and we certainly haven’t had any time for much play living in this state of limbo, as we are. That doesn’t stop the mind from wandering and the body from wanting.

Lately, I’ve been craving things, intense things. I’ll just flat out warn you now that I may describe some things in this post that I’m fantasizing about. No one can hold my cravings or fantasies against me and if you don’t like intensity, women in control being forceful etc, then you might as well stop reading now.

I’ve noticed since living here in someone else’s house the lack of control I feel. Not so much the lack of control over cagedmonkey but over everything in general. When I start to feel that loss of control it makes me want to grab on harder and hold deeper to my dominant-ness. It’s been building and building and I’m fantasizing about getting that control back. I’m feeling very (almost) angry and aggressive and life I want to forcefully take it back, make it mine and have it again… Complete and utter control of everything. I find myself craving getting it back in the one consensual way I know how.

I’ve been craving some serious full bondage, complete restraint, like being locked in the bitch tamer or tied strong to our new bed. Just so completely bound that he cannot move, gagged so he can’t talk. The only sounds he can make are the whimpers and cries and slight pleas begging me to stop. I want to use him, spank him, fuck him, tease him and torture him until he is limp and sobbing. I want his complete body to be mine used, abused, raped consensually against his will. I want to feel his body give up against my aggressive, forcefull dominance.

I desperately need to feel like I control his pain, he pleasure, his teasing and his torture. That I am in control of everything in those few moments while I year him down to nothing but a blubbering, begging pile of a man, begging me to stop, begging me to stop.

My Lady and I really enjoy looking at our naughty pics and sex videos. ML gets turned on by my naked body, and I get horny as fuck when ML gets undressed. We even get turned on watching ourselves have sex in the mirror from time to time. It’s a damn sexy sight to see.

Wouldn’t you agree? 🙂



I may or may not have mentioned this before, but My Lady has amazing titties. 🙂 I love to grab them and squeeze them and lick them and suck on them. They are so fucking perfect! ML is very well aware that I’m obsessed with her big boobs, and she uses them often to tease the hell out of me.


And she's really good at it.

What drives me crazy is that ML loves it when I play with them! She knows that it drives me crazy, but I can tell it also turns her on because it feels good. Sometimes she will moan softly in my ear when she’s rubbing her boobs all over my body, and she loves squeezing her cleavage around my cock for a nice good tittyfuck.


Caged or uncaged, makes no difference to her.

Last night, she was extraordinarily evil with her tit teasing. We were snuggled up in bed and I began to massage her boobs. ML knew I was getting turned on, so she took advantage of my unlocked status to have me edge for her. To frustrate me even further, she instructed me to edge as I stroked myself over her titties.

God, it felt so good and it was so bad at the same time! Instantly, my body identified the position as the “I’m going to cum all over ML’s tits” position… which would have been so much better that edging myself! To make matters worse, My Lady was massaging and squeezing her tits together, asking me if I wanted to cum on them and telling me how good it would feel to cover them with a big load of cum….

I was in AGONY. I wanted to cum so bad. It didn’t take me long to edge, and ML had to physically remove my hand from my cock when it was time to do so. ML is certainly an expert at using her body to drive me sexually insane!

My Lady wasn’t done with just one stint of kinky bondage while the kids were FINALLY at school. She also wasn’t done wetting me down with her squirt, either!

ML tied me down with my wrists down by the foot of the bed, with my head right at the edge of the mattress. When she had me restrained to her liking, she began to tease my into a frenzy.

My Lady straddled my hips and began rubbing her body up and down my chest. I could feel my cock rub against her warm pussy lips as she rubbed her huge tits all over me. She teased the head of my cock by sliding her pussy across the head of my cock, making me thrust up in a vain attempt to get inside her. She looked right into my eyes and slid my hard cock deep into her pussy, and I moaned loudly as she took me in all the way.

Once my cock was buried in My Lady’s horny pussy, she leaned back on the bed so that she was laying between my legs with her head at the opposite end of the bed. She kept my cock inside her pussy; by the time she laid back completely, my cock was being bent nearly horizontally to the mattress. I was hard enough to stay inside her, but I knew it would be nearly impossible for me to cum like that.

ML reached over and grabbed her wand, turned it on and began rubbing it on her clit. I could feel her pussy pulsing around me, squeezing my cock and frustrating me further. She moved the wand down, vibrating my shaft and causing me to cry out. ML laughed softly as she moved the wand back to her clit and began rolling her hips, pulling my shaft deeper into her pussy. I could feel her pussy squeezing my stronger as her orgasm approached.

My Lady cried out as she came, her pussy squeezing me so hard that I slipped out of her pussy. Due to our position, my cock slipped upwards on the way out of her pussy, dragging the head of my cock across her g-spot. When she squeezed me out, I felt a huge gush of warmth all over my balls – ML was squirting all over me, and my cock slipping out of her pussy triggered it! ML continued to work her clit over with the wand, riding her orgasm even further as her pussy soaked me even more. I looked down, and I saw ML’s pussy sprinkling the head of my cock with her squirt juices. I was being drenched by her pussy, and it was equally awesome and frustrating for me.


Yet another wet spot on our mattress. 🙂

ML still wasn’t finished covering me with her juices, yet. She got up and walked towards the foot of the bed and stood over my face. I could see her pussy was almost dripping, literally. ML lowered her sopping wet pussy right down onto my face, nearly drowning me with her fresh pussy squirt.

ML didn’t let up until my face was completely coated. When she stood up, my face was absolutely drenched. Mercifully, My Lady got me a towel and helped clean my face off after just a few moments… although I swear that I can still smell her pussy on me, as if it has soaked into my skin somehow.

I love it when My Lady squirts for me, it’s so damn fucking hot I swear! We haven’t had much opportunity to have some fun with it – ML often gets a little loud when “letting go” like that, and we don’t want to risk waking the kids up or anything like that. But with the better weather ahead and some days off from work during the week for me, we might have more chances soon.

We had our Mistress/slave couple friends over for the weekend and enjoyed a very nice time together. It’s always fun seeing them, no matter what goes on, whether we are out doing family things or having a night of drinking and kinky sex.

The weekend was overall nice and relaxing and not too entirely hardcore – for those that were hoping they’d come here and hear all kinds of stories about the hardcore, bondage, D/s, crazy sex happenings – sorry. It was pretty laid back for the most part but there certainly was some drinking going on and some fun kinky sex times!
I had decided that cagedmonkey was going to stay locked most of the weekend. He spent most of the weekend rooty as hell in his cage. Boy, did he ever beg and beg to get out. He desperately wanted to be touched and teased and tortured. The only answer he got all weekend was, “No, baby.” He spent the nights on the weekend being forced to watch everyone else cumming, forced to feel the jealousy of wanting his own orgasm. At one point I used the wand on his cage while we sat there next to our friends on the bed. They were on his side of the bed that night. I forced him to watch her get fucked and get pleased by her slave orally. Each time he tried to close his eyes and moan I told him to keep looking. To keep watching him slide his free cock into her warm wet pussy. To watch and listen to his tongue and all the wetness you could hear as her slaves pushed her closer and closer to orgasm. Our Mistress friend had fun verbally driving him mad as well as her own slave, reminding him of his situation. How his big thick manly cock was all locked up in a cage and controlled by me. I made him watch and listen, while his cock was vibrating and straining against the steel, as she got to orgasm and leaked her juices all over the bed.

And then I made him sleep, aching and painfully horny, in another woman’s wet spot.

We did get a few moments alone while our friends took the kids out, one night, and I decided to make cagedmonkey’s frustration run just a little deeper. I was so wet and horny I climbed up on his lap, pinned his hands above his head and straddled his caged cock. I rubbed my pussy all over him and came nice and good on his cock, covering his cage in my gooey juices.
You can see all the thick gooey girl cum in the bars of his cage. There was so much, it was a beautiful thing!
While I would love to get much more descriptive about some of the other happenings of the weekend, it proves a little difficult when having to leave out names and trying to keep anonymity safe. We will have to leave those details for other, more private, areas of the blogosphere! You know how to contact us! 🙂

(Apologies for the delay in posting part 2; we had some RL drama to deal with over the past week or so, in addition to me working the weekend and some cancelled school days to boot… Read part 1 here!)

Thankfully, ML was much kinder with me during the rest of the day, allowing me restroom breaks when I needed them (as long as I was willing to ask nicely). Most of the interesting fun times naturally happened after the kids went to bed. My Lady and I spent a little bit of time watching TV, waiting to make sure that the kids went to sleep. 🙂 Once we were certain that the kids well asleep, we went into our bedroom.

My Lady began by having me inspect and tighten the under-the-bed restraints to make sure they were where she needed them. After doing so, I laid down on the bed and ML began to cuff me down. My hands were cuffed above my head, and my feet were spread out pretty wide; it wasn’t uncomfortable, but another few inches and it would have been. The straps of the restraints were so tight that I could barely move my legs.

My Lady started my teasing my cock with her hands and her mouth, her expert touch making me moan within seconds. She only did this for a minute or two; she wasn’t aiming to tease me, she just wanted me hard. She wanted my cock inside her, and she was going to get exactly what she wanted.

ML climbed on top of me and took my cock into her wet pussy, sliding herself slowly down the entire length of my shaft. She rode my cock slowly, careful not to get me too excited too quickly. She wanted me to last. She teased me with her titties, holding them inches above my face. If I tried to reach up and lick them, she’d pull them away. She made it even worse by bringing her nipple up to her mouth and sucking on her own tit. I was whimpering and moaning in frustration, and it turned My Lady on even more.

After a few minutes of riding me, ML got off and reached down the side of the bed. This always means one thing – she wants her wand. She wants to cum good and hard. Bringing the wand over, she straddled my hips again, only this time facing my feet. My cock slid into her soaked pussy again, and a moment later I felt the vibrations of the wand on my balls. I moaned and wiggled as much as I could, which wasn’t much because of the cuffs holding me in place and ML’s weight holding me down.

My Lady moved the wand upwards, vibrating the base of my cock on the way up to her clit. She moaned loud and pushed her hips harder down onto me. She began to grind her pussy on my cock, speeding headlong towards a massive orgasm.

Meanwhile, I was getting more and more frustrated every second. ML’s pussy on my cock felt amazing, but it only made me want to cum inside her, of course. I was watching ML’s sexy ass cheeks twitch and flex as waves of pleasure were pushing her closer to cumming.

ML’s moans started to get louder, and I knew she was getting close to cumming. There was one problem: so was I. Would ML have the presence of mind to stop before I came inside her? Could she even stop herself at this point? I was so close, until finally I gave up hope and resigned myself to having to start my year of denial over again…

Just before I couldn’t hold back any longer, ML shifted the tiniest bit and my cock popped out of her pussy. My cock throbbed untouched as ML came hard and loud with the wand. Not only was her timing perfect to avoid me cumming, but pulling me out just as her orgasm hit made her squirt all over my cock and balls. My cock continued to twitch as it was covered in ML’s warm squirt juices, and I felt it run down my balls and drip down my ass on the way to the mattress.

ML continued to drown my cock for the next half minute, at least. When she finally calmed down, she spun around so her dripping wet pussy was directly above my face. “There’s a mess to clean up,” she said, and she lowered her pussy down onto my face before I could catch my breath.

Thanks to the squirting, My Lady’s pussy was a wet gooey mess. I happily licked it all up, loving every delicious moment of ML riding my face. When she got up, I could feel my face was completely covered with her pussy juice. ML allowed me to towel off my face, but I could still smell her squirt all over me. I felt completely used, and I totally loved it.

The rest of the weekend was, I’m afraid to say, not all that interesting. With the kids home all day and some errands we needed to run, there wasn’t a lot of time for sexy fun. I do love being controlled by ML, though, and these occasional “total submission” days are very fun and intense. Living that lifestyle 24/7 just isn’t viable for us, both by circumstance and by choice.

ML and I have asked each other that at least three times already today, as we think about what this New year holds for us. We are expecting so much change in the next twelve months (we’ll be moving into a new house, as well as adding some exciting new features to our blog), but many things will stay the same (we will both continue to be horny fuckers who can’t keep our hands off each other).

And, oh yeah, that other important thing… My Lady is going to deny me orgasms for the entire year.

ML and I have been taking the last week to enjoy just being free from worrying about an accidental cum, having some good hot sex and throwing in some romantic love making just for the hell of it. 🙂 I’ve had more orgasms in the past week than I’ve had over the past few months – which doesn’t say a lot, considering I was denied since the end of October. But in the back of our minds the whole time was that one thought – “Are we really insane for trying this?”

It hasn’t really hit either of us yet that my orgasm last night was the last one I’m going to have for a VERY long time. ML doesn’t have to worry about that, she’ll be cumming whenever she wants, with my help or without it. But she does have to deal with the fact that I won’t be cumming, since she does actually like it. I, on the other hand, am going to be suffering through it. The only question is how long will it take me to truly want this to end.

Ok, maybe there is one more question.

Are we crazy?