
All posts tagged bondage

Yesterday I wrote about my craving for Dominance. The craving to create a scene where cagedmonkey was on the very submissive side of things. I wrote about wanting to basically use and abuse him… dare I say, to fulfill a lighter version of a “Rape Fantasy.”

For our wonderful followers pleasure I thought I would describe how the 4 hours of alone time in the house went. I really do feel like it’s worth hearing about. For us it was pretty deep Dom/sub stuff, humiliation and forceful sexual things. I do hope you enjoy and I assure you one hundred percent that I am not exaggerating our sex scenes or telling you fantasies.

Our morning started very early cagedmonkey got home from work while I was getting the kids up, fed and out to their day camp. While I was gone I left him with instructions. He was to prepare the bedroom, the bed restraints, get my wand ready and make sure a few select toys were available to me when I got back. He was also to be waiting for me downstairs, naked.

I walked back in the door and my good boy was sitting on the couch – wearing nothing but his Jail Bird. So damn sexy, was my first thought. I’d already explained to hubby how “hungry” I was for him. So walking in the door seeing him like that made me that much hungrier for him. I stripped down to nothing but a black tank top and straddled him on the couch and got him going a bit by grabbing his face and forcefully kissing him, by licking his lips like he was some yummy lollipop. Once I felt myself get past that point… that point of need, I told him it was time to go upstairs.

First thing I did was instruct him to lay face down on the bed, it’s not like I needed access to a caged up cock. This was all about me taking him, using him and abusing him, I had no use for his cock. I tied him down tight spread eagle on the bed.
Once he was tied down I spent a good time with my paddle against his sexy little ass! Oh good Lord did I ever get turned on spanking him. I literally pooled under me and was actively dripping from my wet pussy.
I realize that I like spanking him a lot, like a whole lot! I just had no idea I liked it so much that it would cause my pussy to pour out under me while doing it. It is something I really need to do much more! I just loved the noises he was making, the moans and whimper as I smacked the paddle against his cheeks. I spanked him progressively harder, all over his ass. I spanked both cheeks, and also spread his ass apart and swatted his actual asshole and just for good measure I gave his exposed balls a light tap.

After I got his ass a nice gorgeous rosy red, I started to use a prostate massager on him while I used my magic wand to vibrate his balls and cage. The combination of anal stimulation and vibration had him moaning. I just love when he moans! While doing that I could feel myself enjoying the powerful feelings. I was really getting into it the more sounds he made. I continued swatting him with my hands as I was stimulating his senses. All of these sensations had him writhing on the bed (as much as the restraints would allow).

I felt so aroused and knew it was time to take what I wanted. Plus I figured while his ass was stinging, it would be a great time to get my strap-on. I strapped my lower half in and grabbed, what we call the “Pearl” attachment – it is a pearl blue, not obnoxiously huge non-phallic rubber probe, so somewhat soft. Before I started in on his ass, I made him get pearl ready so I could use it on him. I walked around the end of the bed, held pearl at the base and demanded he suck it. I fucked his mouth with it over and over while he drooled spit down his chin and all over the bed. I kept sliding it in and out forcing him to gag over and over on my strap-on. Once I felt he’d gagged enough I climbed up on the bed and positioned myself behind him. I made sure to use lots of lube and I began by slowly making love to him, but very soon I realized I could not get the leverage I wanted. I said “oh fuck this,” and yanked pearl from the strap-on and began using it by hand. I was fucking him hard and deep with it, pushing it in as far as it would go. Cagedmonkey was moaning and squirming and, was I ever getting turned on by the sounds I was making come out of him. Soon, he began to moan louder, especially because I started talking dirty to him, telling him what a little slut he was.

When I felt like his ass was taking pearl way too easy I told him I thought it was time for something bigger. I went to our closet and got another one of our attachments, this one was a large, ribbed, bronze dildo – MUCH larger, still rubber but a little more firm. He knew that one was going to fill him up and maybe even hurt if i used it on him. He begged me not to, but I just continued walking to him. I stood right at the end of the bed in front of his face and lifted up his chin. I looked down at him, directly into his eyes, and said, “Suck it, bitch,” and I shoved it into his mouth. I fucked his face with it, forcing it down his throat and making him gag heavily on it. When he tried to swallow all of the saliva that was dripping off the dildo, I told him he didn’t have permission to swallow and I continued fucking his mouth. The spit was running down his chin as I continued to make him choke on the huge dildo.
Then I positioned myself behind him once again. He was begging and pleading with me again not to fuck him with it, but I simply did not respond. I slathered that big thing with lube and slowly pushed it into his ass, deeper and then a little deeper. I then began fucking him with it, slowly at first and picking up the pace as I kept going. It wasn’t to long before I was pounding his ass with the dildo, hard and fast as deep as it would go. He was screaming, no and being me to stop. After a few minutes of this torture I felt his body just fall limp on the bed. This didn’t stop me from fucking him, however, I continued to rape his body like a rag doll. The whole time I was calling him dirty names – asking if he liked being fucked like a filthy slut, telling him that I loved punishing his “dirty whore ass”, etc. It was an extremely powerful feeling!

I wasn’t quite done with him at that point. I untied his ankles and demanded he get on his knees and told him if he wanted me to stop so bad he had to show me. I forced him to rock himself back into me and fuck himself with the dildo. I can only imagine how humiliating it must have been being forced to fuck himself with the one thing he is hating! Making him do that gave me an even bigger sense of power. I’m sure I must have giggled out loud at my excitement… making him do that because I told him to. He really is a good subby hubby who takes what I give him.

When I was finally done, I decided it was my turn. I untied him and laid back on the bed and demanded that he lick my pussy to an orgasm. He happily followed my instructions, slurping up my sopping wet pussy and licking me to two loud orgasms. Then I rolled over on my belly and positioned my wand on my clit while I pushed my ass back against his face, forcing his tongue deep into my quivering asshole. I came a couple more times that way, loud and forcefully until I couldn’t take anymore. I rolled over and laid back, exhausted yet satisfied. Cagedmonkey sat there, abused and terribly frustrated.

My Lady and I were texting each other last night while I was at work, and the conversation wandered to the topic of sensory deprivation. You see, ML has been doing some research in that area, specifically sensory deprivation hoods. And when ML starts doing research, you know that she’s getting serious about it.

She began to text me some of the ideas that have been popping up in her head, and I couldn’t help but get turned on (which made my cock strain against the cage rather strongly). Here are just a few examples of the texts she sent me:

  • “like putting your hands in mittens behind your back, making you kneel on the floor hooded”
  • “I could open only the gag and make you choke on my dildo”
  • “I could take off the blindfold with my pussy right in your face while I cum”
  • “Put a dildo in your ass and make you sit on it while I fuck your mouth with mine”
  • “So if I told you I could put the hood on and use the face dildo as the gag piece instead and fuck your sensory deprived face, how would that make you feel?”

How would it make me feel?

Those sound like horrible, terrible things to have to endure. I don’t know if I could take it.

How would it make me feel?

I need to experience this.

That’s how it makes me feel. I can imagine myself in the moment, wanting it to end so badly, wondering why and how I got myself into this, suffering in pain and frustration. Yet it’s undeniable – I want it to happen. When I read those texts – and even now as I retype them – I get a tightness in my chest that says to me, “Oh. My. God. I NEED THIS.”

It’s scary and confusing to have these types of feelings – to want something you don’t want to happen happen, so badly. But honestly, that’s pretty much what chastity is. I’m sitting here with my cock locked in a steel cage with no way to get out on my own, and I desperately want to cum. But I want to be like this – desperate for release, yet powerless to facilitate that release, completely dependent on My Lady for any and all sources of sexual pleasure. I trust My Lady with my life; I know she will protect me and keep me safe, even when she is putting me through hell just because she can and she wants to. It speaks to my devotion to her how badly I want this to happen, even though I don’t want this to happen.

Now I’m left wondering just when she plans on putting these things in motion…

CagedMonkey and I have had a very relaxed couple weeks in the chastity device and our D/s play because our Jail Bird is in getting adjustments. The Bird Cage we use as a back up device is really showing its wear and I don’t want hubby wearing it for more time than necessary. So really he’s only been wearing it to work.

I decided, since we haven’t had any real intense teasing play lately, today would be a bit of  a dominant day. Cagedmonkey works midnights so when he got home this morning he got breakfast for the kids and then got ready for bed. He had a headache so I gave him some Tylenol and let him sleep a little before putting him through this intense ride.

I’m not sure what you would call this but today he is (trying to) sleeping unlocked, bound to the bed, gagged with a penis gag and stuffed with the njoy butt plug. While he is enduring that torture? I will be visiting very often to stroke him and edge him.

I’m sure he’s going to be very tired and worn out by this afternoon but I feel like he needed a good reminder of who is in charge of all of his pleasures & sensations.

I’m really loving the idea of sensory deprivation play and I’m working to learn how to make it happen. So for now I’m playing with sensations and making him all filled up and unable to touch or do anything about whatever I do to him. He just has to endure whatever I want to do to him because I am in control of it all. I’m even in control of how much or the quality of sleep he gets. It should be a fun day and perhaps he’ll write later about how he feels about what I’m doing to him. 🙂

I used to feel the same way.

There was a time when I was younger that my main kink was tease & orgasm denial. I was very turned on by the idea of being brought to the edge of orgasm over and over, but not be allowed to cum – for hours or even days at a time. Bondage, of course, came along with this as well, reinforcing the idea that I was dependent on the woman teasing me to give me an orgasm when she desired.

While indulging in my fantasies by reading stories and such, I would frequently come across the subject of male chastity. I didn’t quite get it. “I want to be teased, not left alone and ignored!” was my thought process. I wanted the woman to play with me, drive me crazy, and make me beg to cum. How was that supposed to happen with my cock locked away in a contraption that kept it from being touched?

I’m not sure when the tide began to turn, but the sense of control started to fascinate me. My OD fetish was basically a control fetish – giving up control of my orgasm to someone else. Male chastity had the same principles, only more so – not only would my orgasm be under control of someone else, but also my ability to touch myself, even the ability to simply get hard would be taken from me. And isn’t male chastity just a more personal, more intense, constant form of bondage?

THAT was when it really clicked for me.

I could not fathom what that must feel like – to be crazy horny and turned on, and yet not be able to do anything about it. Forget having an orgasm, even having an erection is not possible when in chastity. Could I handle it? Could I go weeks without an erection? Months?

And I will tell you this…. the feeling is even more mind blowing that I thought it could be.

I am still amazed and thrilled by the amount of power My Lady has over my sexuality. I only get hard when and if she allows it. I only get to feel the soft walls of her warm, wet pussy when she desires it. I only get to cum when she wants me to. And there is nothing I can do about it, besides beg and plead and accept her answer. Meanwhile, she gets to cum whenever and however she demands.

There are days I still look down and see the cage locked onto me, and I think, “Jesus, this is fucking CRAZY!” But, honestly, there is no other way I would rather have it. Ironically, her control over me gives me the freedom to focus on pleasing her. I know that if and when I’m allowed to fuck ML and cum deep inside her, I will have earned it through my devotion to her.