
All posts tagged tease

You all should know well enough by now that I enjoy making things very frustrating for cagedmonkey. I also like to keep those frustrating things fresh and interesting, who wants a bored sub?

I’m pretty sure you’ve all been following along and know that cagedmonkey is in a 3 month denial period. His last orgasm was on March 10 and his “Maybe Day” is his birthday in June. I may or may not allow him to cum. I’m definitely deciding once we get there because I may just want to keep him in this lovely constantly horny for me state. I may want to leave his cock in this hair trigger way where any little touch has him instantly hard – if I allow him out of his cage that is – and aching to cum. I may want to leave him in this state of constant arousal for a bit longer.

So let me tell you all about the torment that cagedmonkey will endure over the next two weeks. I began this yesterday but what happens is when hubby gets home from work I take him upstairs for bed and restrain him to the bed. Then I roll him onto his side a bit, put a little of the peppermint lube on the njoy plug and use it to tease his asshole just a little bit before inserting the plug. After him being plugged all day yesterday and having that pressure on his prostate he was leaking precum like crazy. I mean literally dripping huge drips, practically on the verge of milking. Once his sexy little ass has accepted the plug I roll him on his back, remove his Jail Bird and this is where the progression comes in. You see, he will be tied to the bed and plugged every morning before he goes to sleep and each day he will get stroked and edged. The difference is that each day the amount of time I edge him increases by one minute.

So yesterday morning he got stroked and edged for one minute straight and this morning it was two. I realize after a few days here I’m going to have to really resort to using the “Up Only” trick so he doesn’t accidentally spill cum when he isn’t allowed to. 🙂

So far it is great fun watching him squirm and moan and breathe all heavy every morning. I’m really just loving it and by the time I’m done my pussy is dripping, sloppy, wet and oh so horny. That’s when I take advantage of the situation and I go up for a visit a few times and sit on his face, cum all over him and walk away.

Though the first time I went up for a visit yesterday I was overly wet and horny. After cumming all over his face once I grabbed the face dildo gag from the bedside table and used it to fuck myself with his face while he was forced to watch just inches away. He was moaning and cursing as best he could with the gag in his mouth. I’m sure it must have been crazy to watch my pussy being filled up with a dildo so close even to the point of his nose being right in it. I came nice and hard on the dildo gag as he lay there restrained, used and denied.

What fun it is to torment him with such pleasure. I’m super horny again today and I’ll definitely be needing to go up for some facesitting soon!

On a side note: I have some new books and a new hood coming in the mail today… can’t wait to maybe incorporate the hood into this progression play! It’s got a zipper mouth! Eeeeeeeeee! I’m such an eager little beaver! 🙂

I got this really great green dress for my birthday from an aunt so I decided to wear it to church today. This is what my handsome hubby has had to look at all day long…


All day he’s been telling me how ridiculous it is that he has to stare at my boobs and the keys hanging there at my cleavage. I think it gets to him more knowing that the next time he gets to cum it will be on these tits while being videoed for later torment.

I’m not positive but there is a guy at church who had this thing for the keys around my neck. I noticed him taking a really good look today and I wonder sometimes if he knows and wants to ask about it haha. He is the one who asked me when I first started wearing it and I have him the “it’s the key to my treasure box” line. He gave me a little chuckle and accepted my answer back then. But… I do wonder because I see him looking! 🙂

This morning is the first morning since vacation that we’ve had to get back to playing. We spent a week in Disney World, got sick once we got back which always slows play a bit and then, of course, mother nature steps in and throws a wrench into things. Though being on my period doesn’t mean I can’t treat cagedmonkey like a sex toy and use him for my entertainment and pleasure.

I realized, this morning, after tying him to the bed that I’m missing that intense Domme feeling. Honestly, since I usually get such bad Drop after an intense D/s session, I’ve probably been avoiding a play scene like that. I did get that feeling this morning though once I tied him up and started talking to him about what he would do and what I would or could do to him. Telling him he would deal with it because it was what I wanted and desired. Telling him that because he was my good boy of course he would gladly take whatever I had to give.

This morning has been fun and it’s not over yet. So far I’ve restrained him to the bed, teased his cock and edged him over and over again, used the Aneros to get him to the point of almost being milked and then plugged him with the nJoy butt plug. I even made him turn over on his belly, pushed the Aneros in all the way, positioned myself as if I was going to give him a good pegging and basically humped his ass while I stroked his cock underneath him. He was getting so loud I had to shush him so our daughter didn’t hear. I also put my hand on top of his head so his head didn’t bump into the wall at the top of the bed. Hehe 🙂 I’m such a nice caring Keyholder.

I decided when I went up that I would use the peppermint lube because then it would still be tingling his cock and asshole  while I gave him a little break. I will go up one more time this morning to bring him to the edge about 5 more times. I’m trying to decide if I should give him a horribly ruined orgasm today or wait until his birthday and decide if he will have one then. His birthday, in early June, is supposed to his next Maybe Day… it’s not like that’s so far away now.

I do know that when I finally do make him cum again it’s going to be on my chest. I want to make him video it so that he can watch it over and over and remember it when I keep him denied for longer and longer periods. I want him to see it when it happens, see it all over my big beautiful tits. I thought about making him cum on my mouth and making him watch it drip down my chin onto my breasts. I’m not so positive on the how but it will definitely be where he can video.

Ok time to work on lunch so I can go up and get in some good edging while the girl has her lunch and watches some cartoons.

Ok, let me back up a bit.

During our vacation and since then as well, My Lady has kept me unlocked almost as often as she has kept me locked. Perhaps it’s even more tilted towards unlocked, but I haven’t been keeping much track. I’m too busy being teased insane by a hellaciously horny woman nearly every moment of the day.

ML has kept me unlocked so she can tease me whenever she wants and use her “favorite toy” whenever the mood strikes her. And she has been very active in both of those activities. Whether it’s sneaking a quick edge or two when the kids aren’t around or giving me a long teasing blowjob, she is certainly getting her fill of my cock. She has also been getting a good dose of sex, either taking charge and climbing on top of me or having me do all the work.

I’ll tell you this – it has not been easy to remain a “good boy” and refrain from cumming while fucking ML. In fact, I doubt you can classify what I end up doing as “fucking.” I’m often on the very edge of orgasm after just a few strokes into her tight wet pussy. At this point, I have no choice but to hold still as I struggle for control. After I drag myself back from the brink, I can usually manage only a few more thrusts before I’m right back to the edge again. And if ML wants some good hard thrusts, I pretty much have no choice but to give her a few good deep strokes before I have to jump up off of her before my cock explodes inside her.

My Lady assures me that this is not a problem for her, that she expects is after teasing and denying me for so long and that she is the one who is creating the situation. If it truly was a problem for her, she would just let me cum. She makes a good point, but I still want to be able to satisfy her penetration needs. This is why I was so happy that the RodeOh harness worked so well.

Earlier today I found an accidental solution to the problem, albeit not a permanent one. The kids went outside into the backyard to play, which left ML and me with some alone time. My cock got hard pretty quick as ML jumped on top of me and straddled me on the couch. It wasn’t long before I was hard as a rock and sliding into her warm pussy.

So, My Lady was riding my cock, and I could feel the edge approaching quickly. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the TV was on. Right then, a light bulb went off in my head. A DISTRACTION! THAT’S WHAT I NEED!

So while ML is bouncing her pussy on my cock, her beautiful tits hanging right above my face, I start listening to Stephen A. Smith argue with Skip Bayless about the NFL draft. I’m listening and really thinking about what he’s saying. My Lady’s sexiness is still there, right in front of my face (and right on top of my cock), so it takes a real effort to pay attention.

And then I realize it’s working.

The urge to cum is fading slowly, and ML is still riding me hard. I was able to hold back, even when ML’s orgasm started to hit her. Usually, feeling her pussy squeeze my cock when she cums will be too much for me to handle, but this time I had no problems as she rode me through her orgasm. It was great to finally NOT have to tell her to be careful or to slow down. It was great to feel her cum on my cock without having to resort to her rubbing her clit while I stayed motionless inside her.

As successful as this was, I cannot resort to watching ESPN every time ML an I have sex. We’ve discussed the idea of desensitizing spray, and the RodeOh is also an option. I just don’t understand how guys out there can deal with this problem. I read on blogs here and there about how guys who have been denied even longer than I have can have sex with their KH, and they don’t mention anything about this type of issue. Is this just something guys don’t normally feel comfortable talking about, or is it just me that has this problem?

Yesterday, I took the plunge into an area I haven’t been as a chaste male yet, both literally and figuratively – ML and I took the kids down to the hotel pool for some swimming fun. We’ve been there once before on our vacation already, but I haven’t been swimming with the cage on yet. Would the cage be obvious when I climbed out of the pool with just my swim trunks on? And how would I react to the sight of My Lady in a sexy swimsuit?

Apparently, my “visibility” concerns were not necessary; the cage wasn’t noticeable at all. In fact, ML says that there was less of a bulge than when I’m unlocked. She suggested that maybe I should wear the cage all the time while swimming!

While things worked out well with how the cage looked, my fears of being turned on by looking at ML were all too real. She looked AMAZING; her tits looked great as she showed off her near-endless cleavage, and she was constantly swimming up to me and rubbing her ass against my cage. Then she’d swim up to me, wrap her legs around me, grind against me – underwater, to keep it subtle of course. She squeezed my locked up cock with her hands as well, driving me crazy in full view of everyone. It was equal parts embarrassing and exciting, although the horny part of my brain didn’t really care who was around watching us.

Last night, our last night in the hotel, My Lady really worked me over. We laid together in the bed, and before we drifted off to sleep she began to fondle my balls. She was tickling my balls so delicately, I craved more friction but she would not give it to me. I was squeezing against the cage almost instantly. I was moaning and whimpering, begging her to take care of my needs, but she was relentless.  When she had her fill of toying with me, she had me lick her pussy to a couple of orgasms before it was time to sleep.

I’ve reached the point where I need… NEED… something. Anything! I miss my orgasm so much, I’m craving it badly. If I can’t have it, I want to at least be close to it. Am I begging for a ruined orgasm? Am I that bad off? And how much worse can I get with about a month to go?

Hi there!!!
We’re in Disney World this week so you’ll have to pardon the lack of posts! That doesn’t mean we won’t be having any fun. We’ve never been here but so far it’s been amazing. When I say we haven’t been here, I meant to Disney World. Hubby and I came down here for our honeymoon but we did Universal Studios and the dinner theaters around here. The one thing we said then was that we wouldn’t go to Disney until we had kids and they were old enough to enjoy it. The kids are having a blast and we haven’t even gotten into the parks yet. We checked in yesterday and hung around the hotel, went swimming, got lunch, played at the arcade. Last night we took the kids to see the Pirate Dinner Adventure. It was as much fun as I remember it being when caged monkey and I were there over 10yrs ago.

So cagedmonkey and I have this goal of having penetration in every state in the US and any other countries we might be able to get. I, of course, unlocked him for the ride down. We decided to drive straight through, or well mostly. We left early Sunday morning and drove 17 hours straight through a bunch of states. We have a lot of the upper east coast states already but we did manage to stop in a family bathroom in North Carolina and get a few thrusts in. Oh, did I mention I wore a dress down with no panties on? Later at night I sat on him reverse cowgirl style outside at a rest stop in South Carolina. We ended up stopping for a few hours to sleep before driving the last 5 hours to Disney. We did miss a few states but sometimes the small ones can get away from ya. On the way back we do have to figure out getting in Georgia, Delaware and Maryland. 🙂 I’m sure we’ll manage.

We got into Disney yesterday afternoon, so hubby spent the entire ride and the entire rest of the day unlocked and free of his Jail Bird. That of course meant I had lots of opportunity to tease him. Oh gosh, I almost forgot, for a few hours of the drive, I spent time stroking and edging hubby while he drove! Haha anyway I teased him, grabbed him and squeezed him any chance I got yesterday. We, even though exhausted and in a bed next to the kids, managed some discrete sex. It really didn’t last long because we were absolutely beat!

This morning before we head into Magic Kingdom for the day hubby will “Suit Up” as Barney Stinson would say. He’s still sans orgasm since March 10th and doesn’t have possibility for parole, haha, errr orgasm until June.

Enjoy your day today guys, may it be a magical one! <3

This morning when cagedmonkey got home from work I sent him right up to bed. We have places to be today so he has to wake up earlier than usual. I did, of course, tuck him in and decided to unlock his Jail Bird and use my toy for some pleasure. I started out by straddling him from above on my knees. I put his rock hard cock between my extremely wet pussy lips. You could hear the wetness as I moved my hips in a circular motion just teasing the head of his cock. I even made him put his hands on my hips so he could feel me moving above him.

Just as I had him moaning really good I slid down the rest of the way on his cock and instantly that aggressive feeling came over me. I really want to fuck him so hard. I want to ride him hard and fast but I also don’t want to ruin the denial. He started doing math equations out loud and I giggled at him as I held him inside me and squeezed my muscles over and over around his cock. The feeling was overwhelming me and I started to ride his cock, pounding my pussy down on him hard and fast but only a few times because I didn’t want him to explode.

I quickly had to get myself off of him to make sure I wouldn’t accidentally push him over. I told him to get himself in the Rode-Oh boxer brief strap on harness and to get Blue situated in it. I told him I want him ready for me any time I feel like coming up and fucking him but that I don’t want him to cum so I was going to ride Blue.

He’s up there sleeping right now but I’m about to head up to visit and wake him up with my pussy in his face. Then I’m going to slide that dildo in my pussy and ride him so hard. I’m going to give my pussy the good hard fucking that it needs. My pussy is so sloppy and wet today and just waiting to be pleased in every way.

Yesterday was quite a tease filled day. It started out in the morning with me tucking cagedmonkey in like usual. However, it ended up being much more than your typical tuck in! Before I went up he’d fallen asleep so he woke up to my wet horny pussy being shoved in his face and he immediately went to work servicing me. I let him lick me to a nice orgasm and then I slid down and straddled his stomach. I started kissing him very deep. I grabbed his neck under his chin, pushed his head back and started kissing him much more forcefully. I kissed him so deep and so hard that he gagged.

I have no idea what is going on with me the past few days but I’m in a severely dominant mood. I’m very aggressive and forceful. Cagedmonkey says I start to growl like a predator. That’s kinda how I feel like he’s my prey to be caught and used for my pleasure. I have this overwhelming feeling of wanting to use him so hard and force him to do things to me exactly how I want them done. It’s something that, as I get more comfortable with my level of self control, this aggressiveness progresses into much more.


Yes, that's my tattoo! 🙂

All day yesterday I had randomly been walking up to hubby and grabbing his face and kissing him so hard and deep. I’d grab his crotch, spank his ass as he walked by. I’d been quite clear with my sexual advances.

Last night, before hubby left for work, I had him begging me and whimpering. I decided to take off the Revenge (made him put that on the other day after his little cage free time) and enjoy myself with a little tease and torment. hehe 🙂 I started by simply stroking his rock hard cock to the edge and letting go. I did that over and over while I kind of had him pinned down with my legs. He gets quite squirmy these days when I’m edging him.

So I stroked him to the edge over and over, forced him to suck my big beautiful tits while I was doing it and loved listening to him moan, cuss and whimper each time I’d get him to the edge and leave him dangling there. That’s when I brought out my awesome trick. That really got him going and he started bucking his hips and really begging me to stop. Sometimes I wonder what it feels like when I do it… I guess he’ll have to tell us sometime!

Ohhhhhhh, what’s my trick, right? Hehe see, I even teased you! Well I wish I had a picture or video to show you but basically once I’ve edged him to the point of his cock being super sensitive I cup my hand slightly and place the head of his cock in the middle of my palm. This actually works so awesome with a tiny bit of lube or even precum works. I then move my hand flat, cupped, flat, cupped, etc squeezing with my thumb a bit too to give it that extra ooomph. I keep doing it at a very fast pace and it drives him absolutely crazy. I really have to hold him down then, so if you plan on doing this, tying him down might be a good option. I had a plan to only do it for about 5 mins straight but after seeing him, hearing him and feeling him bucking and squirming under me I just had to keep it up much longer. I kept him like that until the very last minute I could where he would still have time to get back in his cage and head off to work.

He is back in the Jail Bird now but boy oh boy did he have an awfully achy, horny night at work. Especially when I’d text him and tell him how I was rubbing my horny wet pussy, just because I could. *giggle*

Tonight is date night… it’s been awhile… I wonder what kinds of things my aggressive behavior will bring tonight! :)~

Last night I had my first full erection in over two weeks. Oh… my…. GOD did it feel great! I never expected something as simple as my cock getting hard would be such a wonderful feeling, but I gotta admit that it was incredible. After being locked in the Jalbird for 24 hours a day for 17 days straight, just sitting there and seeing my hard cock was very fulfilling. I felt like a man again, sexually strong and powerful… at least, to a degree. My Lady still controlled my cock, allowed my cock to get hard, and also did not give me permission to cum. But I was willing to take what I could get!

And if just being able to get hard wasn’t enough, My Lady allowed me to feel the inside of her warm wet pussy with my cock. Holy fuck in heaven, it was so amazing. She was so fucking tight, she was squeezing me so hard. I warned ML that I couldn’t do much since I was basically on the edge of orgasm the moment my cock sank into her pussy. No problem for her, she was already cumming just from having my cock stretch her out for the first time in a long time. She also rubbed her clit to give herself an even bigger orgasm after that. I managed a few thrusts as she was cumming to help boost her high a little, but I still wasn’t able to do much.

It felt wonderful to finally be free and able to feel My Lady’s pussy with something other than my tongue, my fingers, or my caged cock. Flesh on flesh, there’s nothing like it. I am lucky that ML feels the same way, that she will always have a need to have me inside her and that no toy could ever take my place.

My freedom was short lived – I was back in the Jailbird within a half hour in order to get to work on time. My Lady plans on using the next month to tease me to the brink of insanity. She is very excited that she has now decided that she will be letting me out a lot more often during the month of May; without the protection of the cage, she can really let loose on teasing my cock. Will I be longing for the days that just passed, where I knew the limitations of ML’s teasing, and all I had to deal with was the crushing tightness of the steel around my throbbing shaft?


I couldn’t do it! I was trying to keep cagedmonkey locked 24/7 for a month. A month with no erections, no touching his penis, not feeling me… and ultimately me not feeling him either.

I made it 17 days! Haha it seriously felt like way longer than that. Especially that first moment I took off his cage and saw his cock instantly become erect. Cagedmonkey had no idea I was going to unlock him. I’d actually made the decision earlier today but we didn’t have a chance at alone time until almost 8 pm when the kids went to bed. After tucking them in I took off my necklace where the key hangs. I put it in the palm of my hand and only revealed it to hubby when we were in the middle of making out and dry humping like teenagers. 🙂

Once I got him unlocked, he turned the ring to put the post behind his balls. That helps with it poking me during playtime. Then slowly, very slowly he slid his raging hard cock into my pussy. Stretching me as he slowly filled me up. It wasn’t even a minute before my body reacted. It felt absolutely incredible to feel my pussy tighten around his big fat cock. Squeezing it so tight, my body shaking as I came so hard. The orgasm was so intense and long and I was unable to let out my screams that it ended with a headache. A headache well worth having!

So I’m sure we’ll try the zero time out again but for now I’ll be playing with my toy often until June. I’m still aiming at maybe day being in June – at least! I love feeling how much he wants me, how horny he is for me constantly. So, who knows, maybe I’ll want to keep him there a while! 🙂