My wife attacked me last night. Seriously… there’s no better way to describe it.
My Lady’s pent up horny reached a boiling point last night; she had endured her doctor-mandated orgasm denial for long enough, and she was going to get what she wanted from me.
I should have seen it coming the night before: ML took advantage of me being unlocked and had me fuck her nice and hard, both from behind and standing against the wall. She wanted it so badly, she didn’t want to have to be careful – she allowed me to cum in her pussy if I promised not to stop until she was done. Nowadays, with my chance of having an orgasm on any given day is a complete mystery, I’m not turning that deal down. It felt so good to just let loose on her, I almost ended up cumming twice before she was finished.
But she wasn’t finished. All she did was prime her need.
Last night, we were just about ready to go to sleep – TV off, covers up, ready for bed. Then, it all started with an innocent snuggle. My Lady moaned as my naked butt rubbed against her, and her hands were quickly feeling my body up and down. She squeezed me tighter against her, and I could feel her hunger rising quickly. A moment later, ML was pulling the covers off of me, rolling me onto my back, and straddling my hips.
Was the fact that my cock was locked in steel going to stop her from getting what she needed? Hell no! Her soaking wet pussy slid down onto my caged cock, taking me inside her with absolutely no difficulty. Apparently, over time ML has gotten used to fucking me with my cage on; she rode me almost as if I wasn’t wearing it. She pushed herself down onto me, taking my cage in just about as deep as possible, with her clit rubbing against the post of the base ring.
Fucking ML with the cage on has got to be the absolute worst torture ever. My cock struggles and pushes against the cage, eager to feel ML’s warm wet pussy wrapped around it. But I can only feel it where the skin is exposed. The incomplete sensation actually makes my cock try to get even harder, as an attempt to find that missing pleasure. Meanwhile, the steel doesn’t yield at all, and I am left with an incredibly full and painful cage that feels like it might rip my balls off my body.
Add to this the maddening sensation of feeling like I might just cum at any minute, and it makes the suffering that much more unbearable. When my cock fills the cage to capacity (and more), it starts to bulge out between the bars of the cage. Sometimes, just by horrible chance, one of the most sensitive parts of my cock is helplessly exposed:

All of the sensation of ML’s pussy feels like it’s concentrated on that one spot. It’s so intense that it often feels like I am as close as I can be to orgasm without cumming – only to find out that, as ML keeps riding me, I can inch even closer as the moments go by. It’s like having an edge dragged out constantly over the course of minutes, often as ML is enjoying orgasm after orgasm on my poor aching cock.
Add to that the fact that I can never decide if I actually WANT to cum at this point or not…
I’ve found out in the past that I can have an orgasm while caged; I’ve also found out how excruciating it is to have an orgasm while caged. All of this is running through my head while I’m nearly dying from caged edging torture, and I start to think just how bad an orgasm can be at this point… is it as bad as I remember? Is it as bad as this? Does it really even matter? How much sexual torture can I stand?
All of this, while ML is soaking my cock (and the bedsheets below me) with her pussy juices.
So yeah, I was whimpering and moaning, wanting the torture to end but not wanting it to end, wanting to cum but not wanting to cum… all of this turns My Lady on even more (the whimpering, especially). More shuddering orgasms, more of her pussy squeezing and gripping my cock, more pussy juices soaking my balls…
It’s a miracle that we even got to sleep last night.
Speaking of, My Lady wouldn’t let me go to sleep until she took care of one last thing – she took her dripping wet pussy and rubbed it all over my body and face, covering me with her juices. I could feel it all over me – on my chest, on my chin… I could feel and smell it everywhere. I breathed in her delicious scent as I laid down and tried to get to sleep.
Did I say it was a mircale that I was able to fall asleep last night?
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