The other day Cagedmonkey posted an update about our current chastity and denial situation. We had mentioned that starting at his birthday he’d locked for an extended period and denied for a hell of a lot longer. Well, like he updated, the whole lock up thing didn’t go as planned!
If you know my history at all, you know around 3 weeks of having him locked, I start to desperately miss that big cock and feeling it inside me. Well, CM had only been locked 2 weeks when we went to NY for the weekend. We had such an amazing weekend, so loving and sexual and teasy and by the time we got home I was really missing the feeling of his cock, so while I wasn’t planning on having him out, in the heat of a very sexy moment I made him get out of his cage – that was a huge feat since he was rock hard in that cage – and give me the cock I so desperately needed. π
Then comes the next day… I felt so bad, I felt like I’d let him down because I know sometimes we talk about pushing further or doing things longer, harder, more intense and I just couldn’t. There comes this point where I need to feel that connection with him physically and emotionally. Where I need to have him completely and without a cage in between us. However, I still felt bad and like I wasn’t good enough. I got into the “I’ll never be able to give him what he wants” thoughts and I’m worthless, yadda yadda yadda.
The point of this post is to let other women know that this happens… The most important reason for this post is to remind women we are in charge and ultimately we decide when, if and how our guys are locked up and even more importantly, this post is to remind everyone how important communication is. When I started to feel this way I told Cagedmonkey, right away, how I was feeling. I didn’t want it to continue to grow when it was much easier to talk about and work through and not put my feelings on him. I certainly can feel like I’m letting him down but knowing that he’s not let down and that he’s all good with what happened, and good with whatever happens, makes getting through the feelings that much better.
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