There once was a man who was unable to have an erection. It wasn’t for a lack of trying or ability; rather, it was for lack of opportunity. You see, this man could not get his dick hard because there was a steel cage locked around his penis at all times.
This steel cage prevented any and all erections, even the most intense and most frantic of them. No matter how strongly out how often he was sexually aroused – which was very strongly and extremely often, thanks to his beautiful and sexy dominating wife – he was not able to have a full and complete erection.
Oh, there were plenty of attempts: any time his wife would tease or tempt him with words or actions, his penis would try as much as it could to get hard. The steel cage would only allow the slightest growth, however, before squeezing back and holding him fast. He would be left throbbing in his cage, desperate for the littlest experience of sexuality, the most basic sexual ability that nearly almost ask men enjoyed but he was denied.
Orgasms were completely out of the question – unable to even get a hardon, orgasms were nowhere near the realm of possibilities. His focus wasn’t on his orgasms, despite the fact that he couldn’t remember the last time he had one. His desire was centered completely around his penis, the need to get hard, and the denial of the chance to do so.
Why on Earth would the woman want to keep her husband’s penis locked in a metal cage? Not only would it be impossible for him to get a full erection, but it would also render his penis inaccessible to her. Lucky for her, the man was very talented at pleasing his wife by other means, ways that did not involve the use of his penis. Not only that, but the woman also get pleasure from the sheer power and control she felt when her husband was desperate for an erection, but could not have one because she was keeping him locked.
The man had nobody to blame but himself, for it was him who asked his wife to use the chastity cage in the first place. It was also him that suggested the lengthy bit of chastity that he was now forced to endure. “Surely,” he thought, “she will not be able to keep me locked up very much longer than we’ve done in the past… she had difficulty reaching 3 weeks in earlier attempts.” But three weeks came and went, with no sign of wavering or weakening from his wife.
And, at four weeks, it was the same: not only was his wife happy keeping her husband in constant chastity, she was enthused by his frustration to continue even further.
This was like nothing he has ever experienced before. His penis felt as if it were constantly crying out to him for just a moment of freedom, just a second of time to experience the full arousal that has already been denied for so long. But he could do nothing about it, except wait and suffer.
His wife joked around as the days went by, contemplating pushing him farther and farther. How long would this go on? “I”m not even sure,” she replied. “We’ll just have to see.”
And so he waited. He waited for the erection he so desperately wanted and needed, with no idea of when the ordeal would end. He would eventually be able to get fully hard, but only when his wife would allow it. It would have to be soon, it couldn’t go on forever.
At least, that’s what he told himself…
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